Chapter 175: Shattered Illusion

Kaida mentally clicked his tongue in annoyance. 'Some people have everything others would kill for and still don't care about it,' Kaida thought, remembering how difficult it was for him to get to this level of strength, and this boy in front of him became a Jonin even without giving his best. Life is totally unfair.

But without any change in his facial muscles, keeping his expression earnest, Kaida sat down. 'Here we go...'

"I am thrilled to see that you will take your precious time out for your sensei's son," Kaida said, but this time, the smile on his face looked obviously fake.

"I don't have time for silly games. If you have something important to say, say it now, or I am leaving," Kakashi replied.

"Oh! I don't have anything important to say. I was just curious why a genius who cherished his companions so much that their loss made him lose all his motivation, will not take care of his Sensei's most precious memory. But now that I'm seeing your condition, I can see that you are in no condition to help him. It looks like I will have to take it into my own hands to help that boy," Kaida said, and even the fake smile vanished from his face.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO USE HIM FOR YOUR PLANS?" Kakashi said, his tone becoming ice-cold.

"HAHAHA, do you think if I wanted to make use of him, I would come to you to talk about how miserable his life is? No, I would make his life miserable from the shadows, and then when he is at his lowest point, I would swoop in. 'WOW, now I have the most powerful weapon of our village in my hands.' Does this ring a bell?" Kaida asked.

At first, Kakashi was really angry, of course, not to the extent he had shown. Seeing the other party was trying to make him angry, he just decided to go with the flow.

But after listening to Kaida's reply, Kakashi went silent, his mind started working overtime.

It is not like he was an idiot; he got that the village was not treating Naruto well, but since his security was maintained all the time, Kakashi just thought that the villagers ware also sad about the death of their loved ones, just like him.

When you are going through so much, it is easier to miss out on little details, like how difficult it would have been for Konoha higher ups to hide about Naruto being a Jinchuriki or giving him better living conditions.

All of this just doesn't make sense unless someone was really trying to do what Kaida just said. Since the Hokage can easily adopt Naruto, the chances of him doing this were slim. The only person in Konoha who could make use of the Hokage's name in doing something like that was...

Kakashi's eyes went wide after thinking of the reason and the person behind all this.

(A.N: Whenever someone tried to help Naruto, 'Anbu' Ninjas would stop them from doing so at the 'Hokage's' order)

Seeing Kakashi's shocked expression, Kaida understood that Kakashi had got the clear picture of what was happening in Konoha.

"It looks like you get what is happening. This was the reason why I wanted to meet you, but this meeting was nothing but an utter disappointment. I should just leave," Kaida sighed.

"What do you mean?" Kakashi was actually surprised at the moment. The boy in front of him casually shared so much information with him, and now he just wanted to leave without even discussing the reason behind the meeting.

"The reason I wanted to meet you is because I had heard many things about you, like the once-in-a-century genius, the most talented student of the Fourth Hokage, and all. But now that I am seeing your real strength, it is not that impressive, at least not at a level where you could do anything," Kaida said after shaking his head in disappointment.

"Hey kid, what do you mean by that? Do you think I am not strong enough, really?" Kakashi asked. With his Chidori, an S-rank jutsu, and the reaction speed of the Sharingan, Kakashi's attack power even exceeded many elite jonins at the moment, so strength was something Kakashi was not lacking at all.

But when he said that, his eyes went wide as the scene in front of him changed. Mainly, the boy standing in front of him vanished, and a kunai appeared on his neck, but in the next second, the boy once again appeared in front of him. However, there was a little scratch mark on his neck, indicating that he could have lost his life at that moment.

Which was far from the truth. The only reason Kaida could put Kakashi in a genjutsu was that he had the 3 tomoe Sharingan, and Kakashi's mind was still a little unstable after processing such unusual information about Naruto's condition.

Also, Kaida had not a shred of killing intent in his attack; otherwise, his chest may have had a hole, and his heart could have been lying in Kakashi's hands. There was ever a slight electric flicker on Kakashi's hand when Kaida placed his kunai at Kakashi's neck, which is why he used the Body Flicker Technique to appear in front of Kakashi as soon as he proved his point.

"See, I am at least 8-9 years younger than you, and still, I could deal with you. That is not the level of strength you would expect from a once-in-a-century genius. There is literally nothing you could do to help Naruto, the last hope of your sensei, why? Because you are stuck in your past and can't focus on training, sigh," Kaida sighed.

"Why do you want to help Naruto?" Kakashi asked the most important question on his mind, totally ignoring the fact that a brat was insulting his strength.

"I am Shisui Uchiha's younger brother. My parents died during the Nine-Tails attack, and if not for the Fourth Lord, I may have died on that day too. He and his wife sacrificed their lives for the village.

I could bet that their last thought while dying was that at least the village would take care of their son, the village for which they gave their lives. I lived as an orphan for quite some time.

I know what kind of lives orphans live, and Naruto is living a worse life than even a normal orphan, just so that a schemer can get his hands on a very powerful weapon.

And the person who could do this to a savior's only child should not have that kind of power; otherwise, there will be no more peace that every ninja in our village died protecting," Kaida said.

Kakashi once again began thinking about how he lost his father, his teammates, his sensei, and many others during the war, just so that peace could remain in Konoha.

"What are you planning to do? You know that I could help you with many things, right?" Kakashi said with a fully serious tone.

'BULLSEYE,' Kaida cheered in his mind.