Chapter 11

Nina waited for a response, but everything was silent on the other end of the line:

— Mr. Dominic, I already said that I will go wherever you are. Give me your location. — Nina insisted, but the silence persists.

Nina didn't realize that she didn't get any response because Dominic had fallen asleep with her cell phone in her hand.

He drank more than he was used to, he liked to taste wine, but that night he was already on his third bottle.

Patel watched the scene while hearing the girl's voice on the other end of the line. She couldn't understand what exactly she was saying, but he couldn't do much now since the billionaire fell asleep. Then she walked over, took the cell phone out of his hand and turned it off.

The next day, Nina took a bus and went to the company. She wasn't going to give up that job. Upon arriving at the building's reception, determined to speak to Dominic and start working that day, she approached the receptionist in the hall, the same one who had looked her up and down previously.

— Hey good afternoon. I need to speak to Mr. Dominic. — she said, trying to appear normal.

The receptionist looked at her again, trying to recognize her, she thought that face was not completely unfamiliar to her. Many people passed by and she didn't remember Nina exactly, but  knew she had probably seen her before. Without delaying, she types a few things, moves the mouse a few times and says:

— Sorry, miss, Mr. Dominic didn't say he would receive anyone at that time. There is no warning here.

— I'm his secretary, I don't think you need a warning for his secretary to come to your office.

The receptionist, with a suspicious look, replied:

— If you're his secretary, you should have a credential. Where is your credential?

Nina, with an awkward smile on her face, said:

— I lost...

Realizing that the receptionist didn't believe what she said, she clasps both hands to her chest and says:

— I really need to talk to him, please let me up.

The receptionist replied:

— Are you crazy? Are you simply wanting to talk to an important person like him without having an appointment? Girl, wake up. Things are not like in novels. It's not easy to get into places to talk to a billionaire. He needs to want to receive you, you hear? And I doubt Mr. Dominic will want to take in an insignificant girl like you!

Even noticing the receptionist's disrespectful tone, Nina insisted, as she swore that she had passed the interview and that Dominic forgot to tell her. She couldn't give up, she couldn't let that opportunity pass by.

However, the receptionist was adamant and did not allow Nina to go upstairs.

Nina walked away from the reception, looked at the clock and saw that it wasn't yet 8 o'clock, but it was close, she thought that Dominic was probably arriving.

"But where would he enter? Would he use that hall or did he have an exclusive entrance?"

  Nina knew where the CEO's private elevator was and so she decided to wait near the elevator. Hoping the door would open and she could see him again. She noticed that the area for Dominic's elevator was no longer accessible, but she stood there, staring at the elevator door from afar.

The clock struck eight and nothing happened. Nine hours and still nothing. She stood there for over an hour, without losing heart. I wouldn't leave until I saw the billionaire. She thought that if she couldn't find him when he arrived, she could try when he went to lunch, or even when he left. I was determined to talk to him.

At some point, Nina looked to the side and saw movement at the reception. She noticed that the receptionist was talking to a tall man in a suit. He wore some kind of phone in his ear and was very strong and loud.

The receptionist pointed in her direction, which made her frown and realize that the man was probably some kind of security guard and the receptionist was calling him to get her out of there. Her eyes widened at the realization, This was completely unexpected.

Faced with the situation, Nina took a few steps back and looked towards the exit. At this moment, she saw security walking steadily towards him. Therefore, she turned towards the exit and decided to walk with quick steps. She thought that maybe she could leave, hide and return at another time, without anyone noticing.

If she could, would stay there all day, she wouldn't give up just because had a security guard on his tail.

She continued to walk quickly, while the security guard continued to chase her. She tried to dribble and pass between people, but the man moved like a runaway car. When she was about to reach the exit, he caught her and roughly grabbed her arm.

Nina groaned in pain, realizing that the security guard was holding her injured arm. He ignored it and started dragging it out.

Nina protested, trying to free herself:

— Let go of me, it hurts! I was already leaving. You don't need to squeeze me like that, you brute!

She continues to complain, while the security guard didn't seem to care. When they were on the sidewalk, where he was going to play, instead of continuing, he simply stopped and stared straight ahead.

Nina, who looking at him complaining, noticed and frowned. Curious, she followed her gaze in the same direction and saw a mature lady standing right in front of them. It was the same lady who had given him the umbrella the day before.

The lady looked fixedly at the security guard, and Nina imagined that she was important, as she seemed to command respect and the security guard was motionless in her presence and receiving that look.

Before she processed everything that was happening, it was at that moment that Nina felt a shiver run down her back. His body automatically stiffened when he heard a deep voice behind him:

— Let go of my girl now.

The voice was low, serious, and extremely threatening.