Sunset on the Balcony

I realized I was asleep when I opened my eyes. The music was quiet, and beside the bedtable were Menzi's car keys and phone. I looked for him around, and he was not in the room. I knew he was on the balcony. Hesitantly, I reached out and checked the time on his phone. It was already five pm, sunset. I sighed, not wanting to get out of the blankets, but there was no other way. Menzi was supposed to drive me home so that I was going to prepare for college in time. I pulled the sheets down to my chest. As usual, the craving for cigarettes stirred me to wake up, as it smelled from the balcony. Menzi was smoking. I was supposed to join him and persuade him to drive me home because he was keeping me in his apartment for no reason. To be frank, I expected to make love with him, but he seemed uninterested since it was taking him so long. I had no attachment to his actions towards me because I learned about his background. He had a tough life, and his behavior no longer surprised me. A life like his either destroys you or makes you strong.

The curtains swung back and forth, and I realized it was windy outside. Menzi coughed from the balcony, and I knew he didn't have his jacket on. I saw his coat hung on the closet handles. I breathed in heavily and let out my breath slowly. Subsequently, I got off from his warm blankets, which were soothing me deeply as if Menzi was next to me. It was when I realized that, despite what I learned about Menzi, I was crazily in love with him. Nothing was going to stop me from loving him. His life was different, and he needed a partner to get along with everything. I was willing to help him overcome any obstacles if he needed my help, and if he felt the same for me, I wasn't going to let him down. Adrenalized, I went straight to take his coat, which was hanging on the closet handles. He needed to wear something warm since it was windy outside. I opened the exit door, leading to the balcony, and saw Menzi standing there, holding his whiskey bottle and cigarette. I stood at the door, watching him for seconds. He seemed far from reality, judging by his mopey posture. He leaned against the wall, facing the sunset direction. Slowly and observantly, he held his cigarette to his mouth. I expected him to notice me before I alerted him, but he didn't because he was miles away from reality. I waited longer, waiting for him to sense my presence. Looking at his mood, I chose not to disturb his introspection. He coughed again, and I coughed as the cold wind teased me. I expected him to check on me, but he didn't even glance at me. I slowly walked towards him.

"You will be lying to yourself if you think I haven't noticed you," he said, turning to look at me as I approached him. 

"Oh, not me, Menzi. Such thoughts didn't even cross my mind," I smiled a little.

He chuckled and pulled me into a hug after putting on his coat. He smelled like an ashtray and was drunk. I doubted he was at work; it seemed like he spent the whole day at the bar. Anyway, that wasn't my concern. The only thing I was supposed to think about was going back home. He released me from the long hug and handed me a cigarette without wasting time. I took it, and after one or two puffs, I took a shot of his Malawian gin. It felt strong in my mouth, and if I were alone, I wouldn't have swallowed it. Menzi laughed at my facial expression.

"Stop it!"

I shouted at Menzi, who continued laughing at me.

"Oh, Lisa, how can I stop laughing at you?" he said, still laughing, and added, "Take another shot; I want to see how it ends."

The moment he asked me to take another shot, I didn't wait for him to finish speaking. I put the bottle to my lips and poured the whiskey into my mouth. I didn't want him to think I was young and still learning as a teenager. From the moment I met him, I tried to behave like a mature woman in front of him, and I wanted to maintain it because Menzi was much older than my actual age, moreover, he was judging my age by my body. Therefore, he was never going to convince himself that I was ready to do whatever I was doing.

"Stop it, Lisa…"

He said in a soft tone, followed by laughter. He held the bottle and removed it from my mouth. 

"You will die; don't drink it like that. One shot at a time," he said and pulled me to his chest. I kept quiet as I felt my tongue burning and I would rather not mention my throat, which I thought it dissolved the instant it touched whiskey. Menzi kept me on his chest long enough and started to brush my short hair with his fingers. Then, he threw the bottle into the trashcan. He didn't even mind that it was not yet empty. Thereafter, he carried me and we got inside the room. He put me on the bed and picked up the chair. I looked at his eyes and he kept them locked onto my face. I wondered when he was going to drive me home. He went to the opposite wall and put the chair down. My wild eyes were still on him. He smiled a little and checked his wristwatch.

"I will take you home soon," he notified me, and sat on the chair.

I felt the alcohol starting to function on me. My blood becoming warmer and faster.

"Do you think you're old enough, Lisa?" he asked, removing his belt. 

I was surprised staring at him and I realized he was already drunk. My blood rushed to every part of my body, as I understood that Menzi was going to make love with me. I couldn't escape that moment, as I was unable to control being tempted.

"Yes, I'm a seasoned seductress… do you want me to show you?"

My words made me witness a smile on his face. My piercing gaze remained fixed at him and my fingers played with my lips. He remained focused on me without responding to my question.

"Sit up and undress yourself… slowly… no rushing," he commanded in a lower tone.

I stood up from the bed and removed my clothes until my pants left. My arms crossed in front of my chest, trying to guard his eyes from seeing my tipped tits, which were already hard.

"Remove your pants and walk closer to me," he commanded again.

At that moment without him touching me, pleasure blazed deep within my body. My fingers pulled down my pants and threw them onto the bed. I walked slowly towards him, as he wanted. He scanned my body and told me to come to him.  The moment I was waiting for came. Menzi made love with me and my blood boiled, as my hormones rushed to the sensitive parts of my body. It was wild and I couldn't control myself. I held his shoulders tightly and allowed myself to the utmost pleasure I ever had in my life. His sharp eyes intruded on my shy, intoxicated eyes. I was a match for him. My world felt complete.