A Luminar

[Revenge NTR Completed]

[10 Strength Points have been rewarded!]

A surge of disbelief and excitement washed over John as he saw the screen. He had just earned ten points, more than he ever got before, with a single action. He felt his heart pounding and his mouth going dry.

He blinked several times, trying to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. The notification was still there, glowing in the dark. He had done it. But this was only the beginning of his revenge.

He was about to celebrate when he heard Jolene's voice next to him, "we should go inside."

He tore his gaze away from the screen and looked at her. She was shivering in the cold night air, her eyes pleading with him. He shook his head, "you go. I have to go back, for now, but I'll come back again to check on Maria."

He saw a flash of hurt and disappointment cross her face. She bit her lip and nodded, "okay. Be careful."

She turned and walked towards the shelter, leaving him alone as he looked at the system, but John called out, "Hey. That was the best sex I ever had."

Jolene whirled around and her heart skipped a beat when she met his wide grin. He looked adorable, this normally aloof and moody guy had a goofy grin on his face and it was all for her. She felt a warm blush spread over her cheeks as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

She turned around once more and walked back to the shelter, a smile on her lips the whole way back. John chuckled as he observed her. Today had been good; better than any other day since... he was unsure, it might even have been the best day of his life. He had the best night of sex he ever had, almost double his strength now coursed through his veins, courtesy of the system, and he took revenge on his tormentor, yet dawn loomed on the horizon and he needed to return to the shelter.

John emerged from Maria's bunker into the desolate landscape of what was once a thriving metropolis. Now, it lay ravaged by time and nature reclaiming its territory - buildings crumbled under heavy rain erosion while vines crept up walls like sinister tendrils reaching out for him. Skyscrapers stood tall yet empty, their windows reflecting nothingness; they were silent sentinels guarding over this new post-apocalyptic reality. 

John made his way to Theodore's stronghold, feeling a chill in his heart. The shelter was built on the ruins of an old university - a place that used to be filled with joy and learning, now shattered and silent.

Despite the bleak ruins, John felt strangely alive surrounded by destruction. Perhaps his harsh life had made him embrace upheaval. Whatever the reason, survival drove him onward regardless of fears.

After an arduous hour of hiking through the wasteland, John finally reached the sanctuary. Relief momentarily washed over him seeing familiar faces gathered around makeshift tables, sharing meagre meals scraped together from scavenged scraps. However dire their situation, human resilience persisted. And so too would John.

That night, he bedded down in a converted classroom, gazing up at the sliver of starry sky peeking through a broken window. Tomorrow no doubt held fresh trials, but wasn't life about pushing past comfort zones? For now, bone-deep exhaustion called him to rest, the harsh world kept at bay beyond the sanctuary's walls.

He knew greater hardships lay ahead on the road before him. But tonight, he needed nothing more than the simple comfort of a mattress and the security of four solid walls around him. And as his eyes finally drifted shut, that was enough.

John's eyes blinked open to early morning light filtering through the dormitory windows. As consciousness returned, hushed voices from neighbouring bunks caught his attention.

"Did you hear that strange sound again last night?" one person whispered. "Like a weird metallic screech coming from the labs?"

"Yeah, and I saw the lights on there well past midnight," another replied. "When do they even sleep? What are they doing in there?"

John sat up slowly, keeping his face neutral but listening intently. Rumours and speculation about Theodore's restricted labs were apparently spreading. Hidden projects taking place under cover of darkness? The furtive gossip sparked John's curiosity.

As he dressed for the day, John considered investigating the labs himself. But openly defying Theodore was currently unwise - John's skills were still developing. Patience was key, as was keeping up an obedient facade.

For now, he filed away the hushed accounts. But where secrets festered, so too did opportunities. John vowed to someday soon unravel the mysteries of those after-hour activities happening away from prying eyes.

With a last glance at his gossiping bunkmates, John headed out to begin his daily tasks, but halted as a voice called out to him, "John!"

John turned around and caught sight of Stephanie, his new girlfriend, who had been been cheated on already. Conflict festered within him for a second, but he shook it off. He had been honest with her, somewhat. 

Stephanie's pace quickened and John caught her in his arms. He pulled her close to him to him and whispered, "hey beautiful."

Stephanie's heart skipped a beat. She was a confident woman, but her confidence and assertive nature had made her unapproachable. It was rare for her to get such a straightforward compliment. With cheeks flushing pink, she smiled and replied, "hey handsome."

The air thickened with intimacy as they stood close, their hearts beating in tandem. John leaned in closer and his lips met Stephanie's. They lost themselves in the softness of their lips, but they were soon interrupted. It was Theodore and work had to be done. 

John, along with Julia, Martin, and Dalia were called to report to Theodore. They had to continue their mission of clearing out the area west of the campus, but this time, Theodore was accompanied by a lean woman with hair as white as snow and eyes as blue as the sea. She was a Luminar.