The Right to Dream

'Goooaaaalllll! And Teesside get the winning goal. A bit of controversy before the goal, everyone was focused on the fowl, well everyone but one man. Jack remained focused on the mach and he was rewarded for it. He's probably scored the goal that gives Teesside all three points in Merseysie'

'Phenomenal performance from him all night, he's been playing like a man possessed so it feels really nice to see him get a goal, he really deserves it'

'Overall, I think Teesside deserved the win, they came to Liverpool and they managed to pull a point back. I'd think their manager would be really proud of their performance tonight'

'They're definitely proud of themselves. Next up, they'll be playing at home against Tyne Fc. From what we've seen of them tonight, I can say that it's definitely shaping up to be an interesting fixture'

The referee finally managed to calm the Teesside players after a wild celebration of Jack's goal. Omari was fairly sure that Jack had done up to ten different celebrations to commemorate his goal.

Omari just laughed at him. He understood the real source of his happiness, he got to continue his career. As soon as he thought of the bet, he turned his head to Dylan. The latter had a downcast expression on his face. He sat down on the grass and buried his face in his arms.

"Heh! Next time you'll think before making stupid bets" Omari didn't feel any form of pity for Dylan. In fact, if he felt angry at Jack for keeping his career on the line then he was angrier at Dylan.

Dylan came from Merseyside Red's academy. To Omari, he had the opportunity to showcase his talent in a big club. He wasn't like the Jack at all.

Even if Jack broke into the first team at Teesside, he would still have to perform good enough for big teams to scout him. Dylan had the opportunity to showcase his talent at one of the biggest clubs in the world and he threw it all away because of some stupid vendetta.

To be frank, Omari felt nothing for him. In fact, he felt it hard to hold himself from laughing out loud.

The referee finally managed to get all the players to stand and blew the whistle to signify the continuation of the match. Few seconds after Merseyside Red began the match, the referee blew his whistle. The match was over.

'And the match is over, Teesside win. They went in front, and then they were behind in the final minutes of the match. Ultimately they got the win, that's probably what truly matters'

'Merseyside Red must be disappointed with themselves. They staged a late comeback, and then they threw everything way. After a dull first half, I must say that the second half was truly filled with so much drama'

After the referee blew the whistle, Dylan collapsed on the floor. He used his hands to cover his face.

Jack glanced at him and grit his teeth. He was going to do something that he was quite sure that he would regret.

He walked to where Dylan laid and sat down beside him. "Hey"

Dylan rolled around so that his face was facing the sky. His eyes were red, it was obvious that he had been crying. "Have you come to rub it in?"

Jack smiled. "No, actually I'm not" Jack replied. "Let's forget about the bet"

Dylan's face betrayed his surprise. "Why? You have your chance to exact revenge and you're throwing it away?"

"I realized that I hated Merseyside Red because they snatched my dreams from me" Jack said. "So I can't snatch your dreams from you. I won't become what I hate"

Dylan smiled. "Thanks"

"It's not a charity, I just realized that no one should be deprived of the right to dream" Jack said.

An awkward silence prevailed the atmosphere between the two young men.

"I'm sorry" Dylan said all of a sudden, disrupting the silence. "I'm sorry for not being there"

Jack laughed. Crystalline teardrops formed in his eyes when he heard Dylan's apology. "Six years on and you finally apologize"

Dylan shrugged. "Better late than never I guess" He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say more, and after few seconds of hesitation, he finally spoke "It was just that you were so good, you started all the games and I was just a bench warmer scrambling to get some minutes. You kept impressing and getting promoted while I was just there"

"You were my brother! You were supposed to be happy for me!" Jack said. A tear drop escaped his eyes. "You were supposed to be there for me" He muttered at the end of his statement.

Dylan smiled. "Be happy for you? Heh! Well I'll have you know that it's quite difficult to be happy for someone when you envy his success. It's hard to be there for someone where there's nobody there for you!" Dylan's eyes started to sweat (he started crying for those of you that will question this). "You kept shouting that I was your brother and I was supposed to be there for you but you were never there for me. All you did was brag about how good you were and how much talent you had, all you did was make me feel bad about myself so it was hard not to poke you while you were down"

Jack stared at Dylan for a few seconds. He swallowed back some tears. "I'm sorry if I made you feel like that, I never realized". He stretched out his hand. "What do you say? Friends again?"

Dylan stared at Jack's hand for a full minute before shaking it firmly. "Yeah, friends again. Oh and thank you by the way… even though you had your self righteous reason for doing it, I still very much appreciate the fact that you decided to let me continue with my career"

Jack nodded slightly. And like that the two boys remained on the football pitch, sitting on the grass while catching up with each other.


Advertisement once again, new book coming out called 'God of Necromancers', coming out NEXT WEEK. Check it out if you're interested.

Remember, 100 P.S= 1 extra chapter (Just 17 more, let's go!)

Fifteen Chapter Comments= 1 extra chapter (still disappointed that we haven't cashed in on this)

And if by some miracle this book gets contracted, two extra chapters and a release rate of two chapters a day for the next two weeks.