Like Mother, Like Daughter

Athena turned on her heel and returned to the mansion. Despite what was happening outside everyone under her command was still working hard to get Hemlock Mansion back up and running. 

She noticed Krayden in a corner of the courtyard washing some of the rags that were used to clean various surfaces. The water was dark with dirt and grime. 

"My dear, could you bring that pail of water and come with me?" 

Krayden was a little surprised by Athena's words. However, he went along with it. When he saw the crowd that had gathered at the gate, seeing Casindra on the ground in tears by a puddle of filthy water, he deduced what was happening. 

To his surprise, no one seemed to notice who he was at first, which amused him. Usually, the moment Krayden appeared, people would grow silent. 

No one would dare point fingers at him. But this was different.