Chapter 12: The Decision and True Feelings

Author's Note: This is the last chapter in the 'Confrontation' arc. AND THE LONGEST CHAPTER I'VE EVER WRITTEN [LONGER THAN THE 7TH CHAPTER (THE DREAM AND REVENGE)]. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter!


Youjin Kinoshita's POV


Excuse me?! What did Shinohara-sensei say?

"Come again, Sensei." I narrowed my eyes to the high school principal.

"I said please, return to school, Kinoshita-kun!"

Are you kidding me?

"Why would I do that? Didn't you hear me on the video? I won't go back! I'm expelled, remember?"

"I know you declared it yourself, Kinoshita-kun. But it doesn't mean I accept it. That's why I want you to go back to school. The teachers and students, including these girls here, agree with me."

I looked at my sisters, Nonaka-san and Susami-san as they nodded silently.

"The students really regretted their actions. But I promise myself the teachers and I will protect you from harm at school."

Protect me? As if! The teachers, even principals in some schools, often fail to help the victims of bullying. That even happens outside Japan where some teachers defend the bullies from the victims by saying they just tease the victims. But when the victims fight the bullies back, victims will be punished. It's so unfair! What kind of justice is that?! I've seen countless stories on the internet, not to mention some victims ended up taking their own lives, because no one helped them. That really infuriates me.

I remember I saw the live video during my revenge at the Closing Ceremony. The students were upset about what they had done to me. Some of them started to hate those girls for ruining an innocent boy's life like mine.

If I return to school, I will probably hear their whispers, see their guilt. Whether they plan to apologize to me or not, I will never forgive them no matter what.

I clenched my fist as I recalled the incident at school. Then I took a deep breath and looked at everyone. I had made my final decision.

"You know what, Sensei. Fine! I'll go back to school."

Of course, everyone, even the landlady Hayashi-san, was surprised.

"What, really?" Shinohara-sensei gasped.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Thank goodness. Thank you, Kinoshita-kun!"

I rolled my eyes at the principal's positive reaction. My parents and the girls were relieved.

Then Hayashi-san came closer to me.

"But, Kinoshita-kun. Are you sure about your decision?" She whispered.

"It's fine, Hayashi-san." I whispered back. "Don't worry, I got this."

I looked again at Shinohara-sensei.

"But on one condition, Sensei."


"I want you to punish those four girls more!" I pointed at the traitors with my index finger.

The girls gasped in surprise.




"But, Kinoshita-kun. That's…"

"What? Punish them or I won't go back to school?"

Shinohara-sensei tried to say something, then sighed in defeat.

"Okay. I'll punish them for you."

"But, Sensei–"

"Shut up!" The principal interrupted Susami-san.

"If that's what my son wants, then I agree." My old man nodded.

"Yeah, me too. Those girls need to learn the lesson." My step mother nodded back.

"Anyway, what punishment do you want to them, Kinoshita-kun?"

I smirked.

"Simple! Since I missed taking homework, quizzes and exams when I was absent for two months, I want those girls to take them. Under my name, of course."

The girls, even Shinohara-sensei, were confused.




"Don't get the wrong idea, Sensei!" I interrupted her with a glare. "I don't want my missed homework, quizzes and exams to get higher scores with their own answers, even though Susami-san, Hana-san and Sakura-san aren't in the same year as me. It would be fine if they barely pass. Still, just don't make their scores higher or perfect."

It was my step sisters' fault for making me absent for two months, that's why I missed the homework, quizzes and exams. Just as I thought before, they told everyone the false accusation of me molesting them in the house. If I was in the school on the day I was kicked out of the house, then I would be beaten up again by everyone.

"So, you mean they would retake their quizzes and exams for you, Youjin?" My old man asked.

"Yes. As long as they're under my name."

I looked at the high school principal.

"But don't worry, Sensei. I will do my summer homework myself. So… do you accept their punishment?"

She sighed.

"Let me ask the girls." She looked at those four girls. "Do you accept?"

They exchanged their looks silently, but were unable to answer.

"It's for Kinoshita-kun's sake, girls!"

They flinched and looked at her.

"Yes, Sensei." Nonaka-san replied.

"Yeah, for his sake." Susami-san nodded.

"Me too!" The twins replied in unison.

"Then it's settled! Kinoshita-kun will go back to school for the second semester. And starting Monday, Nonaka-san, Susami-san and Kinoshita-san twins will retake the homework, quizzes and exams under his name. I will tell the teachers about what he missed."

