
She spoke "honey Im sorry, there is nothing i can do...

All I can do is treat your injury" she sighed

I asked "aren't you the head lady!?"

She replied "yes indeed im even then I dont have the power to release you.."

When she finished her sentence, i frozen up there....

This means i have to endure this pain till my death....

My eyes lost the colour of the hope....

Ms1 enter the room and asked me to get ready for the training... I did what they asked....

This thing is continued....

Whenever i get myself hurt grandma step forward and kindly treat my wound.....

And now its been 3 years since I came be honest I made some liltle friends who came here just like me....

Ms1 didn't changed a bit, he still the same crancky guy....

And now I really have to admit it that I became quite stronger than the others in our team....

But still i cant escape from this hell and still didn't find the reason why they need Roge family child for them...

Oh yah I forgot to mention that I learned martial arts,fighting skills,how to explode a nuclear bomb,how to use a gun (all kinds of gun)....

As always my day goes, i went to the training area where the gang leader who still looks the same with his white hair, ferocious eyes where his eye brows had a scar and of course his body is a muscular one.. He suddenly asked us to get back to our own room.... As always listened and get myself back to my room

Thats where I met him,who is gonna change my life into upside down... I looked at him and asked him "who are you!?"

He replied "are u one of the kidnappers?"

I said "didn't I the one who asked you first...whatever u better escape from here the gang leader and the others are frustrated so,that they can't notice any intruders came inside and fled away easily"

He was suprised and asked me" how do you know i m a intruder?"

I said "u dont have the mark the people from here have (I showed the coin mark whick embedded sword).... Dont waste your time speaking with me...ESCAPE"

He smiled and asked me

"Why are you doing this to me, aren't you one of them?"

I said "Do I look like a one to you?"

He said with a chuckle"nope, you are something else"

I started hearing footsteps,thank goodness my room is near the end of the room. I drag him to my room and we stood there when we both heard the footstep is also coming from the end....

Thats when i noticed i had a chock piece in my pocket probably from my previous class. I throw the chock piece in other direction which can distract them and thanks to the heavens, they did get distracted and went to look.

We both took it a chance to escape from there. We both rush to my room, when i was just closed the door I twisted my ankle.....

To be continued~