Her Desire *R18

Jolene faltered momentarily, torn between loyalty and lustful longing. Betraying Eric wasn't simple; nonetheless, John understood precisely which buttons needed pushing. Embarrassing her held immense power over her hidden desires.

He pulled away abruptly, leaving her hanging on the edge once again. Her eyes pleaded with him, begging for completion. Yet, he remained silent, watching intently.

Finally, he spoke, his tone cold and calculated. "Call me Master. Admit that you belong to me tonight. Tell me how much bigger is my dick compared to Eric's pathetic little dick."

Her face flushed red under his scrutiny. This wasn't just physical pleasure anymore. This was mental domination. And somehow, despite everything, it turned her on even more.

With trembling lips, she uttered the word "Master". Then, slowly, reluctantly, she admitted, "I've never had sex like this before. It never felt like this with Eric."

A smile spread across John's face, but he wasn't satisfied.

"And...? Look at this," he said, swinging his cock near her sex, occasionally grazing her cleft, each stroke made her shiver. "How much bigger is it? Tell me, you little slut."

As John circled around Jolene, tracing circles over various parts of her body, including her nipples, belly button, inner thighs, clit, ass cheek, everywhere except her pussy, humiliating her became increasingly evident. Each swipe left behind trails of heat, making her squirm involuntarily.

His handsome features were stern, almost cruel, reflecting no mercy or compassion. Instead, determination etched itself onto them, promising retribution if necessary.

Yet, strangely enough, this only fuelled her arousal. Despite knowing better, morals slipping away one by one, she found herself enjoying this twisted game. After all, Eric never treated her this way.

Eventually, reaching her pussy, John paused dramatically, letting tension build up. When finally entering her, he groaned approval, filling her completely.

Looking straight into her eyes, he commanded, "Admit it. My cock feels ten times bigger than Eric's. Shout it out!"

Tears welled up in Jolene's eyes, conflicting emotions warring within her. On one hand, shame consumed her, fearing society's judgment. On the other, raw passion surfaced, needing expression and coupled with the freedom of an apocalyptic world, she screamed.

"Your cock feels fucking huge! So big! Bigger than any man's cock! Fuck yeah, John! Your cock is so much better than Eric's!"

"Good girl," John praised her while inserting his thumb into her mouth. Jolene didn't resist and suckled on his thumb, imagining it was his thick cock as she coiled her tongue around it. John removed his finger and pulled on her hair again. 

With gentle yet firm hands, he gripped her sides and like a ragdoll, he spun her around. Her body swayed under his control, yearning for another dose of pleasure.

"No...please don't stop now," she whimpered when that exquisite sensation left her, craving for his shaft.

"Don't worry, baby," John reassured her and sandwich his cock between her round ass cheeks. "You'll be complete again, soon."

He slid his cock up and down along the seam of her ass. Jolene rocked her hips unconsciously, squirming at the thought of his cock entering once more.

He wanted to tease her more, but Jolene was not the only one near the precipice of climax. John also needed his release. His grin grew wider as he angled his cock right in the middle of her cleft. Their parts touched and with a little bit of force, her wet lips parted and John entered her with all his might.

"OH GOD YES FUCK ME MASTER!!" Jolene screamed, her eyes rolled back.

As John thrust deeper inside Jolene, her features contorted into a mask of pure debauchery. Sweat trickled down her forehead, matting strands of hair against her skin. She bit her lip hard, drawing blood, unable or unwilling to resist his demands.

Depravity etched itself upon every line of her body - the curve of her spine arching invitingly beneath his weight, her breasts rising and falling rapidly with each laborious breath, nipples tightening into hard peaks under his roaming hands. Even her cries echoed around them, harsh and primal, betraying any semblance of decency.

As John thrust deeper and faster, he felt his own orgasm building. Jolene's walls felt exquisite, they gripped his cock with violence and she would clench harder whenever he spoke dirty to her. He continued thrusting, hypnotized by the sight of her plump cheeks slapping against his hard muscles. Underneath him, she looked divine, John couldn't help but believe that she was born for this position.

Each thrust brought him closer to the edge. The heat radiating off her body enveloped him, making him feel alive in ways he hadn't experienced before. Her moans resonated within him, fuelling his desire even more.

But most importantly, seeing her writhe beneath him, surrendering completely to his touch, filled him with such intense joy. There was something incredibly satisfying about knowing that he held power over someone else's pleasure. That he alone could bring her to heights of euphoria previously unknown to her.

It was invigorating, empowering. In those moments, nothing else mattered. All that existed was him and her, locked in a dance of desire and domination.

"Tell me, Jolene, what do you want?" He had asked that question, but it was more of an order. He was telling Jolene to beg him for release.

"I... I want to... OOO—" Jolene cried out loudly as John picked up speed.

"Tell me, now!" He commanded, salivating at the sight of Jolene's sweat-slicked ass.

"I want to cum! Please, make me cum, master," Jolene implored, meeting his strokes with fervour.

As John thrust deeper and faster, Jolene's plush cheeks slapped against his hard muscles with violent force. Each smack rang loud, punctuated by her desperate gasps and moans.

Underneath him, she looked divine. Ass upright, offering itself fully to his dominance. Her curves bowed gracefully with every thrust, accentuated beautifully by the flexibility of her lean frame.

His gaze travelled lower, taking in the sight of her rounded bottom jiggling enticingly. Perspiration beaded upon her skin, reflecting the dim lights overhead. It trickled down, joining the trail of moisture already present between her cheeks.

And oh god, how good her ass looked to him. Round, full, and ready to take whatever he chose to give. It called to him, urged him to bury himself deeper still. To fill her up entirely, marking her as his property forevermore.

Jolene found herself spiralling closer and closer to the brink of oblivion. Her heart raced wildly against her chest, echoing the rhythm of John's movements. Sweat trickled down her brow, merging with the salty liquid gathering beneath her breasts.

The anticipation built steadily, growing thicker by the second. Suddenly, without warning, it broke free. Like a dam bursting open during heavy rain, Jolene's orgasm exploded violently.

"Oh yes, John, fuck me like that! Make me your slut now!" Jolene's scream emerged as a string of guttural, unintelligible utterances, a jumbled torrent of sounds. Her facial expression contorted in ecstasy. Nothing matter to her anymore, only her release.

Every fibre of her being tightened simultaneously, sending shockwaves throughout her system. Her vaginal walls convulsed, pulsing around John's rigid length. Liquid poured out of her, cascading down her legs and pooling around her feet. Some of it dribbled down her inner thighs, creating rivulets that traced paths across her smooth flesh.

She let out a primal roar, her voice hoarse and raw. Spittle flew from her lips, landing everywhere except where intended. Saliva mixed with tears, forming tiny rivers that snaked their way down her face.

This wasn't merely an orgasm; it was a tidal wave of pure bliss. And though exhaustion threatened to claim her afterwards, there was no denying the satisfaction that lingered long afterward.

With one final thrust, John released a torrential flood of semen deep within Jolene's pussy. Cream surged forth, filling every crevice and crack until it overflowed beyond control.

Droplets splattered onto the ground below, painting abstract patterns of white onto the hard concrete. Streams ran freely down Jolene's leg, leaving telltale signs of their passage.

Her womb contracted greedily, milking every last drop from John's engorged member. When finally satiated, he pulled out slowly, watching as strings of semen stretched back towards him.

As he stepped away, he knew he left part of himself behind - embedded deeply within Jolene's fertile soil. This act of possession cemented his possession over her further and as if on cue, the system's notification chimed...