"Thank you, Shinohara-sensei." I nodded. "I really appreciate it."

After a moment of awkward silence, my old man called me.

"Son, since you will return to school soon, will you go back to our house?"

My previous home? No way!

"Why would I go back there?" I glared at him. "That home is hell to me, old man!"

"Youjin-kun, don't say that." The old hag sighed. "We all missed you. Your father didn't mean to kick you out. I mean, your sisters made him do it."

I rolled my eyes in disgust. I'm sure they're trying to defend their actions.

"So what? If I go back to your house, I will suffer, just like before. History repeats itself, old hag!"

"No, we won't hurt you again, Youjin-kun."

"Yes, you will! I know your plans. I know what will happen with you, that old man, Sakura-san and Hana-san."

To be honest, my mind can predict the future of me being with the people I hate most.

"Onii-chan, why do you always think something like that? We really regret hurting you, you know."

I glared at Sakura-san who questioned me.

"Because my tool says so!"

Everyone was confused at my answer.

"Tool? What tool, nii-nii?"

I turned to her twin sister who asked.

"Isn't that obvious? Right here!" I tapped my head with my index finger twice. "My brain, Hana-san!"

Everyone was silent. Probably none of them thought I was outsmarted, even I was in serious trouble before.

"My brain made me think the right way to get revenge on those girls, especially at the right time and place." I continued. "My brain makes me predict what will happen to me with all of you. My brain makes me cautious, especially thinking that everyone is suspicious, even Hayashi-san."

I glanced at the landlady who was confused.

"Sorry, Hayashi-san."

"You all may think I'm weak, that's why I was beaten up and hated by everyone…" I continued. "…but I am mentally strong. So, none of you can underestimate my cleverness."

Now, I turned to my parents.

"You may think your daughters made your husband kick me out, but it was his choice to do that himself, old hag!"


"But still, I will never go back. This home here is my home! And living alone makes me comfortable, so I can live here in peace without everyone. Despite having the landlady, of course."

I took another glance at Hayashi-san who smiled slightly at me.

"Look, I know you miss the meals with us. So why don't you just join us for dinner tonight? Yurika and Naomi can join if they want."

That reminds me. I never forget that she told me not to have dinner with her and my sisters when they thought I committed the wrongdoings against my former girlfriend Nonaka-san and former friend Susami-san. Not to mention, during my two-week suspension, I hadn't had breakfast, lunch and dinner with my so-called family.

"Do you think I miss having meals with you, guys?" I narrowed my eyes on my family. "I prefer to eat alone… or with Hayashi-san. I will never join all of you, ever again!"

The old hag looked away in shame.

"That's why… you all are nothing but eyesores to me. And you guys make me sick of facing you again!"

"Youjin-kun, calm down. We're really sorry for not believing you."

I felt my mind and emotion start to lose control since my anger flared. The more they apologize, the angrier I get.

"Shut up! You all were too easy for those girls who are liars. They ruined my life. I kept telling everyone, including you over and over… and over again that I didn't do anything wrong, but they… and you all refused to believe me at all! You made me realize having family and friends was my biggest mistake in my life!"

My family, Nonaka-san and Susami-san made sad expressions on their faces that I let their regrets absorb them, making them more and more upset.

"Women may commonly be the victims of the crimes, but they can play like victims on innocent men like me, just for fun, becoming famous or even for money! That's why Nonaka-san, Susami-san, Hana-san and Sakura-san manipulated everyone to believe them, not me!"

That's right! It's very sad in society that false accusations are commonly done by women. And most of the victims of false accusations are men. And the crimes for the false accusations are mostly sexual-related ones, like r**e, molestation, sexual harassment and underwear thief.

Those innocent men will end up being imprisoned, being hated by their own families and friends, getting mentally ill and having trust issues. That's why manipulative women like ruining innocent men's lives. I saw a lot of news online about those incidents.

Women who make false accusations make my blood boil by making everyone, even police, instantly believe them, just because they are women and don't even have evidence at all, or make fake ones that may look like innocent men really did the sexual crimes. That's just a simple reason for me. It is how it is!

False accusation finally happened to me for real, thanks to the girls I trusted like Nonaka-san, Susami-san, Hana-san and Sakura-san. Not to mention I felt like becoming a misogynist or sexist, although I don't hate the landlady Hayashi-san.

