The Married Woman *R18

John thrust his cock deep into Julia's aching sex. Julia shuddered, her legs trembling as John thrusted faster and harder. He could feel the climax building up inside him. He bit his lip at the sight of her round ass rippling as it smashed against his crotch. 

The sight was incredible, beads of sweat rolled down her back as he fucked her hard, and her breasts swung back and forth. His eyes were drawn to the side of her breasts, and the way they bounced in response. 

His heart was beating like a jackhammer. John's entire body felt hot, he couldn't take his eyes off of her, not when she was in such a state. Her eyes were wide and full of lust. Her breasts bounced wildly with each thrust. Julia's cries of ecstasy grew louder and louder, her walls were so tight around him, her pussy squeezing his cock, and pulling him in deeper.

He grunted, the pleasure overcoming him, and he exploded deep inside her, his cock pulsating with each spurt.

Julia moaned, and he felt her contract around him, milking him of his seed. His legs weakened, and he pulled her body against his. He ran his fingers through her hair and kissed the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

They basked in the afterglow of their union and then looked for the materials they needed. Pensive, Julia thought about her life in this new world whilst John sent everything into his inventory. He saw a smile creep up on Julia's face and decided to check her favourability.


[Age: 27]

[Experience: Not a Virgin]

[Preferences: Anal, ???]

[Kinks: Voyeurism, Humiliation, ???]

[Favourability: 55/100]

His eyes widened. Her favourability was quite high, but then he chuckled as he saw the kinks and preferences. 

'This will be useful,' John thought while a smirk played on his lips.

A few minutes later, they walked back to the mall and Martin was waiting, there was fury in his expression, but the system's notification brought a smile to John's face.

[The Married Woman]

[Quest: Take Julia for yourself and humiliate her husband.]

[Reward: Skill Upgrade. The magnitude of the upgrade depends on the performance and quest outcome.]

As they approached, John noticed that Martin was livid. His eyes were blazing, and his jaw was clenched. Martin stormed up to them and grabbed Julia by the arm. "What the hell were you doing, taking so long? I told you about this, didn't I?"

John stepped in and pushed him back. "Hey, man, chill out. We had to look everywhere for the supplies, it wasn't easy. Just calm down, alright?"

Martin glared at him. "Calm down?

While Martin was fuming, John reached around and grabbed Julia's butt. It was soft and round, and he squeezed it hard, enjoying the feeling of her flesh in his hands. Julia gasped and bit her lip, her cheeks turning red.

Suddenly, Martin saw Julia's face and stopped talking. He stared at her for a moment and then looked at her ass. John grinned and winked at him, and then reached around and grabbed her other cheek.

"What the hell?!" Martin yelled. "What are you doing?"

John chuckled and slapped her butt hard, enjoying the way it bounced under his hand. "Just showing her what a real man's dick can do."

Martin was furious. He punched John square in the face, but John suffered no damage.

John laughed and shook his head. "You can't hurt me. Not with your pitiful Strength stat."

Martin stared at him in disbelief. "What? How do you know about my stats?"

"That doesn't matter. What matter is what Julia wants!"

Martin looked at his wife. "Julia, what's going on? Why are you letting him do this to you?"

Julia looked at him with pity, but the fear was still ingrained in her, the words wouldn't leave her lips.

John turned to Julia, "Speak up, Julia. Whose dick do you like more?"

Julia hesitated. She knew that if she chose Martin, he would beat her again, but maybe John could protect her and she did like him.

Martin stared at her, waiting for an answer.

"John's. I prefer his dick over yours."

Martin was shocked, and he stared at her in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.


"Because he treats me better. He's kind and caring. You're just a selfish asshole."

Martin shook his head, "I can't believe this. You're a whore."

John took a look around, his eyes scanning for Dalia. A smirk played on his lips when he noticed her sleeping in a clothing store.

John grabbed Julia and sandwiched his erect cock in her butt crack. He could feel her body shivering, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and excitement.

"What a hot bitch you are. Let me fuck your ass and make you scream like the slut you are."

[Favourability +2]

Julia shuddered at his words. She couldn't understand why. He was saying mean things, but he stirred something inside her. 

John pulled her panties down and pressed his fingers against her wet pussy. She moaned softly and closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of his touch.

Martin was furious, and he lunged towards them. But before he could reach them, John slammed his dick into her tight hole. She gasped and cried out in pain, but John didn't stop.

"Fuck, you're so tight for a slut, but I guess it makes sense a slutty teacher like you would be tight when she's getting fucked by her student in front of her husband."

[Favourability +3]

John grunted and began thrusting hard and fast, his cock sliding in and out of her slick opening. He gripped her hips tightly, and his balls slapped against her clit with each thrust.

"Oh, God, yes! Fuck me, baby!"

She arched her back, and her cries grew louder, her body shaking as she climaxed.

Martin dropped to his knees, he could only watch in despair as John ravaged his wife right in front of him. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His wife was cheating on him right in front of him. He wanted to say something, but the words caught in his throat.

"I can't believe you would betray me like this!" Martin yelled, his face contorting with anger. He glared at John and Julia, "How dare you steal my wife away from me?"

"She's not your property," John retorted, holding his ground. "Julia deserves better than an asshole like you."

"That's none of your business!" Martin shot back. "She's mine, and I'll do whatever I want with her."

"Pfft, you still think she's yours even when she's got my dick deep into her ass? Look at her face," John said, cupping Julia's face.

Martin looked at Julia, and his heart sank. Her face was contorted with pleasure, and she was moaning softly. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He had lost her, and he knew it.

"You'll regret this," Martin said. 

With that, Martin left the mall, his shoulders slumped in defeat. John could swear he heard him crying.

Julia leaned her head back and kissed John, her tongue swirling around his. "Thank you for helping me," she whispered.

"No need for thanks, just keep taking my dick deep into your ass," John said, thrusting hard and deep.

Julia gasped and moaned, her eyes rolling back in pleasure. She was glad that she had finally found someone who cared about her and wasn't afraid to stand up to Martin.

After a few minutes, they finished, and John pulled his cock out of her.

"Now, let's go get Dalia and get the hell out of here," John said.

"What about Martin?" Julia asked, biting her lip.

"Don't worry about him."