Kenjutsu Spar (part2)

(A.N: 118/160, this is not looking very good, but let's see if we can reach 160 by tomorrow

80 powerstones for Saturday's chapter,

160 powerstones for Sunday's chapter,

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"No brother, I just want to know my level in kenjutsu, so let's not use genjutsu in our spar," Kaida said after picking up a sword himself

"Okay, since you want to know your level I will help you with that, first come and attack me with everything you got," Shisui said

While activating his mangekyo sharingan

Kaida nodded his head and went to attack Shisui after activating his 2 tomoe sharingan

The first attack was a feint toward the head which he quickly transferred toward the ribs

But Shisui did not even try to stop his feint and easily deflected his actual attack without even using even a little amount of force this repeated many times but Kaida was not even able to land a single attack on Shisui

After trying for 10 min Kaida stopped

"Your attacks are at the level of chunin and may or may not work against a jonin, now let's see about your defense, I am going to attack you try to defend the best you can"

Kaida just nodded his head and became ready

Shisui looked like he had disappeared from his spot, and appeared near Kaida, this was his base speed without using any jutsu though he did use chakra in his legs to strengthen them

If Kaida had not activated his sharingan he would have been unable to follow Shisui's movements, Shisui attacked Kaida from different angles and positions any normal person may have failed to block those attacks but since Kaida was practicing his kenjutsu against 15 clones at the same time

He was able to react to such attacks, Kaida had to coat his whole body in chakra to increase his base speed and strength to match Shisui

After 10 minutes only 2 attacks were landed on Kaida

"Good job brother, your defense is at the level of elite Jonin, I don't think anyone your age will have a better defense than you," Shisui said

"Thank you, brother," Kaida said

"But there is one problem with your kenjutsu style, it is very basic though it is good to have strong basic there is a limit you can achieve with just basic

Also, you are using your Sharingan to its full capacity for your kenjutsu" Shisui said

"What do you mean that I am not using Sharingan to its full capacity brother, I kept it active full-time and was able to follow your movement," Kaida asked confused about the remark

"That is the problem, you can see the movement of your enemy with the help of sharingan but you are not utilizing that for any benefits,

Tell both of us defended each other attack were you able to see any difference in the way we did that" Shisui asked

"Yes brother you used much less force to defend against my attack, most of the time you just deflected my attack with just a touch of your sword

Whereas I had to use much more force to defend against your attack" Kaida replied

"Right since I was able to see your muscle movement I could predict in which direction I had to apply the force to deflect your attack with minimum effort

This is the Uchiha technique for kenjutsu, where we utilize our Sharingan to its limit," Shisui said

"I was thinking that I was using my sharingan quite skilfully but now I don't think so, Looks like I have to add this to my to-do list too," Kaida said

"Well since you use your shadow clones for genjutsu practice, you have some free time during these three days right," Shisui asked

"Yes brother," Kaida said

"Then I can teach you about this for some time if you want," Shisui said

"You are the best brother in the world" Kaida shouted with an ear-to-ear smile on his face

"I know that but for now let's focus on genjutsu," Shisui said

Kaida nodded his head and made 80 shadow clones each of them went to catch a mouse for practice

After some time they returned with more than 150 mice, till now mouses in the Uchiha clan started fearing Kaida more than cats

Seeing everything ready Shisui started explaining

"As you already know how to extract memory from enemies' brains, also the basics of how to make them see anything which didn't exist

Now what we have to do is that, you have to target the area of the brain that consciously controls your thoughts just like what you did for memory extraction

But this time try to slow its function down by covering that part and circulating your chakra like this, this will make them unable to think anything for a second, at that time you have to feed the information you want to feed in their brain

Just so you know it will not work on someone with equal or greater strength than you, like if you are a jonin then the enemy you can use this may be a chunin at best"

"Then is it even useful in actual life" Kaida asked

"In fights, not much by itself but if you want to gather information or make someone attack their allies to get an opening in battle, or tame some ruffians on the street this is perfect," Shisui said

Kaida nodded his head in understanding, seeing Shisui continued

"Now this is how you do it," Shisui said and then performed that genjutsu on a rat

Kaida watched the whole process with great attention

After performing all the procedures Shisui said

"implanted the memory in this rat that you are the individual who has cared for it since its Childhood, now let's see how it will behave," Shisui said and then let the mouse go, it ran toward Kaida's side rubbing his head on Kaida's leg

"See this is the power of this genjutsu, now let me undo this otherwise you have to make it your pet," Shisui said and removed the memory he had implanted by reversing what he did before

"There are so many ways we can use this jutsu" Kaida exclaimed after seeing the result of the Jutsu

"Yup only your imagination is the limit," Shisui said

"Should I start practice now?" Kaida asked

"No there is still one last thing it has to teach you, even though I said this will not work on someone powerful you still try to make them unconscious, here let me show you," Shisui said and then used one rat to show how to make enemy faint

"This can also be done on allies if they are wounded and are in too much pain as this does not have any lasting effect, now do you have any doubts," Shisui asked

"No brother" Kaida replied

"Good then start practicing this, I will come back at 4 in the morning, and then I will teach you kenjutsu too," Shisui said

"Thanks, brother," Kaida said

Shisui nodded his head and then used body flicker jutsu to go back to his house



Next Chapter: Uchiha's Kenjutsu technique



Next Chapter: Predicament

Next Chapter: Clan and village

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