"And thanks to them…" I continued. "They make me hate women more. You heard me?! I HATE WO–"


I suddenly felt the pain on my cheek. I just got slapped. But who did slap me?

I turned my head and looked at my step mother who glared at me. So she was the one who slapped me.

"Youjin-kun, snap out of–"


Everyone gasped at sight. I interrupted my own step mother by slapping her back. Wait, no! I mean, the old hag Yuna Kinoshita, who fell on the floor after being slapped back. I guess my strength made her fall on the floor.


My old man approached his wife, knelt down to check on her and glared at me.

"Youjin, how dare you slap her?!"

"No! How dare she slap me first, bastard?!" I retorted back.

"But she's your m–"

"Shut your mouth up!" I snapped at him. "Are you gonna tell me I shouldn't fight her back, just because she's a woman? Huh?! Are you gonna tell me I must not get revenge on that woman who attacked me? Is that what you want, you bastard?! Do you want me to be a coward by doing nothing on someone like that old hag who attacked me?!"

My father tried to respond but was scared of my rage.

"N-N-No, t-that's not it!"

"Tch!" I rolled my eyes and looked at everyone.

"Everyone, did you see what happened a while ago? You're the witnesses at the scene. She slapped me first! Are you gonna pretend you didn't see her slapping me first? But instead, I slapped her first? Huh?! Don't tell me you will make false accusation of me assaulting that old hag. I don't care she's a woman, as long I will get revenge if any of you will mess up with me, just like I did to those four b*tches who betrayed me! You heard me?!"

I don't know why I keep ranting as if I'm out of control, but I just let my anger out at everyone except the landlady to fear me. Everyone around me was still silent, no words came out from their mouths.


They were terrified at my fury. More likely I released my intimidating aura.

Reaching my limit, I clenched my fist and was about to launch the attack on my parents who were on the floor.

"Kinoshita-kun, please calm down!"

I froze as I felt something wrap around my waist. It was the landlady Hayashi-san who stopped me.


She still hugged me on the waist, letting me suppress my anger.

"I understand your feelings, Kinoshita-kun. But please calm down. I'm still on your side, remember? I believe in you."

Thanks to the landlady, I finally managed to calm down. But… I noticed my eyes getting blurred. A clear liquid appeared on my vision. Wait, am I crying right now?

"I'm sorry." I whispered quietly at her.

I slowly moved backward and sat down on my chair. But I began to sob quietly.

"Sshhh!" Hayashi-san shushed while rubbing me on the back. "It's okay, Kinoshita-kun. I'm here for you."

I nodded without any words and wiped my tears.

"Look what you've done, everyone!" She roared furiously at the people I hated. "You really ruined Youjin's life!"

Wait, did she say my first name for the first time? Did she scold them for me?

"Hayashi-san?" I looked at her, still surprised.

"Unlike you three…" She glared at my parents and high school principal. "I am the only adult who believes in the true story from him!"

She's right. I knew I should have trusted her since I moved here. Although, I thought she betrayed me by telling them herself that I lived here.

"He really told me that he hates women, but I can't blame him for his feelings. And you–"

Hayashi-san stared at my old man coldly.

"What kind of father are you? Not believing your own child like Youjin?!"

He was speechless awkwardly. Her questions hit him hard, it seemed.

"And you care so much about society more than your family? And believe those girls who betrayed him? Youjin is technically the only one you have left in your family. I mean, his sisters may be your daughters, but they are not your biological ones, you know. Still, you're the worst father I have ever seen!"

My old man bowed down his head and kneeled down his knees in shame, but I noticed his tears dropped. Serves him, right?

"I… I-I'm so sorry, my son. But I admit it, I'm sorry for being a failure as father."

I rolled my eyes in disgust. I don't care if he's my father, his apology will never be accepted.

"Thank you for scolding them on my behalf, Hayashi-san." I looked at her with a smile on my face. "But please, that's enough. I don't want you to get in trouble with them."

She sighed and nodded.

"Um… Youjin-kun…"

I turned and looked at my step mother.

"Even if you decide not to go back home, you're still welcome to our house."

I was about to say something to her when she grabbed something from her pocket.

"Also, I want you to have this."

It was a small brown envelope in her hands.

Narrowing my eyes, I grabbed it gently and opened it. Inside was a bunch of money.

"What the hell is this money for?" I glared at her.

Everyone was confused at my question.

