
when I open my eyes that's when I realised that the guy who I drag into the room is quite a handsome boy. He said "quit staring at me and get up from me!". when he said that words that's when I realised I twisted my ankle and fallen into him. i smiled at him and quickly get up and helped him to get up.

God he had a beautiful ocean blue eyes with black hair, his eyebrows are long and thick...don't even have to mention it he is tall  with greek body, his hair is messed up but still it made him look handsome.... I think he is a American boy but his accent is different....

As I was admiring him

he said while looking at me "I know Im handsome but its really cringe for you to stare at him straightly.."  I snapped from my thoughts and started to blush harder.... He laughed at me..

I said "who said I was looking at you.. maybe I did looked at you little bit....that doesn't matter now (I shook my head) who are you and why are you here?"

he said "maybe Im the one who your people trying to find from this early morning" he smiled at me.... 

I was stunned for a second and asked him "what!?!"

he said "you heard me clear and loud" 

i speak "dude you are crazy these people are not the one you need to mess with it,they are the most dangerous living being you need to get yourself out of here" 

he nod his head indicating the answer as no.... 

he said "who are you and why are you helping me instead of revealing me to your people?" 

I said "dude am I looking like their people.. well come on  people from here are all ugly ducks...." 

he laughed at him and i said "I helped you because i know you are not from here after all i spend my whole damn year in this hellish place and ofcourse Im not from this people..."

he looked at me and asked "then what are you doing here?" when I was gonna speak someone suddenly knocking on my door..

I looked at him and handed him a piece of paper and said "get out from here through this map" 

he said "what about you?"

I said "don't worry about me I can handle them get out now"

they started to knock the door really hard from the knock I identified its the cranky guy Ms1.....  He escaped through the door... when I opened the door

Ms1 slapped me across my face and yelled at me


after he yelled at me he search through my room, when he finds nothing he glare at me and said

"next time open the door when I knock nicely "

I nod my head at him silently when he left..... I rush through my window, thankfully he fled away.....

Well I can also escape from here but some how I got caught up, that's when I realised they put  tracker on my shoulder.... so even if I try I get tracked down easily....but somehow I relieved that I saved that guy.... 

To be continued~