Konoha higher-ups moves

(A.N: Thanks to Sil3nt joining us, we finally have 5 paid members, I will release a small mass release very soon ^~^)

80 powerstones for Saturday's chapter,

160 powerstones for Sunday's chapter,

Also, the option of Supporting me on Patreon and getting an extra chapter is still there, till now I have 5 paid members, and the moment I get 10 paid members I will release another small mass release too, 

Till now I have uploaded 8 extra chapters on Patreon 😊)

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(At Hokage's office)

Bear appeared in front of Hiruzen

"Good morning, Lord Third" Bear said while bowing a little

"Oh! good morning, did something happen" Hiruzen asked

"Lord third I know that you asked me to keep on watching him, but it is getting increasingly difficult to do so

Kaida has been trained by Shisui Uchiha for a month and due to Shisui's sudden appearance around Kaida, I have sometimes made some mistakes in hiding myself and he was able to spot me, but for some reason, he decided not to tell Kaida about this

Also, the boy has not shown any suspicious activity in this full month, So I can't think of any reason to keep on watching him, I apologize if I am stepping out of my bounds" Bear said while he continued kneeling

"No, what you are saying is correct, the suspicion I had was cleared during the first week, I just asked you to keep the watch just as an extra precaution but there is no need to take any extra risk

You don't have to follow him from now on, anything else" Hiruzen said

"yes lord third, in my previous report I said that his future potential was bordering S rank, apparently I was wrong

After seeing his progress in just 1 month I can confidently say that he will surely reach S rank in the future" Bear replied

"What did you see this month that you are saying this" Hiruzen asked

"He was able to learn jonin level genjutsu, and master Uchiha kenjutsu technique to go toe to toe against Shisui Uchiha

Along with treating hundreds of patients and completing thousands of D-rank missions daily" the bear replied

Hiruzen's eyebrows went up a little, this was some impressive achievement for a 9-year-old he thought

'he is already at the level of a Jonin, even though elite Jonin will be a stretch, maybe he could take the chunin exam this year

But Iwagakure is hosting this year's chunin exam, seeing such a talented individual they will pull something shady

Leave it our village is not in dire need of ninjas like before, Kaida should be trained as a future pillar of Konoha'

"That's great you may go back if you don't have anything else to report," Hiruzen said to bear

Listening to this bear disappeared from the office, while Hiruzen got a report about someone else also got a report too

(At root headquarters)

"Sir we are slowly spreading rumors about the Uchiha clan but it is not having much effect because we can't be more aggressive in this than we already are, otherwise Those Uchihas may sense something

and because of a Uchiha treating Patients freely in Konoha hospital, they are gaining some positive image among Civilians

also, he sometimes casually dismisses our rumors with solid reasons like if Uchiha wanted to attack Konoha why did they just stand at the lines when they had the perfect chance to attack

due to this, the rumors are slowly dying down" the root ninja reported

"What is the chance of him doing this intentionally" Danzo asked with a heavy voice

"The chances are very low sir, since no other Uchiha seems to even care about such rumours as you have predicted

Also According to him, he is doing it because he is still not certified" the root ninja replied

"Then why the hell is he even allowed to treat the patients" Danzo asked

"Sir he is a disciple of Mitsuru Nara, he could easily get a certificate whenever he wants" the root ninja replied

"is he worth it," Danzo asked

"yes sir, he already possesses Jonin level strength, and he is just 9 years old" the ninja replied

"Okay give me his file," Danzo said, the root ninja gave the file to Danzo

"Hmm, Kaida Uchiha this name sounds familiar," Danzo said trying to remember when he heard this name

"Yes sir, you also tried to recruit him when he was in the academy, but Lord Third rejected your proposal" The root ninja replied

"Wasn't he an orphan at that time?" Dazo asked, but Root Ninja knew it was not a question he had to answer, Danzo read the file

"I knew that, that was the perfect time for recruiting him in the root, now that he is back to that clan it will be very difficult to recruit him, but seeing his potential this is worth a try

If not then I had to eliminate him, I can't let him ruin my plan to finally stabilize Konoha" Danzo said and went to meet Hiruzen

(Hokage office)


"What happened," Hiruzen asked

"Sir Danzo sama is requesting to meet you," the Receptionist asked

"I was waiting for him, let him come," Hiruzen said

The Receptionist nodded and left to call Danzo

After 2 minutes Danzo was sitting in front of Hiruzen

"Before you start I am not going to give you Kaida," Hiruzen said before Danzo could say anything

"Then I have to eliminate him, he is interfering in my plans to stabilize the village," Danzo said while not showing any change in his expression like he was talking about the weather and not the death of a person

"Danzo if a 9-year boy can understand a simple thing that Uchiha didn't have anything to do with the Nine tails attack why can't you understand this then"

"You also know Nine Tails was being controlled by a Uchiha at that time," Danzo said

"Yes an Uchiha not the full clan, You can't remove a clan from Konoha just because you have a suspicion

So stop spreading those rumours" Hiruzen said,

"You Have become too soft Hiruzen we have to do this so that future generations don't have to live in fear," Danzo said

"Uchiha clan is one of the legs of Konoha, if you eliminate them then our future generation will have to live in fear because Konoha will be crippled after that," Hiruzen said

"Konoha will never be crippled till we have root," Danzo said, with a little anger in his voice for the first time in the meeting

"I don't want to argue about this, you are not going to target the Uchiha clan from now on," Hiruzen said

Danzo just kept on looking toward Hiruzen for 5 minutes then stood up and started leaving without saying a word

"I want to specify this Danzo, If anything were to happen to Kaida, you wouldn't like the outcome," Hiruzen said

Danzo stopped for a second and then continued moving, Danzo was someone who got away after attempting to assassinate Hiruzen, there was no way he was going to change his plan from this little warning



Next Chapter: General Practitioner (part 1)



Next Chapter: Taking a step back

Next Chapter: New task (part1)

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