Made For Each Other?

Darrion stood there speechless, not knowing what to say next. Seeing his silence as her victory, Athena walked past him and went on her way. But the lord refused to give up, he caught up to her and blocked her way. 

"Lord Darrion, I suggest you step aside before things get ugly," Nikolai stepped forward with his hand on the hilt of his blade. 

He was more than ready to take on the young lord in battle if need be, all to protect Princess Athena. 

"I just want to speak to my betrothed. In private," Darrion insisted. 

Athena let out a sigh. She was getting tired of all of these games. She waved her hand to get Nikolai to stand down. 

Though he wanted to protest, Nikolai did as he was told and took a step back. Athena took a step forward and to the side so that Darrion could speak to her privately. 

She folded her arms in annoyance. 

"Speak, I don't have all day."

"Athena, you weren't like this when you were younger. I understand that the outside world must have been tough, warping your trust in others, but why don't you trust Casindra? She's your blood-related sister after all!" 

Athena remained silent. She wanted to see how far Darrion would go to defend the second princess. 

He placed his hand across his heart, "I grew up with her, she's not an evil person and bears you no ill will. Whatever misunderstandings you both have, I'm sure there's a good explanation for all of it."

"Is that all you have to say?" she asked as she raised a brow at him. 


"Good, now listen carefully to me," she declared as she turned to face him head-on. 

With her hands on her hips, she began her rebuttal, "You are right, I have changed. I grew older and I now see everyone for what they truly are. What about you, Darrion? What am I like in your eyes?"

He was about to speak but she gestured for him to keep his mouth shut. 

"From what I can tell since I returned to the castle, you see me as a liar. You think my eyes are clouded and I'm vindictive of my sister. Am I wrong?" 

He tried to speak again, wanting to defend himself. But she stopped him from speaking once more. 

"Would you like me to tell you what I see?" she asked as she circled him. 

"Ever since the king announced our betrothal, you have not once been nice to me. Did I report this to my father? No. I chose to keep silent. At every incident, you chose to protect or side with Casindra over even just trying to see my side of things."

Athena was getting emotional. She knew it was showing in her voice but she did not care. Speaking to Darrion like this reminded her of how she had confronted her cheating boyfriend. 

Emotions from a distant past were bubbling to the surface and she had no way to keep it suppressed. They were overflowing and overwhelming. 

"I know there's no love between us. It's just a betrothal. Maybe, just maybe, a small part of me had hoped you would show me the same level of trust you seem to have for Casindra," when she heard the slight quiver in her own voice, Athena took a step back. 

She took in a deep breath to recollect herself before continuing. 

"Perhaps we aren't well suited to begin with. If we can't build trust with each other now, how can we hope to do so in the future?" she let out a sigh as she shook her head. 

She did not give him a chance to defend himself or say anything. She simply turned back around and returned to her entourage. Before continuing on her way, she turned back to face Darrion for a moment. 

"I hope you have a good day ahead, Lord Darrion," she said with a weak smile. 

With that, Athena left with her entourage. She remained silent all the way to the royal carpenters. Nikolai and Wendy exchanged a few glances. They knew the princess was upset. 

Though they had only spent a few days with her, they knew silence was not a good sign. However, they didn't dare to say anything. When they finally arrived at the royal carpenters' workshop, Athena put on her best smile. 

The royal carpenters welcomed her with open arms and reciprocated her smile. They showed her the finished chair that was made to her specifications. She gasped in amazement and delight at the sight of it. 

"It's perfect. Excellent craftsmanship too," she praised as she admired the work done, "This has exceeded all of my expectations." 

After everything that happened with Darrion, the chair made her day. 

"Would you be able to make a few more? I would like to give one to my father, as for the rest… have them sent to the Hemlock Mansion when they are done," she instructed before reminding Wendy to reward the royal carpenters for their work. 

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Athena took her leave. However, instead of returning to the Hemlock Mansion, she went in a different direction. As soon as Wendy and Nikolai caught on to this, they wondered where she was heading too. 

When they were a few minutes in, Wendy could not hold it in any longer. 

"Princess, where are we going?" she asked boldly. 

If she had been working for another royal, she would never have dared to ask the princess like this. But she knew Princess Athena was different. 

"I'm going to go see my father," she replied nonchalantly, "I'm going to tell him to call off the marriage between Darrion and I."

"What is this that I am hearing?" a voice called out from around the corner. 

Athena recognized that voice instantly. She bit her lips as she took a step back and lowered her head. 

It was Queen Catalina. 

"Queen Catalina, what a coincidence to meet you here," Athena greeted her before straightening herself. 

"I was just on my way to the Eastern Royal Gardens to have tea with my daughter, Casindra. What is this I'm hearing about calling off the marriage?" she enquired as she covered the lower half of her face with her folding fan. 

Athena cursed herself for speaking out loud. The walls have ears. She had carelessly spoken. She knew she had to find a way to turn the situation in her favor. 

"I'm afraid Lord Darrion and I are not compatible. As such, I was just on my way to-"

"Not compatible? Well that much is true. I've tried to change your father's mind about this, but he was adamant. Casindra is a much better match for Lord Darrion, don't you think? After all, they grew up together." 

Though it did not concern her, somehow the Queen's words felt like sharp daggers stabbing Athena's heart. She did her best to keep her emotions in check. But she could not help but curl her hands into fists.