"It's for you, of course, Youjin-kun." The old hag replied. "You can use it for your needs and even pay for your monthly rent, you know."

I remember when I was falsely accused for the first time by Nonaka-san that my old man told me that he reduced my allowance. Then for the second time I was falsely accused by Susami-san, he told me that he stopped giving me allowance, but my step sisters' allowances were increased, thanks to him. At least I had saved up my money for good.

And now, for the first time in two months, my parents gave me the money. Or so I thought…

I shove the small envelope back to the old hag.


"You think I accept this? Hell, no!" I crossed my arms angrily.

"But Youjin, that money is from me. You missed the allowance, right?"

"Tch! I don't need the money from anyone who betrayed me, old man!" I scoffed at him. "I don't need your money anymore."

"Aren't you running out of your money, Youjin-kun?"

"Not really, still enough for me now."

"But still, you have to accept this."

She was about to give me the small envelope again, but I was snapped at her.


My angry yell made everyone except the landlady flinch. Seriously, I never accept anything from the people I hate, especially the money from my old man.

"I will find my own way to earn money if I'm running out."

"Then how, my son?"

"Find a part-time job, of course."

Well, not really, honestly. I prefer to earn money online, as long as it's legit.

Since I'm currently writing my own web novel, I found a website that not only allows publishing stories, but also sends money to writers like me through an electronic money account. Only on Japanese website, of course.

I even write the English version of my own novel myself since I'm good at English, even translating from Japanese. My web novel in English is also published on another website, so online readers outside Japan can read my novel.

Fortunately, I earn a small amount of money as of now since I published the two chapters of my novel on the Japanese online book website recently. If my web novel became popular on that website, then I would earn a large amount of money monthly.

I keep a secret about my new hobby, that's why my family, Nonaka-san, Susami-san, the high school principal and even the landlady don't know about it, not to mention my pen name isn't obviously my real name.

"If that's what you want, fine. Yuna and I give you permission, Youjin."

My old man and his wife are strangers to me, not my parents. So I don't need their permission to get a part-time job for me.

"Sorry, but no, thank you."

My parents were stunned in disbelief.

"But, Youjin-kun–"

"Hayashi-san…" I interrupted the old hag to ask the landlady.

"Yes, Youjin?"

She still calls me by my first name, but I don't mind.

"To be honest, not only I see you as a landlady, but I also see you as a guardian… or rather, a mother."

Everyone was surprised at what I told Hayashi-san.


"So can I have your permission to find a part-time job?"

Then she smiled at me.

"Of course, anything for you, Youjin."

I nodded and smiled back at her.

"Thank you, Hayashi-san."

I turned to my parents who were embarrassed for not being accepted by me.

"Now, then–"


I was about to tell everyone to leave when Sakura-san interrupted me that gave her a cold stare.


"Hana and I made an agreement for you before. We have a confession."

Huh? What is she talking about?

"To be honest, for a very long time, we like you, onii-chan. Wait, no. Youjin. Not as a sibling, but as a man."

What the hell?


Their mother yelled at her.

"Yeah, it's true, nii-nii." Hana ignored her. "We really do have a crush on you since we were kids. I'm sorry, Yurika. But we were secretly jealous of you dating Youjin before."

What in the… I'm speechless right now. My step sisters have a crush on me? I mean, sure, they're not my biological sisters. But I was stunned at what I heard.

"When we thought you cheated on her, we stopped liking you. And of course, when we thought you assaulted Naomi-sama, we hated you more."

"Hana is right, onii-chan. Since you were falsely accused, it returned our feelings for you, regardless of you hating us. We really want to cheer you up, that's why we confessed to you."

I wanted to snap at them, but I still stayed calm. But their confession didn't make my heart beat fast, unlike when Nonaka-san confessed to me that made me happy before.

"Nii-nii, it's your choice if you like either of us, or all of us, even Yurika and Naomi-sama. So…"

My step sisters looked at Nonaka-san and Susami-san.

"Do you still have feelings for him?"

The two girls exchanged their looks and nodded.

"Honestly, I do." Nonaka-san replied. "I want him to be my boyfriend again."

"I didn't know much about his traumatic past before…" Susami-san also replied. "But I still like Youjin-kouhai."

What the…? Are they dumb? Are they stupid? Are they idiots? Are they morons? Have they lost their minds?! What the hell are they thinking?!

"It's okay for me if he will choose either of us… or all of us."

