Meeting my parents for the first time!!!

Some minutes later, Charlotte entered the room with a huge smile on her face and said:

-my lady , I'm back. Your parents are coming in a moment. Here is your book and your pencil would you like something else?

My Pov: even the book and the pencil look expensive and elegant. The book is black with a golden embroidery in the center which kind of looked like a dragon surrounded by flowers and the pencil was the definition of a piece of art

- Thank you Charlotte and could you get me some orange juice please and a snack if possible

-Sure thing but Umm my lady would you like me to bring them to you in the garden instead ? She said with a kind of hesitant tone

-Yeah ,but could you come and pick me from my room when the snacks are ready so that you could show me the way to the garden

My pov:

Now that she is finally gone I can make a quick summary of what I know about this world don't misunderstand me I love Charlotte but I can't write in front of her this kind of information, it will just put her in danger beside I don't trust her enough to tell her that I'm from another world and she wouldn't trust me either way, she would just think that I'm crazy .

OK , So I came to this world as the villain Alicia who is gonna die at the end of the story and I need to reveal Dione's lies so I guess that she was a hypocrite but like isn't she the protagonist of the story I'll figure out this problem later and I need to make the crown prince fall in love with me and I finally need to avoid dying if I want to go back to Earth . Easy right when you know what's gonna happen but I didn't read the whole story yet beside who said that I wanted to go back to Earth where I have debts and need to work hard I'm the daughter of a rich Duke . I'll just live here and never get close to the MCS . I just hit the jackpot I'm rich so now let's just live a good life without having to work but I still need to avoid dying tho . I wonder what happens if I die anyways I'm just joking I already tried this in another scenario I was put into but it turned out that if I don't fulfill the condition's to go back to earth I just awaken again at the start point in other words at the moment I joined the story beside if I fail to fulfill the condition's withing ten times I receive penalties in real life which could escalate to even death I discovered that while trying to understand this weird phenomen by trying all sort of things on my ninth try in the last scenario thanks to Robin's intervention. The first time I went through this phenomen was a year ago and I thought of it as a simple work of my imagination because I was drunk the night before but also because the date in which I woke up was actually the next day but because it happened again and that I'm now in my favorite novel I now know for sure that it wasn't my imagination playing tricks on me and that while I'm in this universe if I dare call it one time stops in earth

End of the Pov


A man and a woman came rushing in , they looked really worried, the woman stumbled and was about to fall but she was saved by the man in a very romantic way you know the typical romantic saving pose in novels. The woman was a tall and good looking midle aged woman who had green eyes and brown curly hair which were similar to mine , she was wearing a green elegant gown which was decorated with precious stones such as emeralds alongside her was a fine looking man who seemed in his late thirties, he had blue navy eyes and blonde hair that shined like the sun in the sky

-My daughter I missed you so much. I thought that you will never wake up again

-Are you my mother?

- Yes , I am . Oh Dear God my only daughter lost her memories . You know what , don't worry sweety I'll make sure that we will live better experiences from now on and maybe you will get your memory back with time , she said while hugging me and patting my head

- Alicia, My dear I was so worried do you need anything money ? Clothe? Do you want to travel maybe ? the man said with a huge smile

- I guess that you are my father then

- I am so do you need anything sweety ??????

My Pov : was she that spoiled?

-No , thank you father I don't need anything right now

-Sweety , your father and I are gonna go now and let you rest if you need anything just tell your maid Charlotte so that she can inform us , my mother said while glaring at my father who was shivering in fear due to her dark scary glare that could surely kill him if eyes had this kind of powers. My mother the Duchess Amber Charles was kind of intimidating

My Pov:

It looks like Alicia's mother is the Boss around here and that her father and mother care deeply about her unlike me an orphan, I wonder how she turned out to be the villain

- Good bye mother and father

-Rest well my Angel

Clac . They got out of the room and closed the door behind them . Some minutes later Charlotte came in and she seemed like she was on the ninth cloud :

-why do you seem so happy my dear friend?

- My lady , I brought you your juice and some cookies , I'm gonna lead you to the garden then I'm going to help around the mansion if you need anything I'll be coming back every now and then to check on you.

My Pov : she is trying to change subjects I'm feeling generous today so I will let her get away with it even tho I'm pretty curious about the reasons behind her euphoria

- Charlotte, can you show me around the mansion later maybe in the afternoon if you're free or after you finish your shores.

-No problem my lady, I will

To be continued