They heard Lizzy before they actually saw her, of course, which was all the more impressive because the tempest that swirled around them was loud and all-encompassing. Had she not been moaning and grunting with each tortuous movement, they might have walked right over her.
It was more than moaning, though. Rather, it was a series of grunts that one might make while painfully – very painfully and painstakingly – taking a treacherous step or movement forward. It was the sound of someone whose every movement overwhelmed them with racks of agony.
In Lizzy's case, she was on her side – literally lying on the ground – and using one good arm to try and sort of shuffle her way back down the trail. She had managed to crawl away from the dead aspen tree and was moving at a snail-like pace back towards Sarah's place and her patrol vehicle.
"Jesus Liz…" Keith moved quickly to kneel beside her and Darcy took up a position on his opposite side. "Christ…"
"No Liz, don't move," Darcy said.