{In the Garden}

When we first got to the garden I was hit with a strong captivating and hypnotizing scent of roses which made me joyful and amazed at the same time , I couldn't stop myself nor get tired of watching and admiring the mix of colors and the exquisite scenery that the sun flowers , lavenders , roses , all the kind of flowers that were blooming in our lawn formed , the sun which color was kind of a yellowish orange was glowing , the blue sky looked so beautiful and classy with no clouds or turbulences something that is quite rare on Earth. Birds and butterflies of all kinds and colors were flying around the garden , the atmosphere turned out to be so refreshing and calming, I sat on the setting that Charlotte prepared for me earlier today and that's when I suddenly realized that two young men around the same height were running toward me , the closer they got to me , the more I noticed their similarities , they both had blonde hair slightly lighter then the duke 's and glowy green eyes just like the duchess , their faces ressembled pieces of art , they both had thin Rosie lips , a high nose bridge , flawless glossy skin , almond eyes and long eyelashes , they even had perfect bodies , broad shoulders, muscled hands and thighs , a slim waist, well toned abs and an awesome silhouette, I lost all my words while looking at them , I was astonished and surprised to see such pretty and manly men at the same time that's when they reached the place where I was sitting and started hugging me , I thought that I was blessed to know and hug such handsome guys but to my biggest disappointment and disgust they turned out to be my older brothers who were twins so yeah I was fantasizing about my own blood , quite amazing right , anyways they started fighting about which one was my favorite brother and I was kinda lost , I didn't know how to react that's when we heard a familiar calm voice:

-Luc , Henry oh my childrens are finally all back, reunited and happy , they even got time to argue, The duchess said while glaring at the twins


I'm saved , the Duchess's glares are really impressive I should get some lesson's from her somedays

- My childrens , I missed you so much, how have you been, is someone pressuring you guys at the academy, bullying you maybe ,expressed the Duke slightly concerned knowing that was impossible tho

-Dad do we still look like small children to you , don't worry dad we are doing quite well at the academy ,we are at the top of our classes , said Henry while Luc nodded

- Well that's good to hear, declared the Duke

Right after that they all started looking at me , for a moment I thought that my secret was exposed but they just opened their hands signaling me to come in for a hug , the small ducal family started getting emotional, they all had tears in their eyes while exclaiming how worried they were when I was unconscious

-Everyone stop crying , I'm fine can't you see , I said while jumping around like a bunny .They all started laughing and we spent some family time all together speaking , gossiping and laughing, this moment felt magical to me a person who didn't get the benefit of spending time with her family that she lost while very young,a person that was abused by her own aunt who hated her mother for no reason. An hour passed , father had to deal with some matters and the twins accompanied him in the other hand mother had to meet a famous tailor to discuss and speak about her dress's design for the upcoming imperial ball , she asked if I wanted to join in to choose my dress to but I politely refused saying that I will call the tailor another day to choose my outfit for the ball because I was tired and I wanted to rest , it was partly true because I had a light headache but I refused mostly because I had yet to learn about the trends in this world and I didn't want to humiliate the duchess and sound uneducated because of my lack of knowledge , I met Charlotte on my way back , she looked sad so I looked at the direction she was looking at and I saw a very handsome guy who had our family emblem on his clothes, I figured out that he was a knight from his attires,he had brown curly hair , glowing dark blue eyes , long eyelashes and a great body overall , he was speaking with a young lady who was clinging into him and who was wearing a maid uniform so I approched Charlotte and hugged her , she was surprised but she still showed me a small smile , she couldn't hide her sad eyes tho and those eyes were the reason why I figured out that she was jealous and that she liked that knight, she accompanied me on the way back to my room and I made sure to crack all kind of jokes to cheer her up and it seems to have worked , I later figured out that that young man was the commander of the knights of our family and that Charlotte was crazy in love with him

_ To be continued