Chapter 238: Torture Started

"Make a shadow clone and go back using that. Also, stop behaving like a patient—you're perfectly fine," Mitsuru said, shaking her head. She had already checked twice to ensure there were no minor injuries left behind that they might have missed, but there was nothing. Kaida was perfectly healthy; it was just that his brain had processed so much pain recently that he felt like he wasn't well.


Kaida just nodded his head and made a shadow clone to go back home.


'I don't want to do anything now. Let's just go back and sleep,' Kaida thought as he went directly to his room. By constantly using the Sharingan and healing himself from so many injuries, his chakra was at rock bottom. Combined with the mental fatigue of performing perfect healing on different wounds each time, he was completely drained.


Although his family members wanted to know what had happened at the hospital after seeing Kaida return so early, they decided to save their questions for dinner, given the look of utter exhaustion on his face.



After sleeping for eight more hours, Kaida came downstairs. It was already nighttime, and from the sweet and savory aroma in the house, he knew dinner was ready. He headed directly to the kitchen.


"We were waiting to see when you'd wake up, sleepyhead," came Shisui's voice from the hall. Kaida understood that everyone was in the hall, so he changed his direction from the dining room to the hall.


"Sorry for the wait, everyone," Kaida said.


"It's all right, Kaida, but what happened at the hospital today? You looked so exhausted when you came back, even though you were quite early," Hae asked.


"We started the process of learning that jutsu, and it was quite… a different experience. I can't share the details because I promised Sensei. Sorry," Kaida said.


"Don't worry about such things. Now, let's have some dinner," Hae said, waving her hand.


"Before that, Aunt, I want to ask something," Kaida said.


"Go ahead," Hae replied.


"Sensei said that to learn that jutsu, I would need the help of two fuinjutsu grandmasters."


"How much money is required?" Hae asked with a smile on her face. She had guessed from what Kaida had said that he needed something.


"15 million ryo," Kaida said.


"This will be a little difficult. We have 10 million in liquid funds at the moment; the rest is already invested in expanding the bathhouse and securing the nearby land…"


"We can take a loan, Mom, and with the revenue from the bathhouse, the loan could be paid off next month."


"There's no need for that, brother. The procedure we're doing now will take at least a month to complete, so there's no urgent need for money," Kaida said. He had already discussed this with Mitsuru, and she had said that his body would need some time to familiarize itself with the seals. They could start the procedure next month anyway, so there was nothing to worry about.


"In that case, there's nothing to worry about. I'll send the money directly to Mitsuru's account next month," Hae said.


"Thank you, Aunt," Kaida said, bowing slightly.


"Why are you being so thankful all of a sudden?" Hae said, giving Kaida a forehead flick.


"Hehehe," came a chuckle from Naruto and Yomi.


"Let's go. The dinner is getting cold," Hae said.



"So, what is the effect of this jutsu you're learning?" Yomi asked.


"Nothing big, I can just do this," Kaida said, and he made a cut on his hand, which healed within a second.


"Isn't that something you were able to do before as well? Though your speed has increased, I don't think it's as impressive as you made it sound till now."


"I didn't do anything this time, Yomi. Before, I had to use medical jutsu and concentrate on healing. Now, I can just supply chakra, and the wound will heal automatically. When the jutsu is complete, I will become semi-immortal once I activate it," Kaida said.


"That's so cool, but are you sure there's no side effect? Because that sounds too good to be true," Shisui chimed in.


Everyone was taking a night walk before bed. It had become quite common for the family in recent days to take a small night walk where they would discuss how their day went. This was also the only time Kaida was spending with Yomi. Considering how Yomi was going to take many missions from next month and how they might not see each other much, Kaida had decided never to skip these walks, no matter how busy he was.


"Yes, brother, it has a side effect—aging. The more injuries I heal through this jutsu, the more I will age," Kaida said.


"Acceptable price for something that will save your life in dire situations," Shisui said.




"Brother, let's eat ramen," Naruto said as soon as he saw a small stall in the Uchiha compound.


"You just ate dinner, you brat. How can you even think about eating so soon?" Shisui asked.


"There's always some space left in my belly for ramen," Naruto said, patting his little bloated stomach.


"But that one is not as tasty as Ichiraku Ramen, so save that ramen space. We'll go to Ichiraku soon, then you can fill that space," Kaida said.


"Nice idea, brother," Naruto said, giving a thumbs-up.



With everything said and done, Kaida reached the hospital the next morning, but this time he was not as excited as before. Mitsuru was already waiting for him.


"So you came. I thought you'd chicken out," Mitsuru said.


"I was afraid, but I won't back down because of something like that," Kaida honestly replied.


"Good. Now, let's go," Mitsuru said.



Kaida was once again lying on the stretcher, and Mitsuru stood near him.


"From today onwards, we will target a single organ in your body every day and slowly complete the seals," Mitsuru said.


"Heart as well?" Kaida asked. He was sure it would be difficult as hell to heal his own heart, especially in the case of different types of injuries.


"If you leave any part, it will become your weak spot in the future. So it's better to take some risks now and not regret it in the future," Mitsuru said. Initially, she didn't want Kaida to learn this jutsu because of how difficult it was, but now that they had started, Mitsuru wasn't going to leave any loose ends.


So Kaida's days of torture began…