Future Medical Ninja?

(A.N: We still need 50 Powerstones for Sunday's chapter, Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that we'll reach the goal for Sunday's chapter this week either (T T). Perhaps we'll achieve it next week instead.

80 powerstones for Saturday's chapter 

160 powerstones for Sunday's chapter,

Also, the option of Supporting me on Patreon and getting an extra chapter is still there, till now I have 2 paid members and the moment I get 5 paid members I will release a small mass release too, 😊)


After reading the list Kaida had a doubtful expression on his face

"I am sorry sensei, but can I ask you something," Kaida asked

"of course you can" Mitsuru replied

"Even though these jutsu seem important, but they are less effective than the jutsu healing palm you taught me yesterday, So why should I learn 1st and 3rd jutsu?" Kaida asked

"Because normally when Someone starts their journey as a medical ninja they start from here, it was just a ridiculous test which I have decided so that no one can pass that test and I don't have to waste my time on someone

But you were even able to pass such a test, so I can't still be lazy and think about comfort, you have monstrous potential in this field

May just a little less than Lady Tsunade, but still enough to be at least chief medical ninja in this hospital after 5 years maybe, You will become youngest chief medical ninja in Konoha's history" Mitsuru said

"I am sorry sensei, but I plan on becoming an elite jonin in the future and not a medical ninja," Kaida said though he wanted to have a kage level strength at the very least if went around saying that people would call me mad

"Why the hell would you want to do that, even a specialist doctor here earns much more than an elite jonin and that is also without risking their lives,

while you can't even think the amount of respect you will get after becoming a chief medical ninja" Mitsuru said, clearly unable to understand why would someone choose such a difficult life over the easy and successful one

"But if a specialist somehow offended an elite Jonin and had to go out of the village for some reason he will not even know how he died if he was lucky," Kaida said

Mitsuru was shocked after hearing this from a 9-year-old boy while thinking

'why is the world so cruel that these children have to mature this early' Even though Mitsuru knew that what Kaida said was true she still decided to persuade him to become a medical ninja, he was too talented in this field to do something else

"Hahaha, So you think that medical ninjas are not powerful, Wanna have a friendly spar with me," Mitsuru said

"I am sorry sensei, I didn't mean it that way, medical ninjas sure are more powerful than normal ninjas, but what I am saying is that they can't compare to ninjas with the same rank

Like a specialist sure is more powerful than a normal chunin, but they are no match for an experienced jonin or elite jonin" Kaida said, even though whatever he said was borderline offensive no one could deny that it was true

"And what about a chief medical ninja" Mitsuru said not at all offended by his claim just a little interested in her post

"I don't know much about chief medical ninja as there was no about them in the library, but from what I heard from brother they have a similar level of respect like any clan head, Right Sensei," Kaida asked

Mitsuru just nodded their head, though it can be said that they even held a little more respect than some clan heads of smaller clans but it was more or less the same

"Then Sensei can you tell me any chief medical ninja, who is more powerful than our clan head, Fugaku Uchiha" Kaida asked

Mitsuru was stunned after hearing this question

"Hahaha, you have a silver tongue boy, There is no one among the chief medical ninjas who is more powerful than the great Fugaku Uchiha, heck some of them are so engrossed in this medical jutsu that may be weaker than elite jonin in Konoha" Mitsuru replied

Kaida just smiled back at her in response

"So are you saying that you want strength over prestige and reputation," Mitsuru asked

"No mam, I am saying that in the ninja world reputation can't be maintained without strength" Kaida replied back

"What you are saying is true in wartime, but now the ninja world has entered peacetime, So you don't have to worry about such a thing," Mitsuru said

"Sensei I am sure you know peace is a myth in the ninja world, it is either direct war or indirect war between different ninja villages, but war is always going on," Kaida said

"You know too much more than someone your age should know," Mitsuru said with a sigh

Kaida suddenly noticed that he was talking while thinking that his previous knowledge was common knowledge, luckily he had not said anything too dangerous till now

'How can I let my guard down So easily' Kaida thought

"So you are not going to be a medical ninja?" Mitsuru asked one last time, after which she decided that she would never bring this topic back

"Mam, I just said that I want to be an elite jonin first after I become one I will continue to pursue this field," Kaida said

"Okay that's good enough, for now, you have around two years to learn the basics and become a decent medical ninja

So enough of this chit-chat and get ready we are going to start learning this jutsu, these are necessary to build your basics"

"Sensei are these jutsu chakra exhausting" Kaida asked

"No they are specially less chakra consuming so that even a genin can use this jutsu, but your chakra control should be excellent to learn these, which you already have so don't worry," Mitsuru said, thinking Kaida was worried about his chakra reserves

"Then can you show me all of these jutsu at the same time" Kaida asked

Mitsuru was surprised at this unusual request but still decided to see why he wanted to see all of these jutsu at the same time

She took out a scroll from her special bracelet and passed her chakra into the scroll

Various time of things came out of the scroll-like, bandages, water, grass, leaves, soil, and sand, with a fake hand, Kaida had already activated his sharingan by now

"First jutsu is very simple you just have to do this," Mitsuru said and started making various hand sign

Every other element that was present there was affected by jutsu and became suitable enough to be used as a bandage

Like soil and sand combined with water to form a clay-like substance to be used as bandage, leaves, and grass became strong enough to be tied around a wound and bandage was already bandage so there was not much difference in that

"Do you want to see it again, or do you want to try it?" Mitsuru asked

"I would like to try it," Kaida said

Mitsuru nodded and once again passed her chakra into the scroll and the same ingredient t came out of the scroll

Kaida followed the hand sign which he easily copied with the help of sharingan and, due to his enhanced mental power was able to remember it completely

After he completed those hand signs the material did change a little but it was nothing as major as the Mitsuru one, they still couldn't be used as bandages

"Good job, just practice it some more and you will master it," Mitsuru said

"Thanks, sensei," Kaida said then again stood aside to learn next jutsu

As Mitsuru has already agreed to show him all jutsu at once

She took out one more scroll and this time a mouse came out of the scroll with a little cut in its hand and it was unconscious

Mitsuru said now I will show you the next two jutsu at the same time

She made the first set of hand signs and placed her hand above the cut slowly the blood that was coming out of the cut coagulated and stooped

Then she used a second set of hand signs and placed her hand on the mouse once again the chakra entered the mouse's body and after some time, the mouse regained its consciousness

She had performed oxygen supply and blood coagulation jutsu at the same time

Then looked toward Kaida and asked

"Once more"

"Yes Sensei" Kaida replied because this time there was a life involved he didn't want to fail in this one because killing someone when you are trying to heal is one of the worst feelings

Mitsuru showed it once again, Kaida replicated those hand signs without actually using that jutsu on the mouse for some time then said

"I am ready"

Mitsuru nodded and took out another mouse from the scroll

Kaida performed blood coagulation jutsu without any problem but when he used oxygen supply jutsu he accidentally passed a little more chakra which squeezed the heart and lungs a little more than necessary luckily the rat did not die just jolted awake

Kaida immediately stopped the jutsu and looked toward the rat nervously

"Don't worry it is alive just a little startled" Mitsuru said

Kaida nodded his head and then they moved to the last jutsu

"This is a tricky one, it didn't have any hand sign and you have to use your chakra to sense and extract as much poison as you can from the body," Mitsuru said



Next Chapter: Poison Removal Jutsu Potential



Next Chapter: Resolve

Next Chapter: Getting Serious

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