"Me too, Yurika. Let's make him feel better, girls. So kouhai, what do you have to say?"

Absurd! The four adults were so shocked at what we heard the confessions from the girls. I'm not gonna lie, but it was the worst confession I had ever heard in my life. I mean, am I supposed to accept my step sisters' feelings, even though we're not biological siblings? Rekindle things with Nonaka-san after she cheated on me? Or entertain the idea of being with Susami-san after I rejected her? Or should I consider making those four girls who betrayed me my girlfriends, like some sort of harem?


I started laughing quietly.


I laughed more.


I continued laughing while looking up at the ceiling. I felt like I was a villain who could make evil laugh.








I stopped laughing and lowered my head down to stare at everyone, especially the four girls.

"You!" I pointed at them with my index finger. "Do you think I have feelings for you? Do you think you can cheer me up yourselves?"

I clenched my fist, my face cold and resolute.

"Do you think all of you will become my girlfriends? Ha! Hell, no!"

Those girls don't understand my feelings at all.


"Hana-san, Sakura-san, Nonaka-san, don't you remember what happened before?"

The girls I mentioned looked confused.

"Everyone called me 'womanizer' after believing I cheated on Nonaka-san."

My former girlfriend looked down in embarrassment.

"N-No, I didn't mean to–"

"If I accepted all of you as my girlfriends, everyone would call me 'womanizer' again, don't you think?!"

"Onii-chan, we won–"

"Shut up!" I snapped at Sakura-san. "All of you still don't get it, do you? I hate you all! Nonaka-san cheated on me! Susami-san ordered everyone including my step sisters to beat me up in school! And Hana-san and Sakura-san made my old man kick me out of the house! Like I said before, not only all of you are strangers, but all of you are also my extreme moral enemies! You hear me? I… WILL… NEVER… TRUST YOU ALL EVER AGAIN!!!"

"But I told you, Youjin." Nonaka-san said. "What I did was a prank. Everyone hating you wasn't supposed to happen."

Again?! Prank?! That was not a prank at all! Clearly, her actions with my former best friend were captured by my drone.

"Cut it out, b*tch! I told you that you intentionally cheated on me with Kutake-san. And as a cautious guy, I know your tricks. All of you will eventually betray me again, so stop fooling me around!"

Then I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"It's too late to apologize. Your actions are unforgivable. And what's done is done, so you cannot undo the past."

Good grief! How come they still want me to forgive them who made something unforgivable? They really made my life a living hell and made everyone believe their lies.

"But you already threaten us if we mess up with you again, nii-nii."


I glanced at my parents who were surprised.

"What do you mean threat?"

Wait, I thought they already knew about a threat I made.

"Didn't the girls tell you, old man?"

The girls, including the high school principal, trembled in fear.

"If they mess up with me again, I will report to the authorities, especially The Board of Education, with the evidence I have to shut down the school."

The old man looked at the school principal.

"Sensei, is that true?"

She nodded.

"Yes, Kinoshita-san."

Then I revealed something to my old man that I hadn't mentioned in my revenge video.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Not only I will report them, but I will also report to the police about your actions, old man."

My father's eyes widened in fear.

"No, don't tell me…"

"That's right, otou-san!" I called him 'otou-san' for the first time in two months, but in a sarcastic way. "The police will arrest you for assaulting me, old man!"

Then he turned pale with fear and tried to approach me. But Hayashi-san stopped him.

"Don't come any closer to Youjin, sir!"

But he ignored her, still begging me.

"No, please. Don't do it! Anything but that, Youjin."

The old hag followed him, but the landlady stayed firm in front of me.

"Youjin-kun, we'll do anything to make you happy. So please, don't report to the authorities."

My step sisters stood up.

"We promise we won't hurt you again, onii-chan."

"Yeah, just ask us what you want, Nii-nii."

The mention of promises only angered me more.

"No! A promise may be a promise, but a promise will eventually be broken. Don't you think, Sakura-san?!"

"But still, onii-chan. Just give us another chance."

I scoffed.

"Even if I gave you another chance, I would still never forgive you."

"I know! We understand your feelings. But please, just let us do anything for you, onii-chan. Anything you want!"

I narrowed down my eyes at her.


Everyone, except Hayashi-san, exchanged nervous glances.

"Yes, anything you want, Youjin-kouhai."

I sighed and Hayashi-san stayed behind me.

