The rather boring and uneventful evening of two agents of The Arm – Ray and Bob or Mike and Kevin or Duane and John or whatever their names were – came to a loud and shrieking end when the driver’s side window to their blacked-out SUV exploded inward from the well-placed butt end of a .12-gauge shotgun. Things were utterly silent between them, then the glass blew in so quickly, so loudly and so suddenly that each man came shockingly close to crapping his own respective pants.
As the men inside scrambled to discern what the hell was happening – and reached for their own firearms – the shotgun was whipped around and wracked before the barrel menacingly faced them.
At the same moment that happened, a pair of Stockard Creek Police SUV’s emerged, emergency lights flashing and spotlights illuminating the area around their target, in a loud and dramatic appearance of the shit hitting the fan.