Chapter 4: Curious Minds

Min-jun found himself at a university cafeteria table, surrounded by Soo-yeon's lively group of friends. He had never been one to seek out social gatherings on campus, but Soo-yeon had insisted he join them for lunch today.

The friends chatted away, discussing their classes, professors, and plans for the upcoming exams. Laughter filled the air as they shared jokes and anecdotes.

As the conversation flowed, the curiosity of Soo-yeon's friends couldn't be contained. They hadn't seen much of Min-jun around the university, and Hye-jin, always one to ask questions, couldn't resist the opportunity. She leaned in and asked, "Hey, Soo-yeon, we rarely see your best friend here. How did you two meet, and why haven't we seen him before?"

Soo-yeon exchanged a knowing glance with Min-jun before responding with a playful smile, "Well, we've been friends for a long time. He doesn't usually hang out on campus."

The friends were intrigued, and the questions multiplied.

Yeon-woo leaned forward, genuinely interested. "So, Min-jun, what's your major? How do you like your classes?"

Min-jun, although not accustomed to the spotlight, answered with a friendly tone, "I'm studying architecture, and the classes are challenging, but I'm managing."

Seung-ho, usually the quiet one, decided to join in. "It's surprising to see you here today. What brought you to our university?"

Min-jun chuckled, appreciating the curiosity of Soo-yeon's friends. "Honestly, it was Soo-yeon's idea. I don't usually hang out on campus, but she insisted."

Soo-yeon decided to share a little more about Min-jun, adding to the growing intrigue. "You know, Min-jun is a top student in his department. The university professors and higher-ups often recognize his exceptional work."

Her friends exchanged glances, clearly impressed. It didn't take long for Hye-jin to seize the opportunity. "Wow, Min-jun, you must be really smart! Can you help us with our studies sometime?"

The question hung in the air for a moment. Min-jun hesitated, aware that he couldn't commit to helping them with their studies given his busy schedule. However, he didn't want to come off as rude.

Before he could respond, Soo-yeon intervened, coming up with a quick excuse. "Actually, Min-jun usually has a packed schedule with his academic workload. He's often busy with research and his department responsibilities."

Min-jun nodded in agreement, grateful for Soo-yeon's save. "Yeah, exactly. I wish I could, but there's just so much on my plate right now."

The disappointment was palpable among Soo-yeon's friends, but they understood. With the conversation winding down, Min-jun glanced at the time. "I hate to cut this short, but I have to run. It's time for me to catch up with my other commitments."

Soo-yeon, aware of Min-jun's tight schedule, stood up as well. "I'll walk with you. It's been great catching up."

Min-jun insisted that Soo-yeon didn't need to walk with him, assuring her that he would catch up with her later. Then, he dropped a surprising piece of news, "Oh, by the way, your dad invited me to dinner at your place tonight."

Soo-yeon was taken aback, her eyes widening in shock. She hadn't been informed by her father about this dinner plan, and she was unprepared for this revelation. After a moment of surprise, she managed to stammer out a response, "I-I see... he didn't tell me."

Seeing her reaction, Min-jun couldn't help but smile. To ease the moment, he reminded her with a grin, "Don't forget to study for those upcoming exams. I know your parents are quite serious about academics, and you shouldn't fall behind."

Soo-yeon's expression shifted from surprise to a mix of emotions anticipation, nervousness, and a hint of excitement. As Min-jun headed off, she stood there, her heart racing, thinking about the evening ahead, a blend of curiosity and anticipation filling her mind.

As Soo-yeon shared the news of Min-jun coming over for dinner, her friends were already surprised by the idea that he was friendly enough with her parents to be invited. When she mentioned her father's friendship with Min-jun's father as the reason, her friends became even more intrigued.

Curious, one of her friends asked, "If their parents are old friends, why aren't they joining the dinner as well?"

Soo-yeon's expression shifted as she hesitated for a moment. She knew she couldn't reveal the truth directly, so she carefully conveyed it indirectly. "Well, you see... Min-jun's parents... they're no longer with us."

Her friends fell into stunned silence, realizing the gravity of what she implied. They exchanged somber glances, understanding that Min-jun had faced a significant loss in his life, and they couldn't help but feel sympathy for him. The conversation took a more subdued tone as they considered the weight of this revelation.