"Youjin, what else do you want us to do for you?" My father asked.

I closed my eyes with my reply. "I want you all…"



I let out my frustration, making everyone except Hayashi-san, surprised.


"Didn't you hear me? Leave me alone, all of you!"

"But, Youjin-kun, that isn't–"

I turned to my step mother with anger in my eyes.

"Isn't 'leave me alone' clear enough, old hag? All of you agreed to do anything for me. So I want all of you to leave me alone."

"Onii-chan, please anything but that."

"We just want to do anything for you to make you happy, nii-nii. Like Sakura said, anything but that."

Ugh! Didn't they still get what I wanted? I had no choice, but to come up with another idea.

"Hayashi-san?" I called her. "Come here."

She nodded and I leaned towards her to whisper into her ear.

"What did he say to her?"

I heard my old man with his anxious voice. But of course, they didn't hear my whisper as I told the landlady my simple plan to get rid of the people I despised so much.

Then Hayashi-san turned to face them and sighed.

"I'm sorry, everyone, but this is for Youjin's sake."

Everyone was silent, ready to hear what Hayashi-san would say to them.

"Shinohara-sensei, Youjin's family, Nonaka-san and Susami-san, all of you are permanently banned from coming back to this apartment."

Of course, they gasped in surprise.

"That's right, everyone. I instructed her to tell you that all of you are banned here."

I glanced at the landlady who nodded and turned back to them with a stern look.

"Don't come back here again no matter what, or else… I will not hesitate to call The Board of Education and police right away!"

My family, Nonaka-san, Susami-san and Shinohara-sensei looked and nodded at each other.

"Youjin, if that's what you want, then we understand. We're leaving. And we're really sorry for everything we had done to you."

I rolled my eyes in disgust as they prepared to leave me and Hayashi-san.

But, wait! I almost forgot something.

"Hold on!"

They stopped as I spoke.

"There is one more thing." I pointed at the old man. "You! Come here."

Then my old man stepped forward.

"What is it, my son?"

Instead of replying to him, I took a deep breath and clenched my fist. Then I punched him in the stomach with all my might, causing him to groan, cough and kneel down in pain which shocked everyone.

"Kousuke!" His wife called and rushed to his side.

He tried to answer, but only a groan came out.

"What was that for, Youjin-kun?" She looked at me in fear.

"Tch! Isn't that obvious?" I scoffed. "That was for assaulting me before I was kicked out, you old hag!"

Then I turned to my old man.

"And don't call me 'son' anymore, old man!" I glared at him. "You told me I am no longer your son yourself. I will never forget that."

Since he arrived along with women I hated, calling me 'son' irritated me as I recalled the incident in my previous home, as well as blaming me for my biological mother's death.

Moving back from my parents, I made the final words to everyone with my loud, outraged voice.


Finally, everyone began to leave my apartment silently one by one. All of them made sad looks on their faces, but those girls who falsely accused me started crying. Their regrets still filled their hearts.

Even though they're already gone, I didn't feel much better due to the stress from dealing with them. At least Hayashi-san was there to comfort me and heal my mind and heart.

"Uuuugh!" I groaned while covering my face and sitting down in frustration.

"Kinoshita-kun, I told you don't let the stress build up. You're gonna get sick."

Hayashi-san hugged me, but she called me by my last name again as usual like before.

"I know. But thank you for comforting me." I nodded. "Also, I don't mind calling me by my first name like you did."

I glanced at her and she blushed.

"A-Are you sure?"

Then I nodded and smiled.

"Yes. Like I said, I don't mind, Hayashi-san."

The landlady smiled back at me.

"All right, Youjin-kun."

Calling me by my first name with honorifics is okay.

"So Youjin-kun, what are you going to do now? Do you need some space?"

Now that I think about it, since today is summer break, I thought I could have my own vacation alone.

"Hayashi-san, I need to clear my head, so I'll have to go somewhere alone tomorrow."

She nodded. "All right, I understand. I hope you will recover in no time."

I smiled. "Of course."

After the moments of silence with the landlady, she finally left me. And I, myself alone, made a plan for my own vacation during the summer break.


Author's Note: It's done! I repeat: This chapter is the LONGEST I've ever written. But this web novel IS NOT YET OVER! So more chapters to come.

I hope you will vote and comment, and PLEASE rate and make a review on this book. Thank you!

I will make more chapters in the future. SO STAY TUNED!