to the tailor we go !!!

I just woke up.It's eight o'clock , the birds were singing a soothing melody and the sky was a mix of different shades of blue occupied by some clouds here and there. I was mesmerized by the gorgeous scenery that my eyes had access to through the enormous window of my room when I heard a small knock on the door. I yelled "come on in " and the door opened up slowly revealing who was behind it . Charlotte was standing there with a cute looking three years old he ressembled Charlotte a bit to much, the same black hair with the texture of silk, the same ocean looking eyes and the same shy personality . Charlotte introduced him as her younger brother but I kind off figured it out by their striking ressemblance. She told me that she brought him here because her father and mother had some emergency business to attend to and she couldn't leave him unattended, she then asked me if it would bother me in any way if he stayed here with her. I just said that this little cutie pie staying over would never bother me while signaling the little one to come and give me a hug . He came running toward me while his sister was looking at us with a big smile plastered on here face. The imperial ball was in a week and my mother was urging me to go to the tailor so that he could prepare my dress and send it to me in time for one of the fanciest ball of the year, the famous imperial ball. I decided after searching and learning about the fashion trends of this world through magazines to finally visit a famous and well known tailor " Alexander De Rohanna " which name figured in almost every magazine and who was considered as a fashion genius by all high society important figures. When I reached his luxurious and fancy looking boutique, I entered along with Charlotte and her younger brother to find Alexander talking with Lady Dione the main female character of the story and future wife of the crown prince. I envied her gorgeous face when I remembered that I had nothing to be jealous of with the beautiful face and gorgeous figure of Alicia that could make a bunch of grown men go crazy. Dione had soft looking dirty blond short hair and green mesmerizing eyes that could capture multiple heart easily along with a pale smooth skin,plumpy Rosie lips ,long eyelashes and an hourglass figure.She looked pure but according to romio she was wicked :

_ Greeting Lady Alicia, he said bowing slightly

_Greeting to you to Alexander, I said uninterested

_Hello Alicia , it's an honor meeting you today, squealed Dione with her big ass fake smile which could fool a bunch of people but not me as I was usually the one to offer people fake smiles, I'm a receptionist at a really fancy hotel in Earth

_It's an honor meeting you to, I said as I sat down

They continued discussing for approximately five minutes probably about her dress for the upcoming ball next week. As she left the store Alexander came toward me :

_ Excuse me Lady Alicia for my rudeness but may I ask what is the reason behind your sudden visit ?he said looking confused

_Why would I be here mister Alexander if not for a dress, I said as he looked at me dumbfounded

_Lady Alicia, it would be a pleasure but may I ask why you changed your opinion about my dresses, he exclaimed

_ My opinion about your dress, I asked confused

_My Lady, last time you visited my modest boutique you said that my dresses weren't up to your liking and barged out while slamming the door

_I'm sorry for my rude behavior sir I probably was angry because of something and took out my anger on you , I declared while feeling sorry for Alexander who was treated so badly by Alicia. I wonder why he is a kind looking man

_ I forgive you Lady Alicia there is no need to be stuck in the events that happened in the past, he said while giving me a small reassuring smile

I smiled back and we started talking about my dress for the ball he suggested some designs and helped me chose the design that would embrace my natural beauty the most. As we were discussing the final details, the crown prince Alessandro entered the shop alongside his younger sister princess Alina. Alessandro was a tall young man who seemed around my age ,he had dark blue hair . His figure was even more heavenly than my brothers figure , he had broad shoulders,muscled hands and thighs , a slim waist, well toned abs to be precise a six pack that was visible through his clothes and an awesome silhouette could this man get any better? Well yes his face was even more mesmerizing, his almond bold eyes were in the same shade as blood , this young man right here possessed one the rarest eye colors in this world and as if it wasn't already enough he had really long eyelashes that most women don't even dream of having , thin lips that made him look even more manly and a V shaped jawline, this man was just perfect may I add extremely hot to. His sister princess Alina wasn't any less , she looked around ten years old had long blond hair that glowed in the sun , big doe eyes which were in an unexpected color, they were in a dark shade of purple but they drew my attention and mesmerized me as soon as this little cutie pie entered the shop but let's not forget her cute pinkie lips that formed a pout when she saw that Alexander already had a customer who was obviously me. I glanced at Alessandro while Alexander was blabbering something about the dress and that's when his eyes met mine. Amused by my constant glances a smirk made his way into his face and I broke the eye contact while blushing. I glanced at him to see if he was still looking at me but found him talking to his sister to my biggest disappointment. What am I even saying at this point? What am I even thinking? Alexander finally ended his speech which I wasn't listening to by telling me that my dress will be ready in three days from now I just noded and I stood up signalling to Charlotte that we were leaving with my eyes. The crown prince then came toward me and told me to follow him, I glanced at Charlotte who was already teasing me with the look she was giving me. We got out of the shop when he said why were you looking at me. I just stood there looking at him not knowing what to say