The Beginning of Forever

In the afterglow of our passion, we basked in the warmth of each other's embrace on the bed. Our breaths were whispers of serenity and satisfaction. My mind was getting wild replaying the moment. I wasn't going to forget it ever. Judging by age, I didn't expect him to be as energetic as he was. It didn't take him much time to unleash his energy and quench my lust. The moment was so vibrant and sweet. Menzi was someone amazing; only if I was going to be lucky to have a man like him, I was going to live in paradise. While I was still in my thoughts, he kissed my forehead and went to bath. I didn't join him even though he persuaded me, I needed to regain energy. After bathing, he told me it was my turn to bath. The fun thing was I felt shy connecting my eyes with his. I pulled the sheets to my forehead, stretching my body but his six packs caught my eyes. I smiled as he came next to me. My hands didn't wait to touch his six-pack. He kissed my cheek and reminded me that tomorrow I was supposed to be at college. Even though I was rushing to go home, at that moment, only Menzi's words were enough to make me stay even a week if he wanted, but he was still holding on to my words that I wanted to go. Anyway, I woke up and headed to take a warm shower for the second time that day. Since it was my second bath that day, I didn't take much time in the bathroom. After bathing when I was dressing, Menzi was focusing on his laptop. 

"Menzi, can I ask questions?" I asked instead of just shooting questions at him. I knew he didn't like questions. He stopped typing on his computer and looked at me.

"Is everything alright?" he asked, studying my body language, which had no steady pattern.

"Yeah, just that I was touring your room, and..." I said, observing his mood change, "I saw that you're a war vet..."

"And?" he raised his voice, sitting up from the chair, "What do you mean you've been shuffling my belongings when I told you not to?" 

"I got afraid when I saw you with the pistol yesterday night in the car," I said as I folded my arms onto my chest as his iris expanded.

"Did that give you enough reason...and over my stuff, Lisa?" he asked, coming closer to me. 

His face veined all over; I would rather not elaborate on his neck, which was, moreover, tough as steel after it enlarged to its bigger size. He held my arms and squeezed them. All the charming characteristics of his vanished. I got afraid, and he noticed it because I started to sweat and shivered a little. He then let go of my arms and went to sit on the bed. 

"Lisa, my documents carry a lot of information that can endanger you. You are not supposed to know anything about me...and now, put this in your brain, you don't know anything. You saw nothing, you read nothing, and we never met. Keep it like that," he told me and shouted, "Now change the sheets on the bed; we should get going!" 

I was quiet, eating my nails as my heart was pulsing with a pace that dragged as the race of turtles. 

"Menzi, I apologize for invading your privacy. I don't know what you will think of my character, but I won't be able to behave like I never met you; I am in love with you. I'm not concerned with what I will face as long as you're by my side," I paused as I easily became emotional, and tears slowly drowned my eyes, "I am just a young college girl in love with you. Not only that, but I don't know how it all happened; it was so fast. I can't deny it; I want you more around me, and your touches make me go crazy." 

He sighed, looking at me, and he handed me his handkerchief to wipe my slowly oozing tears. He kissed my forehead and told me to finish dressing and spread the bed sheets. At that instant, his phone rang. It was a message. He made me read the message from his phone. It was only typed "emergency." He looked into my eyes and told me he was supposed to go. I gave him a questioning look; he was supposed to drive me home. He sighed again and told me that he was going to find a driver for me. Subsequently, we kissed, and he left. After some time, a knock fell at the door, and I went to open the door, thinking it was his driver, but a woman who carried some packages stood at the door. She entered without my permission and went to put her packages on the bed. She told me Menzi asked her to do so, and the packages were for me. 

When the woman left, I opened the packages, and I couldn't believe it. Gifts for me! Menzi didn't seem to be the kind of person who would do that, but notwithstanding, he did it. A purplish lining dress and nice black heels, which I was already wearing, were amazing. Earrings and a necklace were in my hands. An iPhone phone, already out of the box, a black plastic, and a letter, which I was staring at on the bed as I still admired everything. Inside the black plastic was a purse, filled with some deodorants and money. I blushed as I saw a pack of cigarettes and a note that said, "Never smoke anymore." Menzi was crazy, but I was going to do anything to be with him.  I looked perfectly fine in the dress, and his choices were superb; everything he bought for me looked extraordinary, and I loved it. I was going to go back to Sunyview City wearing the new dress. After admiring my new dress, I stretched my hand for the note on the bed and read it,

"Lisa, Check on the package. Take everything. I went to do some important errands. Forgive my coldness; I couldn't say goodbye staring at you. I hope you will find Viola well, and you should go early to prepare for your day at school tomorrow. Anyway, with you, I felt like my heart had found someone it yearned for. See you soon! Be safe, Lisa…. Menzi."

I was ballooning in my smile, reading those words. One thing I was sure of, Menzi was also in love with me. I continued smiling alone until another knock hit the door, and at that moment, the driver was waiting for me. I was finally going home. Excitement bloomed in me as I left Menzi's room knowing that he was thinking of me. The driver and I walked to the car after he greeted me with a smile. In no time, we drove to Sunyview City where my college was. We reached the college at around eleven pm and the driver made sure that he left me safe at our dorms before driving back. Viola was already standing at the door waiting for me. 

"Hey, Lisa how was your weekend?" she asked, snatching my new purse from my hand.

I smiled, feeling excited to share my news. 

"It was great, Viola. Menzi and I had a wonderful time together."

Viola's face lit up with a smile. 

"I'm so happy for you, Lisa. You deserve it."

She couldn't believe the money in my purse, it was a lot for just one night. She recognized my new dress and new phone and she jumped at me in happiness. I thanked her appreciation and went to my room, feeling grateful and loved. As I changed into my pajamas, I couldn't stop thinking about Menzi and our time together. I felt like I had found my soulmate, and I couldn't wait to see him again. All that was the beginning of everything. Yeah, that was how I met the war vet Menzi Mabuyani.