Chapter 10

Nina, after talking to her mother, returned to her room. She grabbed a blanket from the closet and lay down on the couch. After many nights sleeping in the hospital, for her, sleeping on the couch was normal and comfortable.

  While lying down, she opened her cell phone and saw a message from Júlia, asking how the interview had gone. That day, Júlia couldn't go to the hospital, but she still got in touch to find out about her friend.

Nina replied that she had passed in the interview, that she had done very well, the same as her said to your mother.

She immediately received a new message from Júlia, showing that she was attentive to the news:

"I'm so glad you made it, Nina! When will it start?"

Nina was thoughtful, and then typed:

"I don't know… he hasn't told me anything about it, but I think he'll get in touch soon."

Júlia was intrigued by the fact that the company had not given her a start date.

"What do you mean? He had to have told you something, like what documents you needs to be hired, or that someone would get in touch within a certain period of time… How come he didn't tell you anything?"

Nina explained to Júlia how it happened, that the billionaire called her his secretary and asked her to get some documents from his meeting room. And in the end, he even gave him his card.

Júlia considered that having the card did not necessarily mean that she had passed the interview.

"Nina, even if we don't pass a job interview, we can get a card, you know?"

Nina looked at the ceiling thoughtfully, her eyes widened and she began to think that maybe Júlia was right. However, she had already told her mother that she had passed the interview, she couldn't change and say now that she didn't pass.

She immediately got up, took the black card from his bag, and when he read it, he saw that it said "Bright" in relief.

Dominic, in turn, spent the rest of the day intrigued, seemed scattered and unable to pay attention to anything people were saying to him.

He received a lot of calls and emails, as that was the first day he stepped back into the Bright Corporation, and it had only been a few days since he had returned to the city. Many people wanted to meet him, arrange dinners and even meet him in person, as he was not such an accessible man and many had never had the privilege of being in the billionaire's presence.

However, he refused all calls and couldn't concentrate on reading any emails.

The day's work was a waste and before schedule, as he never did, he decided to leave and go home early. Dominic has always been known for following timetable rules and being punctual, both when arriving at places and when leaving and that day, he broke his rule.

Upon arriving at the Bright mansion, Dominic went straight to her suite and in the bathroom, she found the bathtub prepared with a relaxing bath as he had requested.

He took off his blazer and threw it on the floor, unbuckled his belt and soon his pants were on the floor too. Without worrying, he undressed, leaving the items on the floor and got into the bathtub. He took a glass of wine and the bottle, filled the container with red wine, from a rare vintage, and drank it in one go, without tasting, then filled the glass again and repeated the process.

Everything was perfect, ambient music, water at the ideal temperature, delicious wine... Everything was perfect for the man to relax, but he wasn't able to. The wine seemed to make his fixation on that woman more intense, which never left his mind.

At some point, someone knocked on the door and he told the person to come in.

Only one person had the privilege to enter the billionaire's quarters: Mrs Patel.

Dominic looked at Mrs Patel, a little upset and with a slurred voice.

— Shit! What happened so important for you to come here, Patel!

She didn't respond, just reached out to him, showing that she had her smartphone.

Dominic responded with intolerance:

— Damn, I'm not going to help anyone! Won't these people stop bothering? Tell whoever it is that if it continues, I'll put you on my blacklist.

Mrs. Patel moved her lips, pronouncing the words ironically:

— Are you going to put Miss Nina on your black list?

—Give me that cell phone! — he shouted, gesturing impatiently, showing unusual tension. He wasn't usually so harsh with Mrs. Patel, but he was a little upset at that moment.

As soon as he put the smartphone to his ear, he said, in a slurred voice:

— When are you going to stop bothering me, woman? Please get out of my head!

However, Nina completely ignored his sentence and said:

— I need to know if I passed the interview, Mr. Dominic. It's my job, isn't it? Please say yes!

Dominic massaged her temples, trying to remember what went through her head to give her the card with her personal smartphone number, which only very important people had.

Dominic, a little drunk, was trying to formulate a response, unable to follow a line of thought.

Before he could formulate, Nina intervened, saying:

— I'm sure I did very well in the interview. I will do everything you ask of me, I will work properly. Please, Mr Dominic, hire me.

What he wanted was her. There was nothing he wanted more. Maybe understand why became obsessed with a woman he barely knew, who he saw twice in his life.

—What if I ask you to come here now? Would you come? — he gave in to the impulses of his drunkenness, saying what was difficult to disguise at that moment. He wanted to look into her face again, touch her and more…

Nina was surprised by the question. She really didn't expect to hear something like that.

However, it was a strange proposal, but she really needed that job. After pondering for a moment, she replied:

— I will! Where are you? I'm going there now. I already said that I will do everything for this work, if you want me to start now, I will!