Chapter 27

Instinctively he wrapped her in his arms and hugged her, his body felt soft, as if his bones had turned to jelly.

Dominic took her chin and tried to look at her face, which she noticed was red with finger marks. There was a small cut near her eye, something that infuriated him.

Nina's face was something striking to him and seeing her hurt, it was as if he had hurt himself.

Dominic holds Nina with one arm and with the other takes the smartphone and calls Patel, who in a few seconds stops the car in front of them.

He lifts Nina into her arms and remembers the first time they saw each other. It all happened three years ago, like now.

He was running in the park and she bumped into him, for a second he saw those enigmatic eyes. It was a second that seemed like an eternity. He could see through those different colored irises an intense storm of feelings.

When she fainted, he did not let her fall and lifted her into his arms. Patel was not far away and he walked with her until he reached the car.

He entered without hesitation and then ordered the bodyguards to take them to the hospital.

All the way, he watched that face and she was supported in her arms the entire time. Patel was impressed, having never seen Dominic show so much concern for a woman before, he even thought that he probably knew her and was surprised to discover later that he had never seen that woman before, that he didn't even know her name.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Dominic did not leave his side while she was attended to and when the doctor said that the test results had not yet come out, but that from what he saw she had not been seriously injured, Dominic realized what was happening. doing. She thought she was an idiot for being so worried about a woman that she just ran into him on the street.

When he thought this way, he decided to leave her forever, without knowing that that woman's face would haunt him to this day.

Returning to the present moment, getting rid of her memories, Dominic looks at Nina's face and then looks at Patel, who says:

—What happened, Dominic?

He sneers. He had no idea what had happened, and neither did Patel.

— I found it on the street and decided to get it for myself. — he says ironically and looks back at Nina.

Patel looks ahead and continues driving, after a few seconds he looks back and says:

— Shall we go to the hospital again?

Clearly Patel recognized that what had just happened was history repeating itself.

Dominic looked at Nina's face and brushed some strands of her hair out of her face, the hairstyle she was wearing was all undone and her hair was now a mess.

— Yeah… let's go to the hospital again. — He says with regret in his words, it bothered him that Nina was in danger again.

— No… — Nina moves her lips and stammers, Dominic frowns as she sees her with her eyes closed, trying to speak. — Hospital, no…

Nina's subconscious always told her to avoid looking sick in front of Hannah and so, automatically upon hearing the word "hospital", she woke up.

— Why don't you want to go to the hospital? — Dominic asks, still with her eyebrows drawn together.

— I don't want her to see me like this… — Nina says, pronouncing the words with difficulty. The sounds that came out of her mouth were almost whispers.

- Who she?

Dominic asks and Nina just nods. Suddenly, she starts crying and asks:

- Hug me please!

Surprised Dominic looks at Patel who says:

— Hug her, soon!

Dominic pulls her and she bursts into tears. Her tears wet her shirt. It seemed like all the tears she hid, trying to appear strong, gushed out like a waterfall at that moment.

— I'm very sad, very sad. — she says, still crying.

— Why are you so sad? — he asks scared, he never imagined himself in that situation and never imagined feeling all the feelings that seeing her like that provoked.

— Because life is very unfair. Living hurts too much and I wish I could just give up on everything...

Nina was exhausted. The drug made her express her feelings. Those that she kept deep inside and did not show in any way were afraid that things would get worse if the people around her realized how destroyed she was inside.

She couldn't take being beaten by life any longer.

— Then give up…

He says and Patel automatically turns back, eyes wide.

Dominic looks at her, with a warning look, as if she's getting into something she shouldn't.

— Do you swear I can give up? — she says and puts her wet nose against his neck.

— Give up resisting… — he looks at the car window, where some droplets were slipping. A light rain was starting to fall outside — Accept me and I will show you that living is not just pain.

Nina mumbles some unintelligible things, running her nose against his neck, getting snot all over him from crying. Dominic doesn't care, and looks back at the car window.

— I like this smell… — she says, making him turn his attention to her — This is definitely my second favorite smell in life.

He raises an eyebrow and asks:

— And which is the first?

She smiles and it was a soft, beautiful smile.

Nina takes a deep breath and says:

— The baby smell…

Dominic continues to look at her and her body softens again, implying that she has passed out once again.

Dominic looks at Patel, who asks:

- And then? Shall we go to the hospital?

Dominic looks at Nina's face, thoughtfully and then responds:

— No, let's go home.

Patel turns the steering wheel, changing their path and before long, they arrive at Dominic's mansion.

The billionaire gets out of the car, carrying Nina in his arms. Patel also leaves and he tells him:

— Take her to one of the rooms and take care of her. I only trust you for this.

- I? Are you really asking me to do this? — Patel asks, astonished, and Dominic raises his eyebrows, surprised by her reaction, which continues — Mr Dominic, I'm sorry, but you found it on the street and decided to take it home. Take care of your responsibilities!

Afterwards, Patel turns and leaves, leaving him alone with Nina passed out on his lap.