Chapter 11: More Lies?

Youjin Kinoshita's POV


Outrageous… utterly outrageous! My former girlfriend Nonaka-san claimed that her cheating on me with my former best friend Kutake-san and false accusation of me cheating on her were 'pranks'. But that was the most absurd excuse I had ever heard. Of course, I do not believe that at all. She meant to ruin my reputation just to defend herself. After all, false accusers like her, Susami-san and my step sisters always make lies.

After regaining my composure, thanks to the landlady Hayashi-san, I turned my attention to the Student Council President, the school idol and my former friend, Susami-san.

"Now, Susami-san. Why didn't you let me explain my rejection of your confession? Why did you make me become everyone's punching bag to assault me?"

Those questions visible unsettled her.

"I had never thought not only you're the worst friend, but also you're the worst Student Council President and School Idol I have ever seen in my life!"

Susami-san bowed her head in shame.

"Actually, Youjin-kouhai, I am no longer the president."

Wait, what?


"She's right, Kinoshita-kun." Shinohara-sensei interjected. "After the Closing Ceremony, I reported those four girls including her to my office. They admitted the truth about what you said everything in your surprise appearance. And I removed Susami-san's position as the Student Council President. Also, the vice-president will take over next semester."

"Hhmmm… I see." I nodded with a slight smirk.

Susami-san finally got what she deserved. Despite Shinohara-sensei's intervention, I still don't trust her.

"And about your other question, I didn't do it, actually."


"Excuse me?" I narrowed my eyes at my former friend. Is that another lie?

"I didn't order everyone to assault you, Youjin-kouhai."

I stood up while clenching my fist. Just like Nonami-san a while ago, her answer made my blood boil.


"I'm not lying, kouhai! I swear, I didn't ask them to retaliate against you!"

"LIAR!" I snapped at her. "Punch after punch and slap after slap that I received from them, they kept saying 'For Naomi-sama!', you… it's obvious they served justice for you, Susami-san! You made them brutalize me!"


"You even manipulated my own step sisters into attacking me in front of everyone, Susami-san. Those two adore you so much, you know!"

My twin sisters averted their gaze in shame.

"Kouhai, please! After school on the day you returned after your suspension, Shinohara-sensei sent me home immediately. And I heard the chaotic noises from your classroom. I had no idea what was going on. Like I said, I never ordered anyone to harm you for me."

Now I reached my limit for the former president as I slammed my both fists on the table furiously, making everyone flinch in surprise.

"ENOUGH WITH THAT NONSENSE, B*TCH! Those students attacked me for you… FOR. YOU! THAT'S FINAL! So, stop making more lies! I might hurt your feelings for rejecting your confession, but you hurt me more!"

Good grief! How could she make more filthy excuses, just like Nonaka-san a while ago? Those two are clearly trying to defend themselves with more lies. But evidence is evidence! Their actions that had been captured by my drones were intentional at all. They meant to hurt me and make my family turn against me.

"I was going to explain that I wasn't ready for a relationship, especially after what happened with Nonaka-san. But thanks to you, I have no choice, but I don't want a single friend or a girlfriend anymore, Susami-san. Ever! Now, then–"

Interrupting myself, I couldn't help but notice the high school principal Shinohara-sensei shaken visibly. Wait, something's suspicious about her. I mean, she felt guilty for being on those idiots' sides. Whatever her secret, it hardly mattered now.

Shaking my head and looking at my twin step sisters, it was time for my questions for them.

"Hana-san, Sakura-san."

"Y-Yes, onii-chan?"


"About you two accusing me of molestation in the bathroom, is that the only way to make my old man disown me?"

"Onii-chan, you can't just call your father like that."

"Yeah, we're family. No need to be formal to us, your sisters, nii-nii."

"SHUT IT! Just answer my question!"


Family? As if! I don't have a family anymore.

"Yes, onii-chan."

Sakura-san only replied my question, but her twin sister just nodded silently.

"I see."

Finally, unlike Nonaka-san and Susami-san, at least my twin step sisters admitted their role. Not quite! But…

"How about this. Was your first plan to falsely accuse me, claiming that I molested your mother and had a thing for older women? Was that how you two intended to get rid of me? But instead, you played like victims yourself in the bathroom?"

Those questions made me smirk. But my father's eyes widened and my step mother was stunned.


And my step sisters' reaction confirmed my suspicions in fear.

