Fake Lies

With no other way to excuse himself, Nikolai sat down opposite her. He took extra care to sit further away from her. Athena was a little perplexed by his actions but paid it no mind. 

She poured him a fresh cup of hot tea, before picking up some meat and placing it on his plate. Nikolai was flustered by her actions. She could see it on his face which made her smile as she continued eating. 

Nikolai didn't dare to start eating. He was of a different class from the princess and should never have sat down in the first place. 

"Your Highness, thank you for your kindness. But I think it would be best if I ate later," he said as he stood up abruptly. 

Athena looked at him with a puzzled expression. Then, it clicked in her mind as to why he felt so uncomfortable. She saw them as equals, but he did not. 

"Nikolai, I order you to sit down and eat with me," she said sternly. 

He froze in place and gulped. 

"Yes, your Highness," he replied obediently before sitting back down. 

He picked up the cutlery and started eating. They both briefly glanced at each other, chuckling. They both ate silently for a few minutes before Athena asked Nikolai about what he had learned. 

According to him, Princess Casindra went to visit Lord Darrion shortly after she left the Hemlock Mansion. As Athena had expected, she wasn't there to help Athena's cause. Instead, she spoke ill of Athena. 

"But the second princess is tactile in her choice of words. To others, it might not seem like she's speaking ill of you. But in reality, she was," Nikolai said as he continued eating. 

Athena stopped eating as she was deep in thought. Nikolai watched the princess carefully. This was the closest he had been with her all day. They were alone in her private quarters, eating at the same table. 

Which god or goddess blessed him with such great fortune for this to happen? 

He was more intrigued by the princess, now more than ever. She was unlike any royal he had met before. Not only did she see him as her equal, she was intelligent and kind-hearted. 

"What was Lord Darrion's reaction? Did he believe everything she said?" Athena asked. 

"Yes, it seemed like it."

The princess let out a sigh. It was within her expectations. Replaying her last conversation with Darrion in her mind, she knew it would not be easy to win him to her side. 

It was clear that Casindra had sunk her claws deep into him. The chances of him seeing the truth were slim.

"If only he could see the truth," she whispered to herself as she continued eating. 

Nikolai took her words to heart. He knew he had to do something to help the princess. 

"Perhaps, you should unmask the second princess in front of him. I'm sure he won't be able to deny it then," he suggested. 

"That is a great idea," Athena praised with a smile, "But for that to happen, it will take some time. In the meantime… just remind me to keep a smile on my face and play dumb when I see him."

Nikolai smiled, "Will do, princess." 

The next few days were uneventful. Athena busied herself with beautifying her estate. She made sure to design everything to her liking. The royal carpenter had also come to visit her as requested. 

She instructed them in the design of a chair with a backrest that could be moved and locked in place. She insisted on seeing the first one they'd built as soon as it was ready. 

When the messenger came to inform her that it was ready for her viewing, she was excited to see it. However before she could step foot out of her estate, she saw Lord Darrion coming in her direction. 

"Princess Athena, are you going out?" he asked. 

"It's great to see you too, Lord Darrion," she greeted him politely with a curtsy, "I'm off to see the royal carpenters, would you care to join me?" 

"I have something important to speak with you about. May I have a moment of your time?" he asked, seemingly ignoring her invitation. 

Athena chewed the inside of her cheek. She didn't appreciate his blatant disrespect but decided to play along for now. Anything he did now was more ammo for her arguments later. 

Nikolai, who was her assigned personal guard for the day, didn't like the way he spoke to the princess either. He kept a cold expression and glared at the lord as he continued to plead an audience with the princess. 

"What is so important that you chose this very moment to come looking for me? I'm sure it can wait," Athena decided to brush him off and was about to continue walking when Darrion grabbed her by the arm. 

"This is important, it cannot wait-"

She removed her arm out of his grasp immediately. 

Nikolai already had his sword half drawn, ready to protect the princess. 

The air turned hostile in a split second. Everyone was on edge, wondering what was going to happen next. 

"I suggest you watch your actions carefully, Lord Darrion. You and I might be betrothed to each other, but we should respect each other's boundaries," Athena warned coldly. 

Though the young lord was handsome, his behavior and attitude towards her had caused any affection she had for him to fade away. She was so disappointed in the way he acted, that she was ready to call off the marriage. 

"Athena, this is about Casindra. Don't you think you should treat her better? She told me that you refused to see her when she came to visit you. Why are you treating her like this? She's your sister!" 

Athena furrowed her brows as she looked up at Darrion. Her mind was slowly being clouded by anger at the mention of the second princess' name. Her betrothed seemed obsessed with her younger sister. 

Nikolai was getting agitated by the way Darrion spoke to the princess. Who did the lord think he was?

"Wendy, did Princess Casindra come to the Hemlock Mansion recently?" Athena asked her personal maid. 

"No, your Highness. Her last visit was on the day you moved into Hemlock Mansion," Wendy replied with her head bowed. 

Athena turned back to Darrion. 

"Did you hear that, my lord? She never came. Don't believe everything you hear," she replied with a smirk as she folded her arms. 

She knew it. Casindra was attempting to stir up trouble again. 

"Your maid is clearly lying," Darrion declared. 

Athena turned to him, "Is Princess Casindra incapable of lying?"

"Why would she lie to me?"

"Why would my personal maid lie about this?"

"She's your subordinate, she would do anything to protect you." 

"To protect me?" Athena could barely believe the excuses Darrion was using. She turned to Wendy and said, "Wendy, do you swear that you're telling the truth?" 

The maid immediately got down on her knees, "I swear I did not lie, my princess. The guards on duty will back my words. Princess Casindra never came to see you today. The last time she was here was several days ago." 

Athena turned back to face Darrion, "Are you satisfied now? Or would you like to interrogate more members of my household to prove a point?"