Chapter 3: A Glimmer of Hope

As days turned into weeks, Min-jun settled into his new job alongside his growing friendship with Soo-yeon's family. The routine of work, financial planning, and virtual adventures in 'The Empire of Magic' started to give him a semblance of stability. It was as though life was finally cutting him some slack.

However, looming in the shadows, like a relentless specter, was the deadline for his university debts. With every passing day, it crept closer, a reminder of the heavy burden he still carried. Min-jun's mind was consumed by the urgency of raising the funds, and desperation began to gnaw at him.

One evening, as he contemplated drastic measures to secure the money, he found himself in the alleyways of his neighborhood, contemplating a deal with loan sharks. The thought of borrowing from such dangerous individuals weighed heavily on him, but he felt cornered, with no other options.

Just as he was about to take a dangerous step, fate intervened in the form of Mr. Kim. The older man had somehow sensed Min-jun's despair and had followed him discreetly, concerned for his well-being.

"Min-jun!" Mr. Kim's voice, filled with both urgency and genuine care, cut through the cold night air.

Startled, Min-jun turned to see his employer standing there, a stern expression masking his worry. Mr. Kim stepped forward, his voice softer but resolute. "I can't let you do this, Min-jun. You don't have to make a deal with loan sharks. I'm here to help."

The sincerity in Mr. Kim's eyes struck a chord within Min-jun, and he realized that he had someone who genuinely cared about his welfare. With a heavy sigh of relief, he nodded, grateful that he had been saved from making a reckless decision.

Mr. Kim continued, "I know you're working hard, and I believe in you. I can lend you the money you need to pay off your university debts. You can pay me back over time, without any interest. Consider it a gesture of faith in your future."

Min-jun was overcome with emotion, unable to find the right words to express his gratitude. He shook Mr. Kim's hand firmly, tears glistening in his eyes. It was a lifeline he never expected but desperately needed—a glimmer of hope in the midst of his struggles.

Min-jun stood there, overwhelmed by Mr. Kim's offer of financial help. It was a lifeline he hadn't expected, and the gratitude he felt was immeasurable. But accepting the money outright felt like a heavy burden on his conscience. Mr. Kim sensed his hesitation and knew he had to find a way to make this assistance more palatable for Min-jun.

"Min-jun," Mr. Kim began, his voice gentle but resolute, "I understand that accepting this money may not sit well with you. However, I made a promise to your parents that I would look out for you. So, let's find a solution that you're comfortable with."

Perplexed, Min-jun looked at his employer, his eyes searching for answers. Mr. Kim continued, "How about this? I'll lend you the money you need to pay off your university debts, but I won't expect you to repay it all at once. Instead, we'll arrange a reasonable monthly payment plan."

Min-jun's brow furrowed in thought. This proposal seemed much more acceptable to him, but he needed to know the details. Mr. Kim went on to explain, "I'll deduct a portion of your monthly salary—no more than 20%—as a payback for the money I'm lending you. This way, you won't feel the weight of a debt hanging over you. You can focus on your studies and work, knowing that you're gradually repaying the loan."

The solution sounded fair and considerate, and Min-jun's unease began to dissipate. It was an arrangement that allowed him to maintain his sense of pride and responsibility.

After a moment of contemplation, Min-jun extended his hand and shook Mr. Kim's hand once again, this time with renewed determination. "Thank you, Mr. Kim. I appreciate your understanding and support. I'll do my best to repay your kindness."

Mr. Kim smiled warmly, relieved that he had found a way to help Min-jun without burdening him excessively. "Remember, Min-jun, you have a bright future ahead of you. This is just a temporary setback. Keep working hard, and I have no doubt you'll achieve great things."

With this understanding in place, Min-jun's heart felt lighter, and he could finally see a path forward through his financial struggles—a path that was both feasible and hopeful.

Min-jun's newfound sense of relief and optimism radiated from him as he walked across the university campus. His steps were lighter, his smile wider, and his aura more vibrant. To anyone who knew him, it was evident that something extraordinary had happened.

Soo-yeon, Min-jun's close friend, couldn't help but notice the transformation. She approached him, her curiosity piqued by the unusual sight of her friend's happiness. "Min-jun," she greeted him with a friendly grin, "you look like you're on top of the world today. What's going on?"

Min-jun chuckled, genuinely delighted to share his news. "Soo-yeon, you won't believe it. Somehow, I managed to pay off my university debt."

Soo-yeon blinked in surprise, her eyes widening. "Wait, what? How did that happen? Just yesterday, you were telling me about your struggles to save enough money for it."

Min-jun proceeded to recount the events of the previous evening, explaining how Mr. Kim had stepped in with a solution that allowed him to repay the debt over time, thanks to a deduction from his salary. Soo-yeon listened attentively, her initial shock giving way to understanding.

Later that evening, as the dinner table at Soo-yeon's home was set, she couldn't help but bring up the topic of Min-jun's financial situation with her father, Mr. Kim.

