Chapter 149: Exciting?

(A.N: It's time to give taxes for enjoying the privilege of this kingdom. Go to Patreon to pay your tax, otherwise, you guys may suffer from loose motions tomorrow (joking)🤓)

"Okay, brother," Kaida said and then used the Body Wind Instantaneous Movement Jutsu to go towards the direction of his missions, which was near the villages situated near the sea.

Shisui didn't go out of the village from the main gate but from a different location. With the seal Kaida had given him, Shisui could easily track him in a radius of 3 km.

This way, they could maintain a safe distance from each other and not alert the ninjas.

Using that seal, Shisui was following Kaida when suddenly the seal glowed green, which was the sign for someone actually following.

Shisui became completely alert, ready to go in the direction of Kaida as soon as he could, but the second signal didn't come.

'This boy is trying to take on Root ninjas by himself. I should have told him about Danzo sooner,' Shisui said while going towards the location of Kaida at full speed.


Kaida was going towards his location while constantly maintaining a state of alertness, activating his Sharingan from time to time.

But even when he was doing that, he was unable to find anyone following him. The reason for this was simple:

Root ninjas were specially trained for stealth and assassination missions, and this time they knew that their target had a Sharingan, so they were especially careful during the mission.

When Kaida had traveled more than 80 kilometers, he thought, 'I am not feeling well about this, like I am missing something.'

He made a shadow clone with the least amount of chakra and left it in his path while continuing his journey.

Normally, the Root ninjas could sense Kaida, but during the last 2 months, Kaida had learned how to hide his chakra signature from Shisui.

That, along with the lesser chakra of the clone, made it easier for it to hide from the Root ninjas.

When they passed from the area where the clone was hiding, the shadow clone saw seven ninjas running towards Kaida. When they reached some distance, the clone dispersed itself, and Kaida got its memories.

'As expected, seven of them are following me. Now, should I call brother, as this situation is quite dangerous? But why am I suddenly feeling so excited?

Huh, maybe I am becoming more of a battle maniac as my strength is increasing,' Kaida thought, then a wicked smile appeared on his face.

'Let's try to handle this alone first. If by any chance I am unable to handle them myself, I can just directly run towards brother.'

Kaida thought, then he made 2 more shadow clones with 30 percent of his chakra each, since he had eaten a soldier pill before coming out of the village. This 60 percent could be recovered in 1 hour easily.

But Kaida was not so patient. He just slowed down for 10 minutes before he and his shadow clones went in three different directions.


The Root ninjas were following Kaida's trail stealthily when suddenly the trail got divided into three different directions.

"Did he notice us?" one of the Chunin asked.

"No, the chances of that are low. Maybe he is planning on using shadow clones for completing those missions," the Jonin said.

"But what should we do now?" another Chunin asked.

"Simple, we will also divide into three groups and follow him," the Jonin said.

"But Lord Shadow said that we would need all of us to capture him," the Chunin countered.

"Yes, but we don't have a choice now. So we will divide into three teams. Two teams will have 3 Chunin each, and I will go alone.

Now our priority changes from capturing him alive to bringing his body back. Also, make sure not to damage his eyes," the Jonin said.

Even though the other Chunin had doubts about whether they would be able to capture Kaida or not, they didn't have an ounce of doubt that they would be able to kill him, as this was what they specialized in.

After listening to the order, the Chunin teams went on the left and right trails, while the Jonin went straight.

(A.N: Team 1 consists of Chunin who went to the left trail, Team 2 consists of Chunin who went to the right trail, while the last one is only a Jonin, so we will not call him Team 3, okay? 😉)


Team 1 was following the trail when suddenly they heard a loud blast from their left side. All of them looked towards that direction.

But the last thing they saw was two red eyes with 2 tomoe rotating in them, then their world went black.

'Huh, it was way easier than I initially thought. Now I can see why Danzo is so afraid of the Uchihas,' Kaida thought.

Yup, this was the real Kaida. He went on the left side and hid himself in a corner while sending a shadow clone on the straight path to keep the trail going, then he hid his chakra as much as he could.

Then he sent a signal to Shisui that someone was following. He knew Shisui would rush to him as soon as he saw this signal, that's why he did it at the last moment. After that, he started looking towards the path he was taking.

When he saw three ninjas running towards his clone's direction, he quickly used the Fireball Jutsu to make the ninjas look towards him, and he successfully cast a genjutsu on them.

Though he didn't actually make them see any illusion, Kaida just directly severed the connection between mind and body for some time.

"Let's bind them first," Kaida said to himself and took out a rope from his storage seal. He had just tied one person when Shisui arrived near him.


"You are way too reckless, you know that," Shisui said and then sighed in relief that Kaida was safe.

"I am sorry, brother. I just wanted to check my progress," Kaida said while rubbing his head where Shisui had hit him.

"Well, it's alright since you are safe. So there were only three of them?" Shisui asked while helping Kaida bind the other two ninjas.

"No, there were seven of them. I divided them using shadow clones. Since I didn't get their memories back, they must be fighting against those ninjas," Kaida said.


"You should have said this sooner," Shisui said while giving Kaida another smack on his head.

"Now let's go, otherwise, the other ninjas may run and hide after dealing with your clone," Shisui said.

Kaida nodded and got ready to go towards the direction of his clones.

Boom boom baam

Just as they heard these sounds, Kaida got the memory of his clone back.

"Brother, let's hurry. One of my clones just got dispersed because the ninja used poison on it," Kaida said while using the Body Flicker Jutsu to go towards the place his clone and the Jonin were fighting.

Shisui didn't say anything and just followed Kaida.

When they reached the location, Shisui was a little shocked seeing the result of the fight between Kaida's clone and the Jonin.