It was sort of like a game of keep-away or hide-and-seek in which Bella got to be the one hiding and The Wolf – or Dominic Black – was all time 'it.'
She had to think of it that way to keep her wits and focus about her and not be overwhelmed or frozen with fear. Although she knew that The Wolf would not want to harm her – or at least harm her TOO bad – to deny her fear would be lying to herself. She was scared, all right, because he or IT was menacing and mad. She had seen how badly The Wolf had attacked and hurt the police officer, but she also knew that, if she had not stepped in, the poor officer would have likely been killed. Shifting to human form – albeit for a moment – to call out and ultimately flip The Wolf the middle finger had just sort of come to her. And, as soon as she shifted back into wolf form to scamper up the mountain, she thought those middle fingers were pretty good ideas.