"Dad," she began with a furrowed brow, "I talked to Min-jun today, and he told me about the 20% deduction from his salary for repaying the university debt. Why didn't you just lend him the money until he graduates and can pay it back?"

Mr. Kim sighed, realizing that he needed to explain his reasoning to his daughter. "Soo-yeon, I understand your concern, but it's not as simple as it seems. If I had just lent him the money, Min-jun might not have accepted it. He's a proud young man, and he would have felt burdened by the debt. Moreover, he might have resorted to borrowing from loan sharks, which would have been disastrous."

Soo-yeon absorbed her father's explanation, realizing the wisdom behind his decision. "I see your point, Dad. It just seemed like a lot to take from his salary."

Mr. Kim nodded and smiled at his daughter, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Soo-yeon. I've set up a checking account where the 20% will be deposited. It will serve as a kind of savings for Min-jun. Besides, I don't want anything back from him. Helping him is the right thing to do."

Soo-yeon's eyes softened as she understood her father's intentions. She may have been initially taken aback by the deduction, but now she saw it as an act of kindness—a lifeline thrown to her friend when he needed it most.

As Soo-yeon retreated to her room with a smile, her father, Mr. Kim, observed her with a knowing expression. He understood that his daughter's friendship with Min-jun was more than just a casual bond, especially after witnessing her concern and dedication to helping him. Her happiness was evident, and Mr. Kim couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth in his heart, hoping that things would work out for the two young souls.

Beside him, Mrs. Kim shared a similar sentiment, her eyes softening as she gazed at her daughter. With a soft chuckle, she turned to her husband and whispered, "I hope Min-jun can overcome these challenges and make a successful life for himself. I don't think I've seen a young man more suitable for our Soo-yeon than him. He's handsome, gentle, honest, and carries himself with pride."

Unbeknownst to Mrs. Kim, as she praised Min-jun, Soo-yeon was standing silently behind her room door, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Her heart raced at the thought of her mother's words and the romantic possibilities they hinted at. She was both delighted and bashful about her feelings for Min-jun, emotions that she had harbored for some time.

Meanwhile, in his small apartment, Min-jun sat down to enjoy a simple dinner. As he savored each bite, a sudden sneeze caught him off guard. He paused, his brows furrowing as he contemplated the old superstition that a sneeze meant someone was talking about you. A wry smile formed on his lips as he chuckled to himself, wondering if perhaps someone was talking about him.

The following day, as the sun rose over the university campus, students filled the lecture halls, their focus shifting to the impending preparation exams for the midterms. Soo-yeon's expression turned somber as the professors announced the upcoming challenge, a test that would determine their readiness for the main event.

In contrast, Min-jun remained unfazed by the news. Being a top student in his department, exams were a familiar territory where he consistently excelled. He sat confidently in his chair, taking in the information with a calm demeanor, while Soo-yeon couldn't help but fidget nervously a few rows away.

As the classes concluded, Min-jun decided to head to the university cafeteria to grab some lunch before his next class. He aimed to find a quiet corner where he could enjoy his meal in solitude, as he often did. However, fate had other plans for him.

As he entered the bustling cafeteria, he couldn't help but notice Soo-yeon conversing with a group of her friends, a cluster of young women who were considered some of the most beautiful students on campus. Min-jun hesitated, fully aware that he preferred to avoid attracting attention in the university's social scene.

His intention was to slip away quietly, but Soo-yeon's sharp eyes caught sight of him, and she called out his name with enthusiasm. "Min-jun!"

Caught off guard, Min-jun attempted to escape, but he underestimated Soo-yeon's proximity. She closed in swiftly, her arm wrapping around his shoulders, preventing his getaway. Everyone's eyes turned in their direction, curious gazes locking onto the pair.

Soo-yeon's friends, intrigued by the sudden appearance of this unknown young man, couldn't resist their curiosity. One of them asked Soo-yeon, "Who's this, Soo-yeon? Is he your boyfriend?"

With a mischievous grin, Soo-yeon replied, "No, not my boyfriend, but something even better. He's my childhood friend and best friend."

The news elicited polite smiles and nods of approval from Soo-yeon's friends, but their acceptance remained a facade, and their smiles concealed their initial skepticism. They welcomed Min-jun into their group with cautious curiosity, eager to learn more about this unexpected addition.

Soo-yeon, seemingly sensing the subtle reservation around her, decided to playfully remove Min-jun's glasses and hat, revealing his unexpected good looks. Gasps of surprise and genuine appreciation rippled through the group as they observed the transformation.

With a teasing grin directed at Min-jun, Soo-yeon quipped, "See, I told you he's amazing."

As Min-jun exchanged smiles with Soo-yeon and her friends, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Little did he know that this encounter was the start of something entirely unexpected, and his once unremarkable university life was about to take a surprising turn