A wife and a mother *R18

"Here's what we'll do," John said as he pointed to a red dot on the holographic projection in the middle of the central atrium. "We'll use the intersection of the boulevard and the main street as a chokepoint, but we will need to barricade it somehow."

Martin scoffed, "and how exactly do you plan to barricade the streets?"

"I don't know, yet, but this is what we'll do unless you guys have a better idea," John said and locked eyes with his group. Martin rolled his eyes and Dalia and Julia nodded in agreement.

"I'll go scout, first. You guys stay here," John said as he turned his back to the screen.

"Wait, John! I'll go with you," Dalia offered, cupping John's hand. Julia snuck a glance of jealousy. She wanted to go with John, but with Martin here, she couldn't. 

"No, you stay here. I'll only take a few minutes if I go alone," John said.

"Alright," Dalia said as she let go of his hand and took a step back.

"I'll be right back," John said and ran out the building. He looked left and right down the boulevard before heading west. He reached a crossroads and found a large barricade of rubble that blocked the intersection. John stopped and listened for the sounds of any approaching monsters. 

He heard a soft moan behind him, and his body froze in fear. His head turned slowly towards the sound, and he spotted a lone Razorlin. Its skin was pale and its eyes were milky white.

'Why is it so weak?' John wondered as he watched it approach. John waited a few more seconds and when he was certain there were no others, he lunged forward. 

With a swing of his dagger, the Razorlin's head separated from its neck and rolled to the ground. He walked past the corpse and continued forward. John reached the main street. It was the place where he intended to create the chokepoint. Half a barricade had been formed thanks to the rubble from damaged buildings and abandoned cars. John smiled and headed back to the mall.

"Did you find anything?" Dalia asked when John arrived.

"The main street is clear of monsters and the intersection is already partially blocked by debris. This will make the perfect chokepoint. Now we need to find some stuff to add to it," John explained.

"What kind of stuff?" Julia asked.

"Well, if we can find a bunch of metal beams or something heavy and metallic, it would work great. I was also thinking about some explosives. The bigger, the better," John said and looked around.

"There's a construction site around the corner, maybe they have some heavy machinery or something like that," Julia suggested, stealing a glance towards Martin. She wanted some alone time with John, but she had to be discreet.

"Great, Julia, can you show me where it is?" John asked and she nodded. "You two keep searching for any other materials or anything we can use."

Julia led the way and John observed the hypnotic swaying of her big ass cheeks as he followed behind her. She wore tight black shorts and John was certain he could see the outline of her butt crack. 'Fuck, I really want to stick my dick in that ass,' he thought as he felt his cock twitch.

"I think this is it," Julia said as she stopped and looked back at John. He was looking at her ass, but when he realized she had stopped, he smirked at her.

"What are you looking at?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"That hot ass of yours," John said as he stepped towards her. She smiled, and her body leaned against a pile of bricks.

[Favourability +5]


"You really like it?" she asked and raised an eyebrow.

"I'd be happy to show you how much," John whispered as his arms circled her waist and his lips pressed against her neck.

"Mmm, I'd like that," she whispered.

"Let's get rid of this first," John said, removing her jacket. Julia bit her lip and pulled her top over her head, revealing her plump bare breasts.

"Wait!" She said and she pushed him back. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Can it wait?" John asked as he pulled down his pants. His erect cock sprang out, and Julia bit her lip.

"No, please, let's talk now." She said with a pained expression.

"We can talk while we fuck," John said and spun her around. She pressed her hands against the bricks and looked over her shoulder. John pushed his dick between her thick ass cheeks and began to thrust.

"Mmm," she moaned and bit her lower lip. "I... I want to leave my husband Martin, but I'm scared."

John thrust faster and his hands reached up and cupped her soft breasts.

He gripped her breasts and pulled on her nipples before replying, "leave him and come with me."

"Oooh, I don't know," she whispered. "I've always dreamed of having a baby."

"Do you think Martin wants a child? You told me he's an asshole."

"Mmmm, ahhh! I want a baby," she moaned.

"Then, come with me," John said and thrust his hips harder.

"Yes, yes! Fuck me harder!" Julia moaned and closed her eyes.

"Yes, yes!" Julia moaned and closed her eyes.

"Yes, yes, aaaahh!" Julia screamed.

John thrust his cock inside her wet pussy and she tightened her muscles, squeezing his dick with her tight hole.

"Yes, yes! Fuck me harder, ooooh, you're making me cum!" Julia screamed, and her body trembled as her cleft spasmed around his dick. John continued to thrust his hips, and her knees grew weak. He gripped her waist tightly and kept her upright as his dick continued to thrust.

"Mmmm, ooooh, that's so good," she moaned, and her eyes rolled back into her head.

"Yeah, you like that?" John whispered.

"Mmhm," she replied with a smile.

"I want to hear you say it," he demanded.

"I... I like it," she replied.

"You want a baby, don't you?" he whispered.

"Mmm, yeah," she moaned, and her pussy tightened again.

"Say it, tell me you want a baby."

"I... I want a baby," she said through moans.

"Say, I want your baby, John."

"I want your baby, John," she moaned.

"Say, give me your cum, and fill me with your baby."

[Favourability +35]

"Give me your cum, and fill me with your baby, ooooh," she moaned as her body shuddered again.