
When she gave them the things they needed she gone outside of the party, thats when I realised it was the Roge own house...

She gone to the gardener and started to ask him for the flowers after that she went inside gave it to them...

She drank a wine thought that it was grape juice... After sipping it she continue to spill it out...

"Eww its disgusting..."she said and started to look for water.... When she drank the water the taste of the wine is still affect her she started to ran to the maid....

She explained what happened and the maids started to laugh and gave her the orange juice...

She took the juice sip it and her thoughts of relieve is clearly showing in her face...

I chuckled....

When she turned around and started to walk... I suddenly got a call, so I attend it and it was my PA... As I was busy talking about business someone suddenly bumped into me and the orange juice fell on my hands and shirt...

I was gonna shout at that person that's when I realise its the red hair with green eyes girl I been watching....

I stood silent and end my call..

She started to apologise to me and asked me to come to the dressing room so she could lend me a another dress to wear.... I took that a chance to talk with this cherry girl...

I nod and followed her...

She helped me to clean the stain in my dress and she been keep on apologising to me...

She said "Im really sorry.. Tell if there is anything to make you forgive me"

I said "how about you stop apologising to me" I looked at her eyes and man she is beautiful.... Cant express in words...

She said "but I made the mistake and I feel guilty"

I really cant handle her cuteness I said "how about you keep me company in this party"

"Pardon" she said

"Well you see Im bored you look like a fun person.. So how about spend some time with me talking" I said with a smile

"Will it be ok!?" She asked

"It will be alright... Lets start introducing ourselves..

Im Adrien, call me ren" I said

She smiled at me and said "Im Reira and you can also call me Ra-chan... That's what maria call me"

So her name is Reira. Mmmm

"I think cherry is more suitable to you" I said

"Huh Am I looking like that!?" She asked

"Thats why im calling you cherry, cherry" I said

"Hey stop calling me that or else I'll call you... Huh mmmm I don't know what to call!?" She blinked at me

I laughed "I cant laugh anymore lets head out to get fresh air cherry" i headed out

"Huh come on stop calling me that" she followed me out..

Surprisingly she is easy going person... That's when i found she is three years younger than me... She is just turn 14 a month ago...

I unknowingly open up to her and the clumsy girl was listening to me and giving me advice.. The only thing she is good without doing mistake is giving proper advice....

To be continue ~