Chapter 143: The Next Stage of Medical Training

The next day, Kaida went to the hospital and was heading toward his office when the receptionist stopped him and said, "Kaida, Mitsuru-sama asked you to go and meet her in her office."

"Thanks for letting me know," Kaida said and went toward Mitsuru's office.

knock knock

"Come in," Mitsuru said.

"Good morning, Sensei," Kaida said.

"Good morning," Mitsuru said while she was checking a file. After some time, she looked up and said,

"In the previous month, you have completed more than 50 operations and treated many patients too.

Good job, I think you are ready to learn the next part of the jutsus. Here is the list of jutsus you are going to learn. Read about these jutsus today, and I will start to teach you these jutsus from tomorrow."

Kaida checked the book he was given. The first page contained the name and a small description of each jutsu he had to learn, followed by detailed information on each jutsu on the following pages.

The first page was:


(Temperature Control) - Restores normal body temperature by infusing or siphoning off heat using chakra.

(Medicine Creation) - Combines naturally occurring compounds to create medicines for various purposes like antidotes, ointments, etc.

(Blood Transfusion Skill) - Transfers blood from a donor to a recipient while matching their blood types using chakra.

(Advanced Healing Palm Technique) - An advanced version that allows healing of deep, serious injuries using concentrated healing chakra.

(Chakra Scalpel) - Creates a chakra blade for field surgery or combat by concentrating chakra around the hand.

(Poison Creation) - Uses knowledge of plants and minerals to mix various disabling or deadly poisons.


Even though all of these jutsus looked great, one caught Kaida's attention the most: the Chakra Scalpel, the one Kabuto used.

Kaida thanked Mitsuru and went to his office to read the book. Obviously, he first checked the detailed description of the Chakra Scalpel.


This medical technique forms one's chakra into a small, sharp blade. This can then be used for highly accurate incisions necessary for surgeries and anatomical dissections. Unlike regular scalpels, the chakra scalpel can make cuts inside the body without actually creating an open wound, limiting the risks of infection.

The chakra scalpel can also be used offensively to inflict internal damage, although it requires great precision to be effective. Because of this requirement, using the chakra scalpel offensively is highly unusual. In heated combat, even the greatest medical-nin won't be able to exert the precision needed to target the vital spots, but it can still effectively cut muscle tissues and tendons, rendering the target immobile.


'Yup, this jutsu is the same one Kabuto used during his fight against Tsunade and Naruto. This will be a really fine addition to my ninjutsu rank. With this jutsu, we can cut the chakra pathways of Jinchuriki, due to which they will be unable to harness the near-unlimited chakra reserves of the tailed beasts.

And since those Jinchuriki are disgustingly powerful, a jutsu that can work against them is quite rare. Luckily, I know how great this jutsu is, otherwise, I may have just learned it for medical purposes. But now I have to focus on its application in normal fights too,' Kaida thought, and then he read the descriptions of the other jutsus as well.

(A.N: Don't worry, I am not going to write about the descriptions of all those jutsus as well. Those short descriptions should be sufficient enough to tell about the usage of those jutsus. But if you want the full description of those jutsus as well, just let me know ^~^)

While Kaida was reading about the jutsus, the day went by, and all of a sudden, it was 4:00 PM.

'These are some interesting jutsus. If I learn these jutsus completely, then they will not only help in the medical field but will also make my fighting style more versatile,' Kaida thought while he was going toward Sora's house.


"Good evening, Sensei," Kaida said.

"Good evening, let's go to the Clan headquarters now," Sora said without even letting Kaida inside the house.

"Why, Sensei? Did something happen?" Kaida asked.

"Did you forget? You had made a bet against the Clan head, and you f*cking learned the basics of Fuinjutsu in one month. You know how jealous I am. The only good thing about this is that I can brag about being a good teacher. Well, leave that aside; we first have to go to the Clan headquarters. I want to see his face once we tell him that you were able to completely learn the basics of Fuinjutsu in one month, and he lost the bet," Sora said excitedly.

'This person is only serious when Fuinjutsu is discussed. Other than that, he always acts like a child. Sometimes, even more childish than a child itself.

Maybe because no one discriminated against him and gave him the proper respect which a Fuinjutsu master should get, that he was able to maintain his good personality.

While other ninjas of the Uchiha clan were constantly subjected to the questioning gaze of Konoha residents and were discriminated against, that they developed the mean personality to cope up with the discrimination,' Kaida thought.

"What are you thinking so hard about? Don't worry; he will not get angry. He may seem very strict on the outside, but inside, he is actually a very nice person," Sora said.

"But, Sensei, are you sure that only that much is enough for the basics?" Kaida asked since he had only learned four seals in total, which should not be enough for the complete basics of Fuinjutsu, right?

"Of course not, you have to learn many more seals to be considered to have mastered the basics," Sora said.

"Then why do you want to go to the Clan headquarters when I had only learned the basics?" Kaida asked.

"Kaida, do you really think that just by paying 200,000 Contribution points, you will employ a Fuinjutsu master to teach you all the basic seals?" Sora asked.

'Right, even though I first thought that the price the Clan head gave me was too high, but now that I am learning it, 200,000 is nowhere near enough to learn the basics,' Kaida thought.

Seeing Kaida thinking hard, Sora laughed and said, "Money and Contribution points don't matter much to a seal master or grand master of Fuinjutsu since we can earn so much more than any beginner can provide in a way much less effort and time.

The only reason we teach youngsters is to pass our knowledge and help the clan in getting more talent. With the seals I taught you, you should be able to learn more basic seals on your own. This is how any Fuinjutsu master normally teaches their students."

"Thank you, Sensei. I am really thankful to you for teaching me the basics," Kaida said, bowing a little as if this was his last day of learning from Sora.