Soo-yeon, feeling the need to change the topic and the mood, looked at her friends and said, "Well, it's time for our next class. We should head over." With that, they gathered their things and left the cafeteria, leaving behind the somewhat heavy atmosphere created by the conversation.

As Min-jun continued his journey to work, he reflected on why he had chosen to keep such a low profile at university. The truth was, he had spent much of his academic life in solitude. After his parents' passing, he had grown accustomed to loneliness and learned to rely on himself. This had led him to avoid the campus crowds and the attention that came with it.

The painful memories of his parents' absence had driven him to become an introvert, keeping his distance from others to shield himself from further emotional turmoil. But today's unexpected lunch had cracked open that shell, reminding him of the connections he had lost over the years.

As he walked on, Min-jun couldn't help but wonder if these newfound interactions were the first steps towards mending the solitude he had embraced for so long.

As the clock neared evening, Min-jun remained engrossed in his favorite game at his apartment. Simultaneously, Mr. Kim and his wife were busy setting the dinner table in their home, knowing that Min-jun would be arriving soon. They had requested their daughter, Soo-yeon, to assist with the preparations.

Minutes passed, and it was almost time for Min-jun to join them. He had already sent Soo-yeon to guide him to their house, given his previous delay in responding to Mr. Kim's calls.

Min-jun quickly dressed and left his apartment. The pleasant evening sun began its descent. Soon, he crossed paths with Soo-yeon, who had been awaiting his arrival. She seemed relieved to see him and asked about the reason for his tardiness and lack of response to calls. Min-jun, with a sheepish grin, confessed that his gaming session had kept him oblivious to everything else.

Soo-yeon, finding his dedication to gaming amusing, couldn't resist playfully flicking his forehead. She teased, "You really are a gaming maniac, you know that?"

Min-jun chuckled, agreeing wholeheartedly with her playful assessment. Together, they continued on their way to Mr. Kim's house, anticipating a delightful dinner and cherished company.

They arrived at Mr. Kim's house as the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting warm hues across the neighborhood. Soo-yeon led Min-jun to the front door and rang the bell. It wasn't long before Mr. Kim himself answered the door with a welcoming smile, though tinged with a hint of worry from Min-jun's earlier unresponsiveness.

"Min-jun, my boy, you had us a bit concerned," Mr. Kim greeted him warmly.

Min-jun bowed slightly, his expression apologetic. "I'm truly sorry, Mr. Kim. I was caught up in a game and didn't notice your calls. Thank you for having me over."

Mr. Kim chuckled, patting Min-jun on the back. "No harm done, Min-jun. Come on in."

Soo-yeon followed them inside, and they headed to the dining room where a beautifully set table awaited. The aroma of a delicious meal filled the air.

Mrs. Kim, a kind and gracious woman, greeted Min-jun with a warm smile as they all took their seats. She had prepared a sumptuous feast, showcasing her culinary skills.

As they shared stories and laughter throughout dinner, Min-jun felt a sense of warmth and belonging he hadn't experienced in a long time. He couldn't help but reflect on how much his life had changed in such a short period.

The evening passed swiftly, filled with genuine connections and newfound friendships. When it was time to bid their hosts farewell, Mr. Kim extended an offer. "Min-jun, if you ever need assistance with anything, don't hesitate to ask. You're like a son to us."

Min-jun was genuinely touched by the offer and thanked them profusely. With gratitude in his heart, he left their home, accompanied by Soo-yeon, as they headed back to their respective apartments, the stars overhead twinkling in the clear night sky.

Min-jun walked back to his apartment, the echoes of the evening's laughter still resonating in his mind. The night air was crisp, and the gentle breeze carried the promise of a new beginning.

As he entered his apartment, he noticed that he had left his laptop on. Its screen displayed the homepage of his favorite game, a reminder of the virtual adventures that awaited him. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he glanced out of the window at the twinkling stars above.

With a sense of contentment, he whispered to himself, "As I walked through the moments of today, I realized that even amidst the bustling reality, there are glimmers of hope and unexpected connections. In this realm of life's unpredictability, I find my path among the stars.