Chapter 7

Dominic tried to stay in place, he gave Nina an order and she simply left, without finishing listening to him. He expected her to come back, realizing he got confused, but she doesn't come back.

He tries to stay quiet, but he can't, he didn't delay in wanting to know where the girl was. He went out and didn't see her, he wondered if she had disobeyed him with a straight face because she used the elevator.

He didn't want her to use the elevator, as he knew she could run into the people who had requested the meeting with him. They were politicians, mostly men, some had no scruples, and for him, Nina was vulnerable. Even if he tried to show indifference to Nina, he couldn't.

He decided to go to the bathroom, his hand was sweaty. Reactions that he wasn't used to were happening. The thought of Nina being harassed surrounded by those men disgusted her.

When he passed through the door, which gave access to the corridor, which itself gave access to the emergency stairs, the door opened abruptly.

— Oh my God! — the receptionist jumps in fright, coming face to face with Dominic.

Dominic, suspicious, looks toward the hallway.

—What were you doing in that place?

He furrowed his eyebrows, his icy gaze leaving the receptionist disconcerted.

— Well... the... — the receptionist didn't know if what he was going to say would make sense, he points to the door, to Dominic, not reaching a plausible conclusion.

— She is here?! — Dominic says, sharply.

— Sir, I couldn't stop her.

Dominic looked so angry that the receptionist suspected his job might be at risk.

Dominic entered the hallway, pushing the receptionist out of her way. He opened the fire door and surveyed the dimly lit room suspiciously.

— Are you sure she came in here?

Before the receptionist could respond, a sneezing sound echoed down the stairs.

The receptionist shrugged, making Dominic realize that yes, she went down those stairs.

Without thinking twice, he walked in, slamming the door behind him, leaving the receptionist impressed.

He puts his hand in his pocket and takes out a bottle of medicine. This one, looks at the label, which reads: "anxiolytic", he doesn't hesitate to take a pill and after saying:

— No! Meditation, controlling your breathing and counting to ten will not work. What a day, my God! I can see that my mental health is going from bad to worse with this girl messing around here and Mr Dominic chasing after her.

The building was considered very safe, and Dominic hadn't been there for three years. At that moment he realized that when the boss leaves, many things are not treated with the same care when he was present. He wondered if they had stopped doing the evacuation drills because he wasn't around. Because those stairs were in an unsustainable state.

On the forty-eighth floor, Nina opened the door and walked over. He noticed that the meeting room was as big as Dominic's office. There was a long table, made of a gray material, whose surface was extremely smooth and reflected the light evenly. The chairs were made of the same material, except for the armchair at the end, which was also gray, but padded. Behind it was the same glass wall.

Her observation took seconds, as her peace was soon broken when she heard someone behind her calling her.

— Nina! What are you doing here?

His body immediately stiffened, he knew whose voice it was. Her fear was personified right behind her.

— Nina! — he says again — Aren't you going to give me an explanation?

She continued to stand still, not having the courage to look back. She thought that if she remained still, he might think he was confusing her with someone else.

— Nina, there's no point trying to disguise it. I know that ass well.

Hearing, she was outraged by his audacity. Nina placed both hands on her butt, covering them. The idea that he was admiring her ass disgusted her. However, she did not realize that this movement gave her away.

— Nina! — Samuel grabbed her arm, pulling her and making her look at him.

— Let me go! — she tries to pull her arm, but she can't, he holds her second strong, not caring that he was hurting her.

— Get out of here now, Nina. — he says in a threatening tone.

— You don't rule me, Samuel. I have the right to come and go, you know? Just because you're about to become a senator doesn't mean you can take that right away from me.

— You can come and go anywhere, but not here.

— Try to stop me! — she starts to try to free herself from him and he tightens her grip.

— Nina, you'll regret it if you get close to Dom...

— Why are you bothering my secretary? — said Dominic, interrupting him and arriving by surprise.

— Se… s-secretary? — Samuel says, amazed.

He looks at Dominic and then at Nina, not letting go.

— Samuel, I'm not a man to say twice, let her go! — Dominic says, in a threatening tone.

— She… — Samuel, looks at Nina, not at all satisfied, looks back at Dominic and says — That woman stole from me. I left my watch here and when I came back, it was gone. She's the only person in this place

— Lier! — Nina screams, and hits Samuel with her free hand — There is no watch.

Samuel takes Nina's other hand and squeezes it. She lets out a short moan:

— Ouch!

Dominic can no longer watch and puts her arm between Nina and Samuel. He looks into the Billionaire's fierce eyes and ends up letting go of the girl.

She puts his hand on his arm, where Samuel squeezed. It was painful and uncomfortable.

Dominic protectively stood in front of Nina, not letting Samuel look at her.

—She stole my watch, fire that woman, Dominic! — Samuel insists, he was out of his mind. He was very afraid that one of his mistakes would come to light and Nina was a threat to his political career. This is because Dominic was a possible great ally for him to be elected and they had a greater connection than that.

Dominic takes out his smartphone, puts it to his ear and is immediately answered. Soon after, it says:

— Mrs. Patel, send Samuel a Rolex. Choose the latest model.

Afterwards he hangs up and crosses his arms, still in front of Nina.

— If your problem was a watch, it's solved. Now you can leave.

Samuel tries to argue, but Dominic seemed irreducible, protecting Nina from him.

— Dominic, I'll come back to talk at a better time.

Nina cranes her neck to look at Samuel, behind Dominic. He looks back at her and points, saying:

— That will not remain like this.

After the threat, Dominic steps aside, hiding her again.

He remains motionless, until he realizes that Samuel has disappeared from his field of vision.

Then he turns to Nina and looks at her.

— Where do you know each other from? — he asks, his eyebrows furrowed.

Nina nods and swallows hard. He considered that talking about his past with Samuel was a threat to his possible hiring.

Dominic is not satisfied, however, he thinks that he could put her against the wall at another time.

He looks at her face and sees her scared. Their expressions looked a lot like the expression he saw the first time he saw her. Her eyes were slightly irritated, showing that she was close to crying.

Nina sees his hand slowly approaching her head.

She watches, scared, slowly moves her head away, but before she can free herself from his touch, his hand reaches her.

He lightly touches her hair and removes his hand. She looks at her hand again and sees that there was a spider web between her fingers.

Then he does the same movement again, but this time she doesn't try to escape.

— When someone tries to hurt you… — he pauses, rethinking what he was going to say. He was going to tell her not to hide it from him, because he would take revenge for her, but he reminded himself that she wasn't his girl — Use your teeth, bite!

Nina nods positively, while he continues to remove the cobwebs, without rushing, taking advantage of the moment to lightly touch her hair.

After finishing, he takes a deep breath, takes a black card out of his pocket and hands it to you.

— You can leave now, Nina Moon.