Chapter 26

Samuel burst into the room, Kira stood up, scared. She didn't expect him to appear at that moment, as she believed he would stay at the party until the end, looking for new allies and strengthening the alliances he already had.

However, he arrived at that moment and didn't think twice about advancing towards him. Samuel grabbed Kira by the neck and said threateningly.

— You're trying to fuck me, is that it?! If they find out what you're doing, I'm finished, damn it!

He pushes Kira, who staggers back a few steps, catching her breath.

Samuel rushes at one of the bodyguards and punches him in the face and shouts:

- Miserable! Aaaah, I'm surrounded by people wanting to fuck me! — Samuel out of control — Get this crazy woman out of here and take her back home, now! Damn!

The bodyguards release Nina and run to catch Kira. They push and pull her, heading towards the door. Kira tries to fight, but they don't let her go.

— Samuel, you bastard! No, I'm not leaving! — Kira screams, through angry tears.

Samuel goes to her, who is being held by the men, and grabs her chin, roughly.

— I can't take it anymore, Kira! I can't wait to get rid of you soon! If you start screaming and this ends up appearing in the media, I swear I'll kill you!

Samuel made a real threat to him, he stared at him and seemed extremely threatening.

It wasn't the first time he'd made a threat to her, but this one was different from the others.

Kira fell silent and Samuel gave a brief wave to the bodyguards, who took her away.

Samuel turned and saw Nina, leaning on the table next to the bed. She had gotten up and was enduring the effects of the drug, trying to stay awake and get out of there.

- Hey you! — Samuel says and walks towards her.

— No… — she says and pauses, trying to stay awake, as it was getting increasingly difficult — Samuel, no… — she wanted to ask him not to come any closer, but she was having a lot of difficulty formulating and pronouncing the words.

— You're always putting your foot down, Nina! Why don't you listen to me? You never listen to me, shit!

He tries to catch her, but she pushes him away, with what little strength she could muster, saying:

- No no…

Ignoring her protests, Samuel picks her up and throws her on the bed. Afterwards he sits on the edge, saying:

— You can't leave here like this. I won't let you.

— I have to leave... I have to... — Nina tried to get up again and Samuel continued to speak:

— That's what happens if you stay with Dominic. Wants to know? Well done! — after which he pushes her, forcing her to lie down on the bed again.

A tear falls from Nina's eye, that feeling of helplessness, of losing her senses and being forced to stay in Samuel's presence was consuming her inside.

— Hey, don't cry! — Samuel says and wipes her tear — From now on, if you listen to me, things will be much better. Have you ever imagined yourself as first lady? Of course, the Senate is just a step towards my big goal, Nina!

Nina nods, she didn't want anything to come from Samuel. The only thing he gave her that she would die for was her daughter, Hannah.

— You don't think straight, huh? — He takes her hand and Nina tries to free herself, in vain — When I'm elected, I'm going to get rid of Kira and marry you.

— You must be crazy! — Nina says, shaking her head no.

- Why would be? Look at you? She's a perfect first lady. Kira is unbalanced and annoying. You are sweet and gentle.

He tries to caress Nina's cheek, who turns her face away from him.

She understood well what he said, because in the past he had managed to manipulate her, Samuel probably thought that Nina hadn't changed.

— I disgust you, Samuel! Don't you realize that? — Nina was getting irritated, every second in Samuel's presence increased her desire to flee that place.

Samuel breathes out and then lies down next to her.

— Oh, be serious, Nina! Are you going to tell me that you still hold a grudge over the abortion? My God, what drama! We're having another baby!

- Bastard! — Nina gets angry, she would never forgive Samuel for what he did. She faithfully believed that the abortifacients he made her take were the cause of Hannah's illness. - I hate you so much!

She starts to hit him, even though her slaps seemed like caresses, they were so weak.

- Hey! Hey! — Samuel says and climbs on top of her, pinning her to the bed — You're not in a very favorable situation, you should be nicer.

He smiles, seeming to enjoy her being so vulnerable. Nina tries to spit at him, but the spit doesn't hit him and just makes her mouth dirty.

Samuel smiles and licks her saliva.

— Hmmmm…

Nina shakes with disgust and tries to turn her face away, but he grabs her chin and tries to kiss her.

At that moment she finds strength from within to try to fight. I wouldn't let him touch her again. Nina struggles, trying to free herself from him. Samuel realizes that he should try harder and holds Nina's wrists, who screams angrily.

At that moment, she raises her neck and bites his hand.

— Ouch! — he groans, releases her and shakes his hand.

Nina takes the opportunity to push him and try to get out of bed.

She puts her feet on the floor, but Samuel grabs her waist, pulling her back. However, at that moment, Nina spots a decorative vase on the bedside table, picks it up and hits it with all the strength she had left on Samuel's head. He gets dizzy and lets her go.

Then, by sheer force of will, Nina drags herself out of the room. She didn't know what gave her strength at that moment, she thought that remembering Hannah was the reason, because of her daughter she was capable of anything.

Nina leans against the walls, her vision wanting to darken, but she closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and continues. She falls a few times along the way, but doesn't give up until she reaches the elevator.

Dominic was at the party, with Jared. It had been an hour since Nina went to the bathroom and hadn't returned.

Jared had told him that she was probably gone, and that kind of made sense, but he couldn't sit still.

He was strangely distressed and couldn't quite hear the things Jared was saying to him. He would hear random words, like "contract", "Nina", "office"...

He kept looking in the direction he saw her leave, then, suddenly, he started walking towards the bathroom, without explaining.

Dominic went to the door of the women's bathroom and then looked around. Strangely, her attention turned to the dark corridor next door, with an indication of an emergency exit.

He walked towards the hallway and when he was there, he kicked something that was on the floor.

Dominic bent down and picked up what looked like a woman's shoe. Even in the dark, she recognized it, it was Nina's shoe, which was something he personally chose.

Dominic frowned suspiciously and went to the emergency door and opened it. She left outside the hotel, in a poorly lit place with garbage bags on the sidewalk. Just then she heard the emergency door opening behind him and turned around.

It was at that moment that it happened again.

Nina appeared out of nowhere and threw herself at him. Once again she was torn, her face streaked with tears and she passed out in his arms.