
"I will not be accepting your authority until I see the will that gave you said authority with my own eyes," Athena continued to demand. 

Queen Catalina was livid. 

"Your father is missing and this is what you're worried about? Whether I have the right to rule? I thought you were better than this, Athena," The queen sighed as she shook her head. 

It was clearly a setup. Athena was no fool, so she wasn't going to fall for it. She knew exactly what Catalina was trying to do. She was trying to paint her as the villain of this narrative. 

"If I wasn't worried, I wouldn't have returned." 

"After such a long time, no less," Princess Casindra added. 

Athena turned to glare at Casindra. 

"In case you weren't aware, I was gravely wounded and fighting for my life. I'm not a god, so it takes time to recover from a wound."

Casindra clenched her jaw, unable to think of something to rebut with. All she could do was sulk as she folded her arms.