Master *R18

Jolene gasped in shock and embarrassment, her cheeks burning bright red at the sight of her own nakedness.

Ignoring her protests, John reached down and gripped her thighs, spreading her wide open. Her needy sex throbbed, as if calling out to John's cock. Jolene could do nothing but squirm as her flesh glistened under the moonlight, waiting for John's next move.

He positioned himself at the entrance of her pussy and traced circles around her wet lips. Slowly, he began to push inside, his thick, hard cock stretching her open. Jolene moaned loudly, her body trembling with anticipation and need. She felt strength leaving her body, only lust remained. Inside her, something sighed with happy surrender. She had no strength to protest, she could only feel the ecstasy of having John's big shaft inside her.

As John continued to thrust deeper and faster, he felt her walls clench around him, her orgasm building steadily. She arched her back and pushed her hips upward, meeting John's thrusts with fervour. The pleasure was intense, unlike anything she had ever experienced before.

Despite her shame and guilt, Jolene couldn't deny the eroticism of the situation. Every inch of John's body pressed against hers, every movement of his hips sending ripples of pleasure throughout her entire body. She closed her eyes and let herself get lost in the moment, giving in to the desires that had been building inside her for so long.

As Jolene neared the precipice of climax, John slowed his movements, holding back just enough to keep her on the brink. Her breath caught in her throat, her eyes locked onto his intense gaze. He knew how much she craved release; he could see it written across her flushed face. With a smirk, he teased her sensitive folds with the tip of his erection before slowly pushing back inside her wet core.

"Do you want to come?" he asked huskily, watching her squirm beneath him. "Tell me what you need."

Jolene whimpered, arching her back in response. "Please... make me cum..."

As John pulled out, Jolene felt a pang of disappointment. However, he quickly regained control by grabbing her legs and pulling her towards him. With renewed determination, he drove himself deep inside her once more, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her veins.

Her cries rang loud through the silent park as she arched her back, meeting his thrusts with fervour. Each moan was punctuated by heavy breaths, her chest rising and falling rapidly under the strain. Underneath his gaze, she felt exposed yet protected at the same time.

All the while, John maintained his dominance, his grip on Jolene's thighs growing tighter with each passing second. He spoke to her in low, gruff tones, his voice filled with authority and command. "You belong to me now, baby. You won't run from me again."

As Jolene lay naked beneath him, her body quivering with anticipation, John took a moment to savour the sight of her. Her skin glowed with a healthy tan, accented beautifully by the soft moonlight filtering through the window. Her breasts were full and round, nipples hardening into tiny buds as they awaited his touch. Her belly was flat and toned, leading down to hips that flared invitingly. Below that, her legs were long and lean, ending in feet that looked small and dainty despite their strength.

But it was her ass that truly captured his attention. Round and firm, it called to him like a siren song. He ran one hand over it, feeling the smoothness of her flesh beneath his palm. Then, without warning, he slapped her hard, making her yelp in surprise.

"Be still," he commanded, his voice rough with desire. "Let me show you who's in charge here."

"Yes, fuck me harder!" Jolene gasped, her eyes rolling back into her head as John plunged his thick cock deeper into her pussy.

John grunted, his rod pulsating as he pumped her tight pussy harder. "That's right, take my cock like a good little slut."

"Fuck, John!" Jolene cried, her hands gripping his back tightly as he rocked her body. "I'm gonna cum soon!"

As John continued to move inside her, Jolene felt herself losing control. The sensations were too intense, too pleasurable, and she found herself unable to resist any longer. She gave in to the feelings, letting go of all her fears and insecurities as she allowed herself to fully experience the moment.

John noticed the change in her demeanour immediately. He saw the shift in her expression, the way her eyes glazed over and her lips parted slightly. It was then that he knew he had her exactly where he wanted her - vulnerable, open, and ready to submit to his every whim.

John pulled his hand back, his fingers slick with Jolene's arousal. "You're a dirty little whore, aren't you? You can't get enough of my cock, can you?"

Jolene's only response was a low moan as she writhed beneath him, her hips bucking wildly. She was desperate for more, her body yearning for release.

John sensed her urgency and decided to give her what she wanted.

As John thrust into Jolene, their bodies moved together in perfect harmony. His hands roamed over her curves, exploring every inch of her skin while his lips trailed kisses along her jawline. Her body responded instinctively to John's touch, her pussy clamping down around his cock as she neared the point of orgasm.

And then, just as she was about to cum, John suddenly stopped moving altogether. Jolene's body froze in confusion, her breath hitching as she looked up at John's stern face.

Without uttering a word, John reached down and gripped Jolene's chin, tilting her head back. With a slow, deliberate pace, he began to pull her hair, yanking her head back even further until her neck was strained and her vision blurred.

Jolene moaned softly, her body writhing in response to the pain and pleasure of John's grip. Despite her fear and uncertainty, she couldn't deny the thrill of being dominated in such a way.

John leaned in close to Jolene, his forehead almost touching hers. She flinched involuntarily, knowing that he had something sinister planned. Before she could even speak, he twisted her hard nipples and she cried out in pleasure.

"Please, not so hard!" she pleaded through gritted teeth.

"Because you clenched down so hard on me, baby. I think you like this," John replied, pulling her nipples even harder.

"Oh god, I'm so close. I've never been fucked like this," Jolene moaned, her body shaking with anticipation. She wanted to complain that John had been edging her, but she had to admit that John was focusing entirely on her. 

Hunger surged through her, she had developed a need for him, something she couldn't control. Her sex was swollen, but she ached for John, the thought of him putting that much effort into pleasuring her made her ecstatic.

John slowed down for a second and she whimpered, but he had stopped only to plunge into her with violence. Jolene moaned loudly, her body shaking with anticipation as she felt herself getting closer and closer to orgasm, but he stopped again.

John slowed down for a brief moment, allowing Jolene to catch her breath and whimper in anticipation. But instead of continuing, he plunged into her with renewed vigour, causing her to moan loudly as she felt herself getting closer and closer to orgasm.

"You like it when I fuck you like this, don't you, baby?" John grunted, his voice low and husky. "You love the feeling of my cock sliding in and out of your tight pussy."

Jolene could only gasp and moan in response, her mind reeling from the intensity of the pleasure John was giving her.

"Yes, oh god, yes!" she moaned, her body writhing in ecstasy.

"Do you want to cum?" John whispered in her ear, his words sending a chill down her spine. He was offering her what she had been craving all this time, and she couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect.

"Yes," she breathed, her sex aching at the thought of the ultimate release.

"I'll let you cum," John promised, but his smirk hinted at something more. "But you have to call me master."