That's right! I heard their secret plan when I was suspended. Of course, their plan was captured by one of my drones. But it didn't happen for some reason. During my revenge on the Closing Ceremony at school, I didn't put that hidden evidence on my revenge video I made.

"W-W-What a-are you talking about, onii-chan?"

"Yeah, w-w-where that come from, nii-nii?"

Just as I thought. They pretended they didn't know about it.

"Come on, tell me the truth!"

I'm sure they will refuse to be honest.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about, onii-chan."

"Y-Yeah. What she said, nii-nii."

Still refuse to tell the truth. False accusers are obviously liars, after all. Then I grabbed my phone from my pocket to find the recorded evidence.

"Then, how about this?" I played the video and everyone, including the landlady, watched the video.

In the video, my step sisters were in the living room. That was the time I was suspended, my old man was working and the old hag was out for shopping. So my step sisters and I were alone in the house, but I was in my bedroom since I couldn't face my family.

"Hana, do you still hate onii-chan?"

Sakura was still upset for believing the accusation from Susami-san.

"Yeah. I still hate him. I wish he was kicked out from our house, Sakura."

"Me too. I wish that too."

"I can't believe he ruined Yurika-chan and Naomi-sama's lives."

"He is such a cheater, womanizer and abuser!"

"Sakura, any ideas to make our parents kick him out? I have a plan, by the way."

"Yes, but are you thinking what I'm thinking, Hana?"

"My plan is false accusation on nii-nii by molestation. Is that what you think?"


"But who do you think will be the 'victim' for molestation, Sakura?"

"How about okaa-san?"

"Okaa-san? Well, let's just say… he molested her in her sleep."

"That's it! That's exactly what I think, Hana."

"Okay. Then we'll tell her or otou-san soon, Sakura."

After talking about their plan for false accusation, they gave each other high-five. Then the video ended.

I looked at the various reactions from everyone: Hayashi-san shook her head in disappointment, Shinohara-sensei, my parents, Nonaka-san and Susami-san were so shocked, and my twin sisters were shaken and paled in fear.

"You see? They were planning this." I told my parents. "But they backed out."

Turning to my twin step sisters, I smirked.

"You girls still won't want to admit? You were secretly captured by one of my drones, you know."

Those twins trembled.

"Hana, Sakura, how could you?! Their mother scolded.

"How dare you, girls?!" My old man joined.

"That's enough. You guys are still on their side. I don't need your belief."

No matter they believe the evidence I showed to everyone, I don't want my parents to be on my side.

"But, Youjin-kun, they–"

"I said enough, you old hag!" I glared at my step-mother.

"Son, mind your manners. Don't call your mother like that."

I turned my head to my old man while glaring at him.

"Mother? Mother?! Tch! My biological mother is gone, old man. You still blame me on her death, you bastard."

My father paled for recalling on the time he assaulted and blamed me before kicking me out.

"I-I… I'm sorry, Youjin. I didn't–"

"Everyone, please stop already!"

The high school principal intervened, but I managed to calm down.

"Kinoshita-kun, about your drones, did you really buy them?"

Shinohara-sensei's question made me smile evilly.

"Heh! That's right, Sensei. In fact, one of my drones is recording us right now."

I opened my phone again and the app to show everyone the live video of us, including myself. They were surprised.

"I secretly bought them before Nonaka-san were dating."

Mentioning my former girlfriend's name, she looked away from me in shame.

"If it weren't for my drones, then I would become mentally ill and commit suicide to prove my innocence."

Everyone gasped at what I said.


"Oh, wait! You guys wouldn't care if I killed myself. But my spirit would haunt you all forever, especially you, girls!"

Those girls who falsely accused me became terrified at my words.

"I would haunt you until you confessed the truth to serve justice for me. So… would you like that if I died?"

To be honest, I would really kill myself if I didn't have drones or hidden cameras for being the victim of false accusations. That's why it's a big deal for me.

"Well, kouhai, t-that's…"

"Youjin, we're so sorry for ruining your life."

"Me too, onii-chan."

"We promise we won't hurt you again, nii-nii."

Here we go again! Apologies and promises again! But as a cautious guy, I know their tricks. They will eventually fool me again, no matter they will get caught by my drones.

I was about to say something to the girls who betrayed me when the principal interrupted me.

"Kinoshita-kun, I have something to say. Something important."

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.

"Please, return to school, Youjin Kinoshita-kun."