Crappy Luck

"Where's Jack?" Jurg asked as he entered the locker room.

"He's conversing with the enemy" Joshua said. "I saw him on the pitch talking to Liverpool's striker"

Jurg looked slightly surprised by that statement. "He must be catching up with some of his old friends then. For those of you that don't know, Jack actually played for Liverpool in his early days"

A few murmurs of surprise broke out. It was obvious that none of them expected that Jack played with such a big club in his early days.

"But enough of that" Jurg said causing silence to almost immediately prevail in the locker room. "We're here to talk about how shit you are. I didn't expect that you were all so fucking bad that you couldn't cleanly beat a Liverpool reserve team"

A few dissatisfied mumbles broke out, but one look at Jurg's angry expression quieted them all.

"Now, even though most of you played so badly, you got the win and that's what matters, and even though I don't like how it came, you lot still came to Liverpool and are going to leave with all three points so the rest of today will be a rare one day holiday in Liverpool. Curfew's eight thirty"

When Jurg finished talking, a torrent of cheers and happy screams broke out. It wasn't everyday that they got to go on holiday in Liverpool.

"Alright! Alright! That's enough!" Jurg quieted the excited group of teenage boys. "Now even though you won due to sheer dumb luck, there are a few good takeaways from this match. David looked absolutely brilliant playing as a Defensive Midfielder, so it's likely that he's going to have a lot of starts in the coming games. Ayanfe also looked quite brilliant between the posts, it's going to be quite a competition to decide the starting goalkeeper".

Ayanfe smiled when he heard Jurg's comment. It wasn't all the time that Jurg complemented a player.

"Another thing that is set in stone is that we need a new forward". Jurg said all of a sudden. He was looking at Joshua while he was talking so it was very obvious who he wanted to replace. "Unfortunately we've used up all my transfer budget so until next year I guess"

Joshua let out an audible sigh of relief when he heard the second part of Jurg's statement. He had to train very hard and change Jurg's mind. He had to play no matter what!

"So where do you plan on going?" Ayanfe asked Omari as they walked outside the training ground.

Omari shrugged, he hadn't given much thought to Jurg's holiday approval. Being honest he would've gone straight to the park and continued training if not for the fact that Steve was almost certainly going to kill him.

Seeing as he couldn't take that course of action, he planned on going back to the hotel and resting until the next day. If Ayanfe hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have remembered the 'holiday' at all.

"I don't know, I was planning to go back to the hotel and getting some rest" Omari replied.

"Let's walk around then, go relax a bit" Ayanfe suggested. He hadn't had so much freedom since he got to England, and it wasn't as if where he came from had a lot of places that encouraged the hobby of sight-seeing.

"I find relaxing a lot more easier when I'm laying on a bed, welcoming sleep into my eyes" Omari replied.

"Let's just walk around" Ayanfe persisted.

Omari continued to argue with him, but Ayanfe could be very persuasive when he wanted to, so in the end he ended up walking around with Ayanfe.

They went to a lot places like restaurants, amusement parks and the like. All in all, it was a really fun experience. Omari had to admit, roaming around with Ayanfe did beat staying in his room alone.

"Wait here" Ayanfe said to Omari. They were outside a restaurant. The sun was already setting and they were about to start going back to the hotel. "I think I forgot my wallet inside"

"How careless can you be to forget your wallet inside a restaurant?" Omari asked. He was feeling slightly annoyed at Ayanfe delaying him.

"Sorry mom" Ayanfe said jokingly as he went back into the restaurant.

Omari started walking back to the hotel on his own. Ayanfe would probably catch up with him when he didn't see him at the entrance.

"Alright, just do as we say and nobody has to get hurt" A cold voice sounded from beside Omari before he'd taken even five steps away from the restaurant.

He looked to his side and saw two hooded figures standing beside him. He opened his mouth to scream for help when he felt something cold and metallic pressed against his back.

"You feel that? One slip up from you and *puh*" The figure imitated the sound of a gunshot. "Now we're good friends, very good friends that ran into each other after a long time apart, we're laughing at a joke I just made"

Omari hadn't considered himself a thespian, but all the acting talent he didn't know he had burst out now that his life was on the line.

He continued to listen to the threats of the armed robbers while laughing occasionally. If anyone saw them, they would think that they were really old friends.

"Now you're going to move as we lead you" The second figure said. The other figure pressed the nozzle of the gun tightly against Omari's back as if reminding him of the threat they posed.

Omari smiled and walked as they led him, not daring to do anything contrary. Goosebumps had already appeared on his skin and he was pretty sure that the temperature inside his clothes had risen by a very large margin. On his face however, he looked as happy as can be.

What kind of a crappy luck do I have?! How often does one get kidnapped when he's on a walk in Liverpool? Fuck it! They have a real gun! Are they going to shoot me?! Lord help me

A/N: Advertisement time!!!

For those of you interested, 'God of Necromancy' is out. The book has been vetted so you can check it out on my profile.

And remember, 100 P.S= 1 extra chapter (We were so fucking close this week, we only needed seven more)

Fifteen Chapter Comments= 1 extra chapter (I'm still disappointed that we haven't cashed in on this)

And if by some miracle this book gets contracted then two extra chapters and an update rate of two chapters a day for the next two weeks.