"Indeed..." The figure answered somewhat confused, staring at the whale, unable to understand why he sensed two souls or why that body was so striking.
"How the hell is this possible? Who are you?" the whale asked seriously.
He sighed in response. "It's a long story, but I've waited for this moment, and luckily, you came... see for yourself."
A knowledge rune flowed toward the whale, who absorbed it. Immediately, he saw something simple and ordinary: the life of a human who lived on Earth in a distant era.
This man lived in a library, reading voraciously day and night. He was the only person in the small village who knew how to read, making him responsible for anything involving intelligence, which made him quite useful to everyone.
Despite having no shortage of suitors, he never married. Perhaps because he read and overthought too much, he lacked social skills. Still, he had a simple family who lived together happily.