
With her I forgot my problems and its been ages since I enjoyed speaking...

"Do you know how to play instruments!?"she asked me

"Mm yah I know, why!?" I asked her

She said "awesome, Come with me" she hold my hand and drag me outside... Oh shit her hands are small and soft..

She stop to a open area where only a piano were there...

"Its my favourite place.." She touched the piano

"Oh is it, the piano looks quite old!?" I asked

"Yes it is, its my mother's piano...." She said in quite tone

I understood the situation and asked "seems like your mother likes to play piano..."

"Yah she loved to play it and its the secret place for her but i found out" she said

"Did she get mad!?" I asked

"I would like it if she get mad at me but she is no more with me" she said with a broken smile..

I hugged her and said "Its alright wanna play the piano!?"

"I don't know how to play" she said

"Then how about listen to my music"I asked

"I would love to!!" She said

I check the piano if its working and luckily its still in its shape..

I sat on the stool and started to play..... She closed her eyes and listen to my music and suddenly she started to sing...

Her song matched my music and her voice was beautiful...

I and her fallen into the world of music... When she sang her last line, I ended with my last note...

We both looked each other and started to laugh

"You never said you sing!?!?"

I asked her

"You never asked me and I didn't bring you just for listening to your play... I was in the mood to sing too" she chuckled

Then we talked on our way to the party hall... On our way suddenly one of the maid rush to us and said the Roge family asked her presence..

She looked sad and said "I guess its time to say goodbye"

I said "Thanks for spending some time with me Ra-chan..

I would like to meet you again"

"Same here but unfortunately we can't" she said and left...

I went back to the hall and met with my family who enquired me where I was.

Of course i didn't told them my meeting with Ra-chan and said

"I was getting some fresh air and spying on Roge family"

My lie convinced them...

After 30 mins....

"Its already been an hour and a half, why are you still waiting" Amelia raged

"Yah I think we have to make a move" Audrey said..

Even mother approved it..

When gonna step outside...

The eldest Roge Daughter

Rekha Roge shown up...

To be continue ~