Chapter 178: Seeds of change

(A.N: Today's chapter ^~^)"If that's the case, then there may be two more bases where such things could happen. Those bases would require a huge amount of funding, which must be for continuing the research," Kakashi said.

"Okay, give me the locations of those two bases as well. With these three bases, I am sure that we can gather substantial evidence against Danzo," Kaida said.

"How sure are you about this?" Kakashi asked.

"If we are talking about removing Danzo from his position for 1-2 years, then I am 100% sure. However, if you want him to resign from his position, that will be difficult; the chances are around 30%. But just getting him removed for 2 years will be enough for us. We can plan something better in that time. These were the possibilities when I didn't know about those three bases. Now, the chances of increasing the punishment will increase," Kaida said.

Kakashi nodded his head.

"Last question: what do you want to do with Naruto after this?"

"Nice question. Do you know that Aunt Mikoto and Aunt Kushina were friends? So, she wants to help Naruto. I can promise you that we will not use Naruto as a weapon. Also, truthfully speaking, we don't need Naruto to increase our power. We, the Uchiha, have the most number of Jonin and elite Jonin among other clans. Maybe the Hyuga will come close, but no one else. Then, if we count my brother and Fugaku-sama, who can go toe-to-toe against most of the higher-ups, we already have enough power. However, I know that others will not easily agree with this condition, so I will look into something else. But one thing is for sure, his living conditions will improve," Kaida said.

"Can I take him under my care? I am sure other clans will not react badly since the Hatake clan is now just a shell of what it used to be, so they will not face a problem of one clan breaking the power balance of Konoha," Kakashi said.

'Brother Shisui, Itachi, Sasuke, Fugaku, and me – the power balance is bound to break in the future, but we still have some time to reach that stage,' Kaida thought. Then he went back to the question Kakashi asked.

"I am sorry, Kakashi. You alone would not be enough. Naruto now possesses power which makes him a target of all enemy villages, including the fact that Naruto will need a parental figure since he is still four years old. You make a bad choice for that role. Since you have still not sorted out your feelings, once you do that, you can take Naruto with you. Until then, let's think of something else," Kaida said.

Kakashi's eye narrowed as Kaida mentioned being unable to take Naruto under his care for now. "Don't jerk me around on this, Kaida. That boy is all I have left of my sensei." He slammed his fist on the table. "I won't let him be treated like a weapon or worse by anyone, even your clan." Now that Kakashi had gotten a picture of what was happening with Naruto, he wanted to stop that.

Kaida met Kakashi's intense gaze steadily. "And we won't. You have my word on that, Kakashi. But you're in no position to be a father to him yet." His eyes flicked up and down Kakashi's disheveled appearance. "I'm not trying to insult you. We're the same in that regard - both wanting to help Naruto." His expression softened slightly. "Once you've found your purpose again, then we can revisit this. But protecting Naruto's safety and raising him properly has to come first."

Kakashi stared at him hard for a long moment, then gave a curt nod. "Fine. Just...keep me updated, like you said." He turned and strode out, his form tense.

Kaida watched him go, jaw clenched as he fought his own rising emotions. "That's a promise," he murmured.

'That was a successful meeting. Now that Kakashi and I are acquainted, I can further increase our friendship and his strength steadily,' Kaida thought.

"You took your sweet time in that meeting, huh?" Shisui said, appearing in front of him using the Body Flicker Jutsu.

"I got something interesting from that meeting, so the time was worth it," Kaida said, grinning.

"What is this interesting thing you got?" Shisui asked.

"I will tell you about that after we complete our second task," Kaida said.

"Right, let's go and check if the preparations are complete or not," Shisui said, and both of them used a movement jutsu to go toward the bathhouse.

After reaching the Uchiha compound, both of them stopped.

"So, now do you mind telling me?" Shisui asked.

"Yes, brother, I found out about three Root bases in Konoha where they are researching, most likely on the stolen bodies of enemies and allies. We can use that against him during the meeting," Kaida said.

"What are the chances that those bases are just a fake lead?" Shisui asked.

"Very low. I don't think Kakashi will side with Danzo even after knowing Danzo is making his sensei's son's life miserable. Also, the plan I am thinking will make it worth taking the risk even if the bases are the wrong ones. But we would need help from someone in the Aburame clan..." Then Kaida told Shisui the full plan he had made after getting the information about the Root bases. Well, he already had the plan; he just made some slight changes to it.

"That's a good plan. I will tell Fugaku-sama about this. Until then, you can go back to Fugaku-sama's house. Mom is super angry that you are not resting in your room," Shisui said.

Kaida nodded his head and went back toward Fugaku's house. There was no need to worry about the plan since Fugaku had enough political knowledge to keep the Uchiha clan going for decades, even when facing unjust treatment from the village. Now that it was his time to make a move, there was no way he was going to mess this up.

Kakashi was sitting in his room, looking at his father's picture hanging on the wall.

'Father, if you were alive, things would have been different. After losing my teammates, I understand now why you chose your teammates' lives over the mission,' Kakashi thought.

His mind was still going in a loop, regretting not having any strength when it mattered most, feeling sadness at losing his loved ones over time, and finding motivation to never face this feeling again.

"Father, I will try to become just like you," Kakashi said with determination in his voice.

This was the time when the once-in-a-century genius began his comeback.

Since it was already 6:30, and Fugaku was going to come to the bathhouse at 7 pm, Shisui went to the bathhouse to check if all the preparations were complete or not.

Seeing that one of the pools was ready to use, he sighed in relief. There were still some areas of the bathhouse that were not visible due to all the covers placed during construction, but everything was almost ready. That's why Shisui and Kaida's clones were able to prepare a bath in such little time.

Kaida's clone came to Shisui and said, "We have prepared a medicinal bath for physical recovery since I don't think the clan head would want the bath with enhancing beauty features."

"Good job, you can now disperse yourself."

After some time, Fugaku came to the bathhouse. Shisui could also sense about five jonin-level ninja following him from the shadows.

'I will tell him about the Root bases after he takes the bath. I am sure once I tell him about that, he will once again pull an all-nighter to make plans,' Shisui thought and went to Fugaku.

"Welcome, Uncle. Please ignore the exterior; we had to stop the construction immediately due to this incident, but the bathhouse is almost ready, and we have already prepared a bath for you. Let me guide you to that."

"You are sounding more and more like a businessman. Are you planning on stopping being a ninja and starting to focus on business?" Fugaku asked with a smile.

"Not for now, Uncle," Shisui replied.