Jolene *R18

Just then, Jolene felt John's other hand move up her shirt, tugging it off her shoulders with surprising ease. She gasped, breasts bared under his hungry stare.

Without missing a beat, John cupped her fullness in his hands, massaging their weight against her sensitive nipples. A moan escaped her mouth, pure pleasure coursing through her veins.

"No, wait... I can't," she whimpered, but she made no physical effort to stop him. John smirked and felt a little strange that he was already used to this reaction, but as always, he wouldn't dwell on it.

He continued his exploration, sliding his fingers down her pants, tracing lace patterns that matched the ones etched onto her soul. Each touch sent ripples of desire coursing through her core, making her pulse race faster.

His fingers found her bare thigh, hardening into steel beneath his palm. With a growl, he dragged them upward, stopping just below her hips. Jolene arched her back, offering more of herself for his consumption.

Suddenly, John yanked her pants down completely, exposing her naked flesh. There was no shame here, only raw need. He stood, pulling her to her feet, turning her until they faced each other.

Their bodies melded together, every curve pressed against every plane. Their hearts pounded in sync, echoes of primal instincts resonating within them. It was survival of the fittest, love in its most brutal form.

As they kissed passionately, exploring each other's bodies without restraint or regret, the ruins of the textile plant seemed less important than the symphony of sensation playing out before them. In this apocalyptic world, nothing mattered but the connection they shared, the fire burning within them both.

As they continued their kiss, Jolene's moans grew louder and more intense. John couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement at hearing his partner expressing herself so passionately.

"You taste so good," he whispered in her ear, "like sweet honey on my tongue."

Jolene moaned again, arching her back as John explored her mouth with his tongue. He could tell she was enjoying every moment of it.

"I want you so bad," John growled, pulling away from the kiss. "Fuck... Your tits are so big and juicy, I can barely contain myself."

Jolene moaned once more, her nipples hardening at his words. John leaned down and took one of her breasts into his mouth, suckling deeply and causing her to moan even louder.

"Fuck, baby," John said gruffly, "you're driving me crazy with those moans."

Jolene moaned again, writhing beneath him as he continued to explore her body with his hands and mouth. John couldn't get enough of her, and he knew he would do whatever it took to make her cum.

John felt his shaft pressing her against his pants, trying to find an escape. He gripped Jolene's soft, round ass, sinking his fingers deep into her skin, and snatched her wrist.

"Here, look how hard you've got me, Jolene," he declared as he undid his zipper and guided her hand to his shaft.

Jolene let out an audible gasp as she beheld his massive erection for the very first time. Nothing she had ever witnessed could have prepared her for its sheer magnitude. A wave of exhilaration washed over her as she contemplated the stark contrast between this magnificent specimen and that of her beloved partner - so much smaller, she couldn't help but think, feeling a shiver ripple through her core.

But then the immorality of the situation caught her by her feet. Here she was, revelling under another man's touch and salivating at the size of his bulging hard cock, all while being impressed at how much bigger than her boyfriend's it was. The guilt split her apart, she felt truly shameful and even more ashamed at struggling so intensely to detach herself from the ocean of 185cm of searing hot masculinity.

She summoned the rest of the meagre strength she had left and took a step back, ejecting John's hands from her slit. She glanced with shame at the string of her juices connecting his hand with her cleft. 

"I'm sorry, I just...can't," Jolene murmured, tears filling her eyes as she hastily tugged at her shirt and spun around to flee, but her escape was short-lived as powerful arms encircled her once more and a lengthy, rigid rod slid effortlessly across her dampened lace underwear. Jolene winced, biting her bottom lip to suppress a moan.

"Jolene, I know you don't really want to leave," John growled into her ear, nipping at her earlobe as he thrust his hips back and forth against her resistant flesh.

Jolene moaned again, fighting desperately to maintain control over her movements.

"Baby, do you want to know what will happen the next time you try to run when in reality you don't want to leave?" John husked, drawing her closer still and flattening her cheeks with his sweaty muscle mass.

"What will you do?" She asked, half curious, half expectant.

"I will catch you."

John's grip tightened around Jolene's waist as he continued to thrust his hips against her resistance. His voice grew rougher with each passing moment, his words laced with a dark intensity that sent shivers down her spine. "You can't run from me, baby. You belong here, with me."

Jolene's heart raced as she struggled to find the words to protest, but they seemed to get stuck in her throat. All she could feel was the overwhelming shame coursing through her veins, the knowledge that she was betraying her lover and succumbing to the temptation of another man's touch.

As the seconds ticked by, Jolene found herself becoming increasingly lost in the sensations of John's domineering embrace. Despite her efforts to fight against his advances, her body seemed to melt into his touch, responding instinctively to the powerful stimulation of his thick, unrelenting cock.

She did not know when or how it happened, but they were back on that bench. John reached out and gently cupped Jolene's breasts, pulling her close to his chest. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, their tongues dancing together in a passionate kiss. As their bodies melded together, Jolene felt a surge of desire course through her veins, her heart pounding wildly in her chest.

Breaking free from the kiss, John grabbed Jolene's hips and pulled her onto his lap. With one swift motion, he yanked down her pants and slipped them off her legs, revealing her bare, wet pussy...