New task

(A.N: 28/160, What do you guys think will we be able to achieve the Powerstone goal of this week?

80 powerstones for Saturday's chapter,

160 powerstones for Sunday's chapter,

Also, there is a option of Supporting me on Patreon and getting an extra chapter is still there, till now I have 7 paid members and the moment I get 10 paid members I will release another small mass release too, 😊)



"Even the clan head knows about this?" Kaida asked

"This is bigger than you think, for now, you don't have to know any further," Shisui said 

Kaida made an expression of deep thinking even though he knew who he was going against 

After some time Kaida said 

"Okay brother, I will keep your warning in mind"

"But now you are safe, so don't be tensed all the time, try to be more relaxed," Shisui said while patting Kaida's back with a smile on his face 

"Okay brother" Kaida too replied with a smile 

"Oh! Today is your first day as a general practitioner in the hospital right," Shisui said 

"Yes brother" Kaida replied 

"Don't be nervous you have such a genius brother, no doubt you will also have some of my qualities, Since we are relatives" Shisui said with a silly smile on her face 

"Right I have to worry about this disease of overconfidence, I may get affected by this" Kaida said with a serious expression

"Right right, do worry about this problem, otherwise one day you may get beaten by someone you were mocking," Shisui said while twisting Kaida's ear

Ow, ow, ow

"I am sorry brother," Kaida said in a hurry 

"Hahaha, now hurry otherwise you may arrive late today, I am sure your sensei will not like that," Shisui said 

"Right," Kaida said while running toward the hospital 

Due to strolling with Shisui, he was already getting late, Since he had 5 minutes remaining till the hospital opened Kaida decided to use wind instantaneous movement jutsu to go to the hospital 

Luckily he was able to make it in time 

"Good morning mam," Kaida said to the Receptionist 

"Good morning Kaida, Congratulations, today is your first day as a general practitioner" the RC replied 

"Thank you, Have sensei arrived?" Kaida asked

"No, as you know she will take her time coming here" the Receptionist replied 

"Then I will wait for her," Kaida said 

"Okay bye," the Receptionist said and then went back to completing her task 

Kaida went to Mitsuru's office and silently waited for her 

Normally she would come to her office 15-20 minutes after the regular time (Nara)

But today it was already 9:00 AM and she was still not present at the hospital, Kaida was starting to get a little restless after waiting for her, for so much time, but luckily she arrived at that time 

"Oh!, how long were you waiting" Mitsuru asked looking toward Kaida 

"Not long, good morning sensei," Kaida said while standing up from his seat 

"Well I was busy doing your task, so you could wait for some time," Mitsuru said while entering her office and gesturing to Kaida to follow her 

"What do you mean by doing my task? Sensei" Kaida asked 

"I was at Hokage's office getting your certificate ready," Mitsuru said with a tired expression 

"Why did you go there personally, anyone else could have done this task," Kaida asked, since Mitsuru was the chief medical ninja of the hospital she didn't need to do any of the hard tasks as she was on the same level as the clan head in power 

"You don't have to worry about being spied on from now on, but you stand still and be vigilant for a little more time if you ever feel that you are under watch or someone is following, come to me as fast as you can, in case I am not in the village go to clan headquarter and tell to clan head," Shisui said

"Even the clan head knows about this?" Kaida asked

"Normally I don't have to go, but for some reason old man was quite busy, he didn't even look at your certificate, So the chance of your general practitioner card getting assigned today was very low," Mitsuru said

"So?" Kaida asked

"I already gave you my words that I will give you both your card and reward today," Mitsuru said

"You went to Hokage office just for this reason,?" Kaida asked in a surprised tone

"Yes, now tell me what you want," Mitsuru said while putting Kaida's card on the table

"Thank you very much sensei," Kaida said while picking up his card

"It's alright, now tell me what you want," Mitsuru said, with the end of her lips curling upward a little

"Sensei, yesterday I went to the library to search for the reward I want, there I came to know about this jutsu used by Tsunade Sama, I was fascinated by this jutsu," Kaida said

"What is the name of that Jutsu" Mitsuru asked

"Mitonic regeneration jutsu," Kaida said

"Nope, go and search for something else," Mitsuru said while she started doing some paperwork

Seeing this sudden change in her behavior was rather confusing to Kaida, he looked a little baffled and asked 

"Sensei, Can you at least tell me the reason why I can't learn this jutsu"

"Simple, you don't have a necessary base to learn this jutsu, if you want to learn this jutsu you have to learn both medical jutsu and ninjutsu, and not just basics, you have to be at specialist level in medical jutsu, and seal master in ninjutsu, both of them are going to take time, so its better to search for some other jutsu and focus on that" Mitsuru explained

Understanding the reason Kaida sighed in relief, at least the jutsu in itself was not forbidden, just very hard to learn

"Sensei, if I complete that requirement can I learn that jutsu" Kaida asked

"Why are you so fixed on that jutsu, even though that jutsu is great not many people can learn that jutsu, even I don't know it completely just some basics

Maybe only lord third can teach you that jutsu completely since he is the only one in Konoha who knows about this jutsu than me" Mitsuru said

"I am satisfied in just learning the basics," Kaida said

"Fine, but I am not going to teach you ninjutsu," Mitsuru said

"Thank you sensei," Kaida said 

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch Kaida, it is still not guaranteed that you will be able to learn that jutsu" Mitsuru said while shaking her head

"Just getting a chance to learn that is enough for me sensei," Kaida said with an ear-to-ear smile

Mitsuru just nodded her head

"Sensei, why are you still doing paperwork, didn't you say that you won the bet and don't have to do the paperwork for the next 3 months?" Kaida asked

"I am not doing any paperwork, I am just sorting that work they are going to do, there is no way I am going to let them get away with this

I finally got the time to further refine my medical jutsu, I am going to utilize this opportunity the best I can" Mitsuru said with a devilish smile



Next Chapter: learning



Next Chapter: A little impossible goal

Next Chapter: Stepping into the Emergency Room

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