Finding You

"I…We wanted to use you to lure Krayden to us! That- that was the original plan anyways," he blurted out. 

"Original plan? The plan changed?" She asked anxiously. 

"The King was missing after a clash between our forces and his. You're no longer as valuable of a bargaining chip," Greyson added. 

Athena knew what he meant. She wasn't surprised by it either. After all, Krayden's subjects likely knew nothing about her. All they knew was that Athena was set to marry their king. 

To them, she was just a foreign princess betrothed to their king. They could always find him another princess to marry. 

"Last question, where's Krayden?"

"I… I don't know. I swear! No one knows! We've sent out men to search for him but he's nowhere to be found." 

"What about the last known location?"


Athena twisted the dagger a little, causing Greyson even more pain.