Chapter 25

Nina took a deep breath, got ready and decided that she should do the best thing for that moment, which was to leave.

That party was getting worse with every second it took to continue there.

She left the bathroom and saw that there was a corridor to the side, where at the end, she could see a bright sign saying: "EXIT".

She lifted her long dress a little so she wouldn't trip over the hem and walked with long strides, determined to get the hell out of that place.

Nina entered the dark corridor and continued, determined, to reach the exit.

She reached and put her hand on the door to push, but before she did she was interrupted by a deep and harsh voice behind her.

— Nina Moon, I need you to come with us.

She slowly turned her neck and saw two large men dressed in black suits.

—W-Who are you? — she asks, feeling her chest tighten with a bad sensation and before she could run, the second man caught up with her and put his hand over her mouth, stopping her from screaming.

In the VIP area, Dominic took Rosália's arm and looked at her.

— Why did you do that? What do you have against Nina?

Rosália wanted to scream, saying that Nina was a slut, that she had seduced Samuel, even though he was married and tried to destroy his marriage and his political career, which was just beginning at the time.

But he remembered what Samuel told him:

"Mom, be careful what you say to Dominic. We need to keep him by our side, okay? At least until I get elected and get more influence."

Rosália knew that an extramarital affair could divide people, and despite defending her son tooth and nail, she wasn't stupid. The big fact in everything that happened is that he had an extramarital affair for a whole year and even she thought that Nina was the main culprit behind it, for being so beautiful and making men's heads. Rosália knew that her son did not have the best behavior.

She pulls her arm, letting go and says:

— I smell sluts from afar and that woman makes my senses buzz. I hope you stay away from her forever, if you still have any consideration for us who welcomed you in your most difficult time.

After saying that, Rosália left, thinking it was better to stay away so as not to end up giving Dominic too much information and tarnishing Samuel's image for him.

— You no longer owe any debt to these people, you have already done a lot for them! — Jared says, disgusted. His relaxed posture had broken and he looked extremely irritated.

— Aren't you really going to say what you know, Jared? You expect me to move my resources to find out?

— No need, Dominic, I'm already investigating everything about Nina and what I already know about her relationship with Samuel, I think it's best to tell you at the right time. Now I can only tell you one thing, take this girl and take her under your protection, because we don't want the same thing that happened to Emilly, my sister, to happen again.

Nina was dragged from that corridor, which because it was poorly lit and no one was circulating in that place, she was not seen.

Her captor's hand pressed against her mouth, hurting her and preventing her from making any sound, asking for help.

They got into a freight elevator and went up a few floors, emerging into a hallway of rooms.

Soon they arrived at a suite and when Nina was dragged inside, she realized that everything was going to get even worse.

There she was, Kira, with her makeup smudged from crying so much. She was drinking red wine and seemed drunk.

As soon as she saw the three of them, she stood up. The expression on his face was frightening.

— Hold her! — she shouts and the two men hold Nina in each arm.

Kira advances towards Nina and she shouts:

— Kira, don't do anything stupid…

Before Nina finished, Kira punched her in the stomach. Making her moan in pain.

— I should have sent you to hell three years ago! Why did you have to reappear, you bastard?! — Kira screams, out of control.

Afterwards, she goes to the table and takes a pin, and sucks up some white powder that was in the container.

Nina understands at that moment what was happening and that talking to Kira would be impossible, she mixed drinks and drugs, she was completely out of her mind.

— Help! Someone help me! — she screams, desperate.

Kira starts laughing and says:

— You can scream all you want, slut! This entire floor was reserved for Samuel's entourage. No one will come here now and no one will listen to you.

Nina cries, terrified and says:

— Kira, you have to think better. It wasn't my fault for things in the past, I didn't know that Samuel was married. My God, I didn't know anything! Please let me go!

Nina only thought that she needed to live to take care of Hannah and if she had the opportunity, she would even kneel, begging for her life.

— You made my night shit, Nina! And now, you're going to amuse me! — Kira says and picks up a syringe that was on a tray, laid out on the table.

Nina's eyes widen and tries to break free, but Kira's two bodyguards hold her tight and extend her arms.

— No, no... don't do that, Kira! — Nina begs, crying.

— You better stay quiet, because I could burst your vein and spray blood everywhere. It's going to be a mess, but it won't stop me from having fun with you.

Nina imagines herself bloody and Hannah seeing her like that. That's why he stops moving and Kira injects drugs into his vein.

Afterwards she laughs and turns on her heel. His laugh sounded frightening.

— Now things will be more fun!

Afterwards, she takes the diamond tiara that Dominic gave Nina and puts it on her own head.

Then he looks in the mirror and says:

— Look at me? I'm a Dominic girl! Adorned with millions of dollars in diamonds. Admired wherever I go, shining like a star.

Nina begins to feel the effects, her head starts to spin and her legs start to wobble.

Kira goes back to her and takes the necklace and earrings and puts them on herself and admires herself in the mirror.

The truth is that Samuel was not a good husband, he never gave him gifts and Nina was not his only extramarital affair. Kira was a belittled wife, but she always blamed others for her failed relationship.

— Kira… — Nina takes a deep breath, trying to suppress the loss of consciousness and continues — Let me go.

— No way! We've only just begun. You like being a bitch, don't you? She likes to play in men's beds. You must be good at satisfying desires, that's why Samuel never looks at me the way he looks at you. That's why Dominic gave you diamonds.

— They're not diamonds... — Nina still refused to believe that the jewelry Dominic gave her were diamonds.

— I want to see how you do it. — Kira says and Nina's eyes widen. — You two, take this bitch to bed and do whatever you want with her! I want to see how she satisfies a man.

The men drag Nina and she despairs:

— No, no, no... don't do that, please!

Kira pulls out the chair and sits down, facing the bed, one of the men throws Nina on the bed and tries to open her legs and Nina kicks him. He gets angry and slaps her face.

— My God, what did I do wrong? No, don't do that! — she screams and while one of the men holds on, the other throws himself on top of her.

Drugged and helpless, Nina didn't know what to do other than scream and cry.

However, before something terrible could happen, the bedroom door was suddenly opened and someone screamed.

— Kira! What do you think you're doing, you crazy woman?!