Chapter 6

Automatically, Nina sits back down, she looks at Dominic full of expectations. It was a different sparkle in his eyes, full of hope, something he thought was the first time he had seen:

— So you still want to hire me?! — she says, being spontaneous — Mr Dominic, I know I don't have the professional experience you might be looking for, but I can learn. I can learn anything, I'm very hardworking and I really want to work for you. I promise I won't bother you with anything.

"Why do I feel like you're going to bother me so much?" Dominic thinks, watching her.

— I can prove it, tell me anything you want and I'll do it!

- OK! — she said the magic words to him, those words that weren't exactly what she liked to hear, but were very close: "Ask me for whatever you want. I'm here, available for your complete pleasure."

Dominic looked at her thoughtfully as she waited, showing no regrets. She was willing to do anything, but maybe she hadn't thought of everything, maybeexist things he could ask of her that she would refuse.

Dominic frowned, he imagined exactly what he could ask for, but she was unsuitable to be his girl and he wasn't crazy to ask her in that place and at that time.

Nina patiently awaited his order, until he said:

—Fix my elevator.

— What? —- she opens her eyes wide, surprised. That was one of the things she didn't imagine he would ask for.

— That's right, fix my elevator. A skittish cat invaded my elevator, I don't know where it came from, it must have come from the street. She scratched and dented the doors and tried to rip the buttons off the dashboard.

Nina looked at her sweaty hands, which were tightly gripping the hem of her skirt. She knew very well that he was making an irony, because of the episode in the elevator. She wasn't sure if he wanted her to stay in the room, just to humiliate her, or if he really wanted to hire her.

— Mr Dominic, I don't know how to maintain elevators, but nowadays you learn everything on the internet. You can let me fix it. Maybe there is a tool kit at reception. Well, I already fixed my dad's old car once, so I'll be able to fix your lift.

Dominic raised his eyebrows, very suspicious, he wanted to see her falter, beg her not to do that, tell her that it was impossible for her. But by the look on her face, she was determined to try. He wasn't used to seeing a pretty girl act like this.

This wasn't good, in part, involuntarily he tried to see in her a characteristic that his girl should have, but she didn't meet the requirements, a Dominic girl must be delicate and not a woman willing to pick up tools and get dirty with grease. Nina didn't meet most of his requirements, other than having his attention.

She gets up again and walks towards the door. At that point, he knew she was serious, she was willing to try to fix his elevator.

He puts his hand on the doorknob and then says:

— Ah, Mr. Dominic, come with me!

He arches his eyebrow and sees her approaching. He sees your small hand approaching him, almost in slow motion, he felt something he didn't usually feel, his heartbeat accelerated and his eyes widened. Was she actually trying to touch him?

Nina grabs his wrist and pulls him, saying:

— Come! Only you can open the elevator, right?

Dominic pulls her wrist, freeing herself from her and then says:

— There's nothing wrong with my elevator. — he said, a little irritated, looking to the side, looking away. That interview was supposed to be a massacre, but he was the one getting uncomfortable.

Dominic bit his lip, thoughtfully, then took a deep breath, recovering himself and said:

— On the forty-eighth floor is my meeting room. It's a place where I hold conferences with some of my partners. I also meet some interested in doing business. Today I canceled a meeting there and left some papers. Go get it!

He said more, because he wanted that woman to get out of his way.

Nina nodded, excited, and said:

— Of course, Mr. Dominic!

She ran towards the door and before she turned the handle she heard the CEO's deep voice. Nina jumped back, looking at him again.

— Take the stairs, Nina!

She didn't even pay attention to him, nodded and left the room.

Dominic was left open-mouthed, because before he finished, she hurried away.

Nina was determined to complete Dominic's order, but she walked around the outside of the office and didn't see any stairs, so she decided to ask the receptionist for help.

- Hi, again! — she says excitedly, surprising the receptionist — Do you know where I can find the stairs around here? — she asks, looking around him.

The receptionist is instigated by the question and responds:

— Ladder? Do you want to go down? And that?

— Yes! But it has to be via the stairs!

— Use the elevator. You're not going to tell me that you were traumatized by getting into Dominic's elevator.

- No! It's not that, it's just that he asked me to go there on the forty-eighth. — she takes the receptionist's hand, excited and continues — He decided to give me a chance, please help me!

— Ok… — the receptionist comes out from behind the counter and continues — Look, there is a staircase here, to the forty-eighth, but it is in Mr. Dominic's office. Go back there and go down.

— Go back? — she asks thoughtfully — If he wanted me to go down his stairs, he would have told me. There's no other?

— Well, there is… — the receptionist raises an eyebrow and then continues — Honey, there is the emergency staircase, but I wouldn't recommend going into that place.

— Where is it? Where is it? — Nina pulls the receptionist by the hand, surprising him. — Please, where is the emergency staircase? I need to get some papers for Mr. Dominic, my job depends on it!

The receptionist shrugged and took her towards the bathroom, next to the door, there was a door, which he opened and there was a hallway. At the end, there was a fire door.

Nina ran and tried to open the door, it was heavy, but she was determined to use all her strength to open it. Before the receptionist approached to help, she managed to open it, entered and slammed the door behind her.

"My God, this woman is crazy." — the receptionist thinks, with wide eyes.

As soon as she entered, Nina realized why the receptionist was hesitating, a horrible place, it was dark, there were only a few dim emergency lights, which flickered, it was dusty, making her sneeze, she even wondered if there might be an animal there, but he didn't pay much attention to that thought and went down the stairs, without much care.

It was just a flight of stairs, so he soon reached the bottom floor. He went out into a hallway similar to the one upstairs, walked and came out near the bathroom.

  She breathed a sigh of relief, scratching her nose to alleviate her dust allergy.

Nina walked down a corridor and came across the elevator area. It wasn't empty, there were some people talking. He thought they were probably the people who were at Dominic's meeting.

They were so busy that they didn't notice her presence and she passed them and ran, in the same direction as Dominic's room on the floor above. This is because he deduced that, if there was a staircase that accessed his office, the meeting room was in the same direction.

It was a good deduction, as it arrived easily in the meeting room


She smiled, relieved, without realizing that she had been spotted by someone, who walked towards her.