Every warning bell in Darcy’s head was going off – every sense of dread and danger and foreboding – the closer they got to Stockard Creek, and it was not because of what awaited them there. No, she was certain that going to Keith for help was the right thing for her and Bella, so this was something else, something different – and she had a feeling she knew what it was.

Since they’d been on the run from The Arm, whenever the group seemed to be closing in on them, she started getting this strange, unsettling sensation of pervading dread. It would be soft at first, a tingling in the back of her head like something just wasn’t quite right, before it grew in intensity, meaning the walls were closing in.

It had kept them safe – her and Bella – so far…

This, however, was like a sledgehammer warning – like a massive lightning strike in the road ahead – causing her to become nauseous.