Chapter 166: Attack?

(A.N: I have invested a lot of effort in this chapter. Please tell me your views about this chapter in the comment section ^~^)

They both went back to Konoha at full speed. On their way, Shisui turned and said, "The Uchiha Clan head's house has an array set up that prevents anyone from entering. Once we reach there, I will go inside and ask Aunt Mikoto to register you in the array too."

At that moment, Kaida felt that something had happened, but he was unable to pinpoint exactly what it was. Since he was with Shisui and his senses were also calm, he didn't think much of it and just nodded his head.

After that, they went at full speed towards Konoha. After reaching Konoha, they directly went through the main gate. Both of them could feel many eyes scanning them.

"It looks like Danzo is going to know we are back in Konoha," Kaida said in a hushed voice.

"Yes, but there is nothing he could do. It's not like he could come to us and ask about his subordinates who went after your life, right?" Shisui said with a wink.

Kaida also smiled, thinking about the angry expression on Danzo's face.

As they went back to the Uchiha clan's compound, two people who had shops near the village gate sent a message to the Root headquarters.


Danzo was sitting in his office, reading various reports that were lying on his table.

"How is everything this peaceful? Every report from the Uchiha clan is saying that everything is still, and there is no movement among the clan. Then why the hell am I getting this bad feeling? Am I targeting the wrong group? Maybe someone other than the Uchiha is plotting something against me, but there is no other clan in Konoha I have targeted in the last few months, and other ninja villages are already under my radar. Then why the hell am I getting this uneasy feeling? Also, how much longer are those fools going to take to capture that brat?" Danzo said, voicing the thoughts that had been on his mind for quite some time.

Just as he was thinking all this, a report came in, marked urgent. He quickly read it, and his eyes went wide after reading the contents.

'That boy came back, and he was with Shisui... Was Shisui the one who killed my ninjas? No, he was in the village when those four died (1 jonin and 3 chunin), and the rest of them (3 chunin) are still alive.

Maybe Shisui went to find Kaida, and those three ran away after seeing Shisui. Since the others died quite a long time ago, I'm sure their bodies wouldn't have been with Shisui, so they can't put the blame on me.

And if they try to put any blame on me, I will just say that my ninjas were going on a secret mission for the village and were attacked by Shisui and Kaida without any reason.' Danzo was already making plans for the counter-attack against any of the Uchiha's allegations against him.

However, those counters were based on the condition that only the Uchiha would be against him and Hiruzen would support him as always. Unfortunately, Kaida had changed many of those conditions with some simple words, and now the whole of Konoha would be against him in a couple of days.

Unknown to the undercurrent, the shadow of Konoha calmed his mind and started waiting for the Uchiha to make their move.


Both Kaida and Shisui went to the Uchiha compound and directly made their way towards Fugaku's house. As discussed before, Kaida waited in front of the gate, and Shisui went inside.

But as soon as he went inside, the sound of clashing swords started coming from within, as if two swords were clashing with each other. Within seconds, the number of clashing sounds Kaida heard started increasing, indicating that one person was fighting against multiple opponents.

"Someone is trying to fight my brother in the Uchiha Clan head's house. How is that possible?" Kaida was thinking when a fireball exploded inside the house, and from inside came a shout from Shisui.

"Kaida, run and call Fugaku-sama here! We are under attack!"

Before Kaida could think about what was happening inside, the array inside the house turned off. Although practically, Kaida should have gone to call for reinforcements, he did the most foolish thing possible.

He ran directly inside the house. Normally, one would think that was a bad decision, but any analyst would praise that decision. The array inside the clan head's house went off, of course, he would get this signal. Also, the fireball explosion was heard by many ninjas who could inform Fugaku instead of Kaida.

But his whole family was inside that house, and his brother was fighting against multiple opponents. Things might get worse if reinforcements arrived a little late.

So Kaida decided to directly go inside and help his brother defend against the attack until reinforcements arrived.

But when he went inside, his eyes went wide in horror. There was a lot of blood on the ground, and at the corner of the corridor, Kaida could see a hand, a hand of a teenage girl. Since his Sharingan was activated, he could easily identify that it was Yomi's hand. He quickly ran toward her, only to find her lying lifeless in front of Hae's body.

Due to the activated Sharingan, Kaida painfully noticed all the small pieces of evidence lying there. Yomi died trying to protect Hae with her life.

Then he heard another explosion at the back of the house, but Kaida was not able to process that sound since blood was leaking from his eyes. Slowly, two tomoe in his eyes started rotating, their speed increasing each second. Gradually, they came close to each other and merged, only to be separated once again, but this time, there were three tomoe in his eyes.

With the turmoil of emotions Kaida was feeling, ranging from anger at himself for continuing that mission and not coming back to his family at the right time, to hatred for the person responsible for this, to helplessness at being unable to help his family now, he lost control over his chakra, and it released like a flood in all his surroundings. Due to his chakra nature being fire, the chakra he subconsciously released was fire chakra, burning everything around Kaida, except for the place where Hae and Yomi's bodies were present.

With a voice full of hatred and anger, Kaida shouted, "DANZO, YOU ARE DEAD!"

Once again, the sound of an explosion came, this time Kaida heard it loud and clear, remembering that his brother was still fighting his enemies.

Kaida was so enraged that he vowed to either kill those enemies or die fighting against them since they were the people who had killed his family.

He blasted the wall in front of him using the biggest fireball he could make and then rushed toward the sound of fighting.

But suddenly, everything in front of him changed, and he was now standing in a training area, with Shisui standing in front of him.