Monstrous talent

(A.N: Thank you for your patience. With my exams concluded, I'll be providing regular updates from now on.

80 powerstones for Saturday's chapter,

160 powerstones for Sunday's chapter,

Also, the option of Supporting me on Patreon and getting an extra chapter is still there, till now I have 2 paid members, and the moment I get 5 paid members I will release a small mass release too, 😊)



"Sensei I have learned that jutsus," Kaida said after entering the office

"WHAT," Mitsuru was too shocked after hearing that, but she composed herself and said

"Kaida you should not hurry and take your time, once you can replicate what I did then only we can consider that you have mastered those jutsus," Mitsuru said thinking that Kaida had just learned them half-heartedly So that he could learn more jutsu

"I know Sensei, that's why I came here when I was able to replicate what you did," Kaida said

"So you are saying that you were able to learn those 4 jutsus in just 7 hours, Do you even know how ridiculous you sound, it takes ninjas months and even years some time to master those jutsus, they can be considered support medical ninjas, and start treating patient after that

And you are saying that you were able to do that in just 7 hours and want me to believe that" Mitsuru said a little angrily, She just didn't want to believe that someone could be this talented

"I am not lying Sensei, I was able to learn them with the help of Shadow clones," Kaida said

"How 3-4 shadow clones can help you in learning the jutsus this faster' Mitsuru said since Kaida was just a genin even 3-4 shadow clones were too much for him, but since he was a prodigy as well as from Senju clan Mitsuru believed that he may be able to make this much shadow clones

"Umm, Sensei I can make more than 4 shadow clones," Kaida said shyly

"Oh! How many can you make" Mitsuru asked

"Around 85, if I try my hardest," Kaida said

... ...

"How the hell can you make that many shadow clones, this is twice more than I can make, come here" Mitsuru stood up after listening to the amount

And went to Kaida to check his chakra reserves, after placing her hand on his back she began sensing Kaida's chakra

'what the hell, I knew Senju had more chakra than other clans, but how can this brat have this much chakra, he can easily be considered a Jonin or even elite Jonin based on his chakra reserves and he still has more than 20 years to increase his chakra

This world is too unfair' Mitsuru thought


"So you actually mastered all those jutsu, So let me check your progress," Mitsuru said after once again composing herself

Kaida nodded and took out all the scrolls Mitsuru had given him while thinking

'Sensei looked quite cute when she became flustered, but she only has enough chakra to make 40-45 Shadow clones, then my reserve is quite large huh'

after thinking that Kaida started performing medical jutsus

For the first three jutsu, he was able to replicate everything Mitsuru did, like making perfect bandages from soil, sand, water, grass, leaves, etc, stopping the blood, and then using oxygen supply jutsu on the mouse

"Good these are perfect enough to use, now the last one," Mitsuru said nodding her head

 Kaida nodded his head and passed his chakra into the last scroll


A poisoned mouse came out of the scroll, seeing Kaida started doing the hand sign after using his sharingan to divide his chakra in the ratio of 70:30, with 70% yang chakra

Then with concise and efficient precision Kaida used that chakra to push out the infected blood and poison from the infected area

After most of the poison was out Kaida used healing palm jutsu to close the wound


After performing the jutsu, Kaida sighed in relief, due to practicing for 7 hours the strain on his sharingan was high

Though this time he didn't keep it activated for 7 hours straight and took necessary breaks in between his training still if we combine the total time he had activated his sharingan it will easily stack up to one and a half hours

"You still left some poison inside, I may have considered this jutsu mastered if you were any normal ninja training to become a simple low-level medical ninja in this hospital

But now that you are my disciple, I can't overlook this mistake, so work on this jutsu a little more and try to remove all the infected blood and poison from the majorly infected area

You can extract some of the normal blood as well, if that means you can remove more poison from the body, then removing a little amount of normal blood will not be a problem"   Mitsuru said  after taking a closer look at the mouse

"Yes Sensei" Kaida replied understanding his mistake, he was too focused on not removing any uninfected blood that he left some of the poison inside the mouse's body

"Can I try once again sensei?" Kaida asked

"Sure go ahead," Mitsuru said

Kaida once again passed his chakra in the scroll and then once again a poisoned mouse came out of it, he once again performed the same jutsu but this time his goal was to take out most of the poison from the mouse

This time he was able to take out most of the poison from the mouse, but the blood that he took out with poison was a little concerning

"Good this time you were able to take out most of the poison, but I guess you can also see the other problem," Mitsuru said

"Yes Sensei, I will continue to work on this jutsu till I master it," Kaida said

"No need I was going to give you 2 weeks to master these jutsu, but you were able to master these jutsu in just one day

There is no need for you to hurry this much, I can see that you have placed too much strain on your chakra reserve as well as on your eyes So take some rest you can continue this tomorrow" Mitsuru said

"Okay Sensei, then should I go home," Kaida asked

"Well you can do that but seeing your speed I have something I have to tell you

Initially, I had planned to tell you after 2 weeks when you will master this jutsu but, since you were able to learn these in one day I think this is the perfect time to tell you

If you learn this jutsu, you will be ready to treat normal patients in the hospital, but for that, you should also have basic knowledge of bandages, as well as some basic medical knowledge

Since you want to learn medical jutsu you want to treat normal patients right" Mitsuru asked

"Yes Sensei" Kaida replied

"So you will also have to learn these things, for the knowledge of basic medical care and bandage you can ask any nurse

And for medicine and other knowledge, you will have to learn at least 8 books from the hospital library

After you learn all these things including the jutsu you will have to pass a test, well it is normally an interview where some specialist medical ninja sees if you are ready to treat a patient or not

So you can practice these along with that jutsu" Mitsuru said

"Okay Sensei," Kaida said

"You can ask the Receptionist for any help you need just tell me I asked for that," Mitsuru said and then went back to doing the paperwork

"Thankyou Sensei," Kaida said



Next Chapter: Back to Orphanage



Next Chapter: Shisui is back

Next Chapter: Training Efficiency

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