Chapter 140: Finalizing the Bathhouse Blueprint

"Welcome back, Kaida. You are quite early today," Hae said.

"Thanks, aunty. Since you had said to come early, I completed my work early today," Kaida said, as if he had specially made arrangements to come home early.

"You are learning quite a lot from your brother, huh? Well, it's good that you are back this early. I will call the designer now," Hae said, easily seeing through Kaida's words.

"Okay, aunty. I will wait in my room," Kaida said.

"No, go wash your hands and come eat lunch with us. I am sure you wouldn't have eaten by now," Hae said.

"Okay, aunty," Kaida said and went to wash his hands.

While Hae sent someone to call the designer, by the time they had eaten lunch, the designer came with the model of the hot steam bathhouse. Apparently, the designer was also a ninja who had a very high earth affinity but was only at the genin level in strength.

When he was unable to increase his strength even after training for years, he dropped his ninja career altogether and started a small business on his own.

With the help of his earth chakra affinity, he could easily make small models for the infrastructure he designed. This, combined with his artistic mind, had made him quite a famous designer in Konoha.

"Hello, Lady Hae. Hello, Shisui-san. Hello, Kaida-san," Daiki said.

"Hello, Daiki-san. Thank you for coming here," Hae said, while the other two nodded their heads.

"It's my pleasure. I have already made the model. Do you want to take a look now?" Daiki asked.

"Yes, but first, please make yourself comfortable. I will make some tea for you," Hae said.

"No, ma'am. I would really appreciate if we can get this done before anything else," Daiki said pleadingly, since this was a commission from a member of the Uchiha clan. Daiki had given his best to make it as best as he could.

"Okay, Daiki-san, since you are in such a hurry, let's first check the design," Kaida said.

"Thank you, sir," Daiki said, looking toward Kaida. He knew that even though Kaida looked young, he was one of the owners of this project. Being a professional, he knew how to talk to his client.

Daiki took out a miniature model of the bathhouse from the storage seal.

Seeing the miniature model, both Hae and Kaida smiled. From the looks of the model, the bathhouse was looking extremely luxurious and traditional at the same time.

Seeing their smile, Daiki sighed in relief and started explaining,

"As we had discussed earlier, I have included a group steam bath, a hot spring bath, a normal bath, three medicine bath chambers, and a medicine steam bath chamber.

On the second floor, there is a massage center, a small restaurant, and some small waiting rooms for people to wait."

"This is awesome, Daiki-san. You did a great job. I will increase the pay by an extra 10%," Hae said with a smile. Kaida too agreed with her. If the bathhouse came out the same as this model, then without a doubt, it would become a money-making machine in the future.

"Thank you, Hae-sama," Daiki said while bowing a little.

"Aunty, with this, we can start the construction now, right?" Kaida asked.

"Yes, Kaida. Daiki-san, please explain this design to Kojiro-san. Also, make sure there is no misunderstanding. I want the bathhouse to look exactly the same as this model," Hae said.

"Don't worry, Hae-sama. I will make sure that everything is correct," Daiki said and left the house.

"Aunty, are you sure this can be built under 5 million Ryo?" Kaida asked, because the model Daiki presented was looking quite luxurious.

"Honestly speaking, no. Just the construction cost of this building will take around 5 million Ryo, and the total cost to make the business ready to open will be around 8 million Ryo. But don't worry, we can sell one of the shops if the need arises.

I can see quite a potential in this business. If everything is right, this will be much more productive than those three shops combined," Hae said.

"This is becoming quite a big project, but from the looks of it, I am sure it will be worth it," Shisui said.

"No, Aunty, please don't sell the shop. I will try to arrange the money somehow," Kaida said.

"Didn't you listen clearly, Kaida? I said if the need arises. Don't forget your brother is also a jonin. He earns quite a lot too, and the income from those shops is also not something you can scoff at.

I just have to check if we have that much liquid fund or not, and I am pretty sure we should be able to manage 8 million Ryo somehow," Hae said.

"Also, if the need arises, earning 8 million in 2 months is not that much difficult for me," Shisui said.

"I would also have an extra 2.5 million Ryo after next month," Kaida said.

"That's great. Let's finish the construction first. From the new estimation, it may take 2 months at the very least.

By then, we should be able to arrange all the money somehow," Hae said.

"Yes, we will definitely be able to arrange the money by then," Kaida said calmly.

"Okay, now don't you have to go for your fuinjutsu lesson?" Hae asked.

"Oh! Yes, aunty. I will be back by dinnertime," Kaida said and went toward Sora's house.

After Kaida left, Shisui turned to his mother and said,

"Mom, I am also just getting bored sitting all day along. I think I should start taking some missions now."

"I was just telling you a possibility, Shisui. We actually don't have any need to sell the shop. If we take out the emergency fund, we alone can fund this whole construction," Hae said.

"I know, mom, but I am really getting bored doing nothing all day," Shisui said.

"Okay, as you wish, but still take missions in moderation. I don't want to see the face of my child once a week, okay?" Hae said.

"Yes, mom," Shisui said and then went to his room. Since it was already so late, he decided to take a mission tomorrow morning.


At Sora's house, Kaida was sitting outside for half an hour, since he came there at 3:30 PM, whereas normally he came there at 4:30 PM.

Since he was quite early, Sora was not at home, so Kaida decided to wait for him.

At 4 pm,

"Kaida, you are quite early today," Sora asked as soon as he saw Kaida standing next to his house.

'Déjà vu.'

"Yes, I finished my work early today, that's why I am here this early," Kaida said.

"Well, it's good that you are early because we are going to start the topic of seals from